My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1675: You have to understand me

Chapter 1675 You Want To Understand Me

Before Li Fan entered the room, he smelled a scent of fragrance. This Miss Yang seems to be very particular about the house.

Li Fan opened the door, walked in, and found that Miss Yang was sitting there, still wearing a red coat and covering her head. Her exquisite figure, sitting on the bed, was somewhat pitying.

"Wan ... Wan Ying, are you sad?"

Li Fan barely remembered that she seemed to call that name.

"Don't you even call your sister-in-law?"

The woman asked quietly.

"No, you don't want to, I'll marry the Wang family ..."

"Hmm ... no ..."

Li Fan muttered, of course I hope, but not to marry my cheap brother, but to marry me this handsome and handsome guy!

"I know, you all think I'm a broom star."

Yang Wanying seemed very sad. She put her hands on her knees and felt sad.

"But I really like your brother ... he's talented and romantic. It's an honor in my life to meet him."

"Don't say that either. It's a blessing for my elder brother to be able to marry you."

Li Fan said good things and coaxed Miss Yang, "Miss Yang is famous all over the world. How many men in the world do not want to marry you?"

"Men in the world, I really want to marry me, I'm afraid they don't."

Yang Wanying smiled bitterly. "They only love my beauty. How many of them are sincere to me? In particular, I still carry the name of a broom star. I am afraid these men are afraid of me.

"How can you say that!"

Li Fan patted his chest. "What about me, then I'm not a man? Did I avoid you?"

"You are also very good ... you are learning new knowledge and it is useful."

Yang Wanying boasted, "Your Wang family has two good sons. I wish I could have a son like you."

"Do you want me to be your son?"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"No ... where did you go?"

Yang Wanying quickly explained, "I just envy you. It would be nice if I could be born in a family like yours."

"Don't be sad, what those people like to say is their business. Anyway, I never think you are a **** broom star. You are a gentle and intellectual woman and I appreciate your charm.


Yang Wanying seemed to be touched.

"Yeah ... don't be sad, take off your hijab first."

Then, Li Fan reached out and took off Yang Wanying's hijab. No matter what I say, first feel like being a groom.

"Ah, don't ..."

Yang Wanying had no time to stop, Li Fan had taken off her hijab. A timeless beauty appeared in front of Li Fan, stopping Li Fan from breathing for two seconds. Dude, this woman ... is a bit beautiful!

"Yeah ... too rash."

Yang Wanying wrinkled her pretty little nose and looked at Li Fan with a dissatisfied look. "This hijab came from my husband."

"It's all old rules, and it's not a formal occasion."

In a word, Yang Wanying said she looked safe again.

"Forget it, it's my life."

"No, I swear it will make Wanying happy for you."

After hearing this, Yang Wanying made a vocal sound.

"You silly boy, what a silly thing to say."

Yang Wanying laughed, "You are not my husband, how can you give me happiness. As long as your brother treats me well, that's all."

Li Fan thought to himself that this woman had her own cheap brother in her mind, would she ... did him?

For a moment, Li Fan's heart was full of murderous power. But it was only for an instant that he immediately put away his thoughts.

If you do it yourself, how is it different from the Emperor Wu? If to sacrifice a woman in order to save humanity, Li Fan could not do such a prideful thing.

Even if you chase her, you shouldn't use this method of inferiority.

"what happened to you?"

"It's okay, Wanying, you're tossing for a day, and you haven't eaten. I'll get you some food."

Li Fan was about to go out, but heard Yang Wanying said.

"Shaoqing, you seem to be different today."

"Ah? What's different?"

Li Fan had a dim sum, could he be seen?

"You seem to be gentle today."

Yang Wanying smiled. "The former you, although talented, are always a little bit radical."

After Yang Wanying said, she couldn't help covering her mouth.

"No, sorry ... I said something wrong."

"It's okay, you're right. I might have been a little bit aggressive before, but I won't."

Li Fanxin said, who knows what I was like before, maybe I am a student athlete.

"In short, the main purpose of today is to make your bride happy."

Li Fan said, and went out. When he comes back, he has some snacks in his hand. But he saw his cheap brother standing at the door, watching Yang Wanying inside and talking to her.

"Wan Ying, I'm sorry for you today."

"I don't blame you. It's my fault. It caused disaster to your home."

Yang Wanying's voice was slightly low, as if she was in a bad mood.

"Where is it ... this is not your problem."

Master Wang also coaxed his fiancee, "Today's incident happened a little bit, and the old man also got a little angry. He decided to let you live in the Wang family's courtyard for a few days, wait for the wedding preparations, and then let you live back. "


Yang Wanying's face suddenly lost her blood, and she stared at her sweetheart stunned.

"You ... want to drive me away?"

"It's not to drive you away, but to let you live in another place for two days ... You see, we're not married yet, and now let you live in. I'm afraid people outside will gossip."

"Yes, you have a good reputation, afraid of gossiping, I understand."

Yang Wanying nodded, her eyes were dumb, "Let ’s just forget the other house ... living there will also affect the reputation of your royal family. I'll be back to Xiuyuelou."

"If you see where you are, how can you go to Xiuyuelou! I love you so much. It's also good for you to do this. You have to understand me."

Master Wang was talking, Li Fan stepped forward and grabbed his brother's collar.

"Shaoqing, what are you doing?"


The unmarried couple were all together, but Li Fan didn't expect to come out and make a bar.

"You are still the Minister of Education!"

Li Fan glared at his cheap brother and scolded, "Ignorance, ignorance! Miss Yang likes you so much, but you treat her so much? Do you have a little respect for her? If not, why not love her?"

With a few words from Li Fan, Master Wang said nothing, but Yang Wanying's body trembled slightly.

"Shaoqing, you don't understand ... you are still young."

Master Wang pushed Li Fan away, sorted out his tie, and said to Yang Wanying, "Just like this, you have to understand me."

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