My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1668: The First Battle of Xianzun

The first battle of the 1668 Xianzun

Li Fan has trained countless times and his fighting methods are very flexible. Although Jiang Feng's fighting methods now exceed his calculations, he quickly adapted and found the best response.

Although Jiang Fengjian is powerful, his body is still holy, and he cannot bear his own attack!

At this moment Li Fan angered and cut off the third prince, ready to kick Jiang Feng's head! However, Jiang Feng suddenly threw out his black sword, and under the control of his great power, he turned towards Li Fan and cut it.

If Li Fan kicks Jiang Feng to death, he will probably be cut off by this magic soldier! He had to loosen his tail, step on Yulong's light work for nine days, and retreated ten meters away, avoiding Jiang Feng's sword.

As soon as Jiang Feng reached out, the black sword fell back into his hands.

"Brother, you are too confident."

"I'm going to kill all of you!"

The Emperor Wu failed successively, and he seemed extremely angry. The Emperor Wu jumped up again, fighting with two people.

The three played for more than ten minutes in a row. You come and go, and you can't tell the difference.

However, their power is not unlimited. After more than ten minutes, Li Fan and Emperor Wu first consumed too much and slowly dissipated their transforming power.

The emperor's blue dragon gun and basalt armor have disappeared, and the golden dragon has swam out again and flies beside him. Li Fan's possession of the fox also disappeared. He returned to ordinary appearance, stood there, and ate two Huidan.

Only Jiang Feng was better, but the black soldiers in his hands could not be turned into giant swords again, with less threat.

"It seems that there is no way to win."

The Emperor Wu relied on Jinlong to protect his body and floated in the air. He looked at Li Fan and Jiang Feng below, "Li Fan, it is estimated that you are not exhausted."

"Her Majesty, don't sigh."

Jiang Feng smiled confidently. "It's almost time, and it's time for me to play."

"Do you have a backcomer?"

Li Fan felt a little bad.

"Yeah, now that you are ready to use nuclear weapons, I naturally have to use a little trick."

Jiang Feng grinned, and then stretched out his finger, pointing to the sky.

A dragon poked its head out of the clouds and brought a terrible pressure!

"Dragon No. 1?"

Li Fan was a little surprised that Dragon God No. 1 landed in the atmosphere?

"Exactly, this is the high-end military strike capability of Dragon God One."

Jiang Feng introduced, "The Dragon Strike 1 is equipped with a quantum strike system. However, it takes a certain time to apply for this system. During the battle just now, I have been applying, and finally activated the system, let Dragon God 1 come To the sky above Lijia Island. "

Li Fan's brows grew deeper and deeper.

"As long as the quantum strike falls, the entire Lijia Island will be gone. Of course, if I use this weapon, I will definitely be chased down by Huaxia. But, if you use Li Fan after nuclear weapons, I will use In the case of quantum strikes, it would be different. "

Mutual restraint of tactical weapons! This is the most common practice in some large countries in the world. Everyone has such tactical weapons. They are usually used as threats and contain each other.


Wu Huang looked up at the super weapon. He did not expect that Jiang Feng had hidden such a deep means.

"Third brother, if you do this, your nuclear weapons will become obsolete, right?"

Jiang Feng squeezed his eyes at Li Fan. "Next, can I enter regular combat?"

"it is good."

Li Fan confessed. "I promise not to use nuclear weapons."

"That's right."

Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction. "Then I won't use quantum strikes against you. Your Majesty Emperor Wu, so will our army be able to attack?"


The Emperor Wuxi was overjoyed, so that his army would have resumed its combat capabilities! He wrapped his voice with fairy power and shouted, "Li Fan's nuclear weapons have lost their effect! Here you order, all the coalition forces will attack immediately! Peace on Lijiadao!"


The centurion who was still standing beside them could not bear it any longer. They first charged, and the remaining more than a thousand elites of the other countries also followed, and rushed towards the castle in one fell swoop.

The seven sword guards of Li Fan and the sword guards move at the same time and fight with these people! Although the Emperor Wu's Legion was a conglomerate, some of them were British magicians. They performed unique magic to strengthen the combat capabilities of these legions.

Although Qixia Sword Guard is powerful, it is also struggling in the face of such a large number of attacks and begins to lose ground.

"Li Fan, although your sword guard is very elite, it is not enough to see in front of the uncle's legion."

The Emperor Wu smiled, stood on the high platform of the castle, and looked at the attacking army. She was very proud. "Today is your last day."

"Really, but I still have someone to sit in."

When Li Fan's words fell, Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai fought all of them, like a sharp dagger, tearing open the coalition's battle group. Bodhi stood alone in front of the castle, making the emperor's battle group inaccessible.

Le Xiaohu and Jiang Ye walked through the crowd. Their fighting power was also very strong, constantly destroying the enemy in front of them. Not far from them, Chen Junhua was wielding a big sword, like a **** of war, chopping down enemies near him!

"give it to me."

Jiang Feng stunned the magic soldier, jumped into the crowd, and began to suppress the masters of Li Fan in turn. Li Fan was about to help, but the Emperor Wu controlled Jin Long and stopped him.

"Where are you going? He is your opponent."

"Get away!"

"Oh, break through your defense with your strength."

Li Fan's strength was almost exhausted, the Emperor Wu prepared to use his own dragon to suppress him here, so that Li Fan lost his last chance.

"Bai Linluo, send Xianzun."

But Li Fan's face did not change, after all, he was still holding the last hole card!


Bai Linluo's voice rang in Li Fan's rice earphones. Then, from the direction of Lijiadao, a dull popping sound seemed to be emitted.

Then, a black and white lacquered mech suddenly fell from the sky, banged, and fell behind Li Fan. The mech hatch opened and the compartment popped up, and Li Fan jumped in.

"You have fallen."

Wu Huang was very disdainful. "What use is this steel machine?"

"Don't talk too soon."

Li Fan has taken over the Xianzun system with mental strength. He controlled the hands and feet of the mech and regained the control feeling of this machine. The Xianzun has been transformed. At this time, a total of eighteen nano-cores are running at the same time, as if ready for shells, waiting for Li Fan's order.

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