My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1678: Teach Wanying Handjob

1678 Teach Wanying Handjob

Li Fan made Crab Roe Deer with some side dishes. There is a chef Qiuer beside him. In order to make it easier for him to eat a bite when he is outside, he learned a few tricks from Qiuer. Apart from that, this crab yellow cricket made him make it, and Yang Wanying who eaten almost swallowed his tongue!

This technique ... even if it is the master of Xiuyuelou, I am afraid it can't be done?

"Who did you ... learn from?"

"Learned from a friend."

Li Fan's mouth was sloppy.

"You friends are amazing ... everything. You too, learn everything."

Yang Wanying advised Li Fan, "You, remember, a person's energy is limited. You have learned so many things, and you are too complicated."

"Yes, take criticism from Miss Yang."

Li Fan immediately made self-criticism, "I will concentrate on my studies in the future and I will not cook for you."

"Well ... anyway, someone who didn't cook at home ... then you can do it if you want ..."

As soon as Yang Wanying finished speaking, she regretted it. Li Fan didn't cook, and she didn't know how to light a fire ... Where to eat such delicious food in the future. Not to mention people who are not cooking, even if they do, Yang Wanying doesn't want others to do it.

"Eat more and make up for yourself."

"You eat more, you're still growing."

Li Fanxin said, how old I am, I still have a body. Even if I play the second master, I'm probably in my twenties!

"Well ... last time you told me ... you want to join the revolution ..."

Yang Wanying suddenly asked, "The situation is so chaotic right now. Who do you want to fight against?"

"Not necessarily. I just have such an idea. Before that, it is my job to take care of you."

Li Fan rolled his eyes secretly, he didn't even know what year it is now. In those years, the situation was too chaotic! First, Yuan Shikai forced the Emperor Qing to abdicate, and then Lao Yuan became the emperor under the encouragement of his silly son. Then Zhang Xun brought the braided army to Beijing for restoration, but it also failed. A few years later, the islanders came in, and then the KMT-Civil War ...

These things broke out in just a few decades. Li Fan doesn't know which period he is in, but it doesn't matter. The task now is to attack Yang Wanying. In this turbulent age, as long as this marrying giant, let the disturbed youth woman fall in love with herself, even if the task is successful.

It stands to reason that this should be a virtual little world constructed by Suzaku. But Li Fan couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, he couldn't materialize the woman in front of the blue house. She looked so real that no one could harm her.

"Shaoqing, you can't just stay at home. Or, let your brother introduce you to a job. You are a college student and the marksmanship is not bad. Why don't you recommend him to be an adjutant to Mrs. Chen? "

Working in the military, with Li Fan's ability, he can quickly make military achievements and then promote. It should be easier with Mr. Chen's support.

"Not in a hurry."

Li Fan waved his hand. "These are small things, taking care of you is the big thing."

"Oh, why do you always like to focus on women?"

"Because you are unhappy, I can't work at ease."

Li Fan laughed, making Yang Wanying blush again.

"You're here again, and you can talk nonsense, watch out for my brother to sue you!"

"You sue!"

Li Fan, however, appeared rogue, "Let him transfer me, and you live here alone."


Yang Wanying was really caught, and she wanted to be here alone ... I really dare not live. Those who want to kill them do not know when they will come.

"You said ... who sent those gunmen ..."

Yang Wanying asked suddenly.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good person."

Li Fan didn't tell Yang Wanying, he was afraid that Yang Wanying was sad, and felt that he was a broom star or something.

"Maybe I want to get revenge on my brother. Get me started."

"Fortunately, your marksmanship is good, otherwise it is really dangerous today."

Yang Wanying thought for a moment, and asked Li Fan, "Will you teach me to shoot?"

"What do you learn to shoot?"

"You can learn to cook, why can't I learn to shoot?"

Yang Wanying looked at Li Fan defiantly, "Don't you tell me just now, are men and women equal?"

"Okay, then you take a good rest today, and get up tomorrow morning, I will teach you to practice guns."


Thinking of something to do tomorrow, Yang Wanying seemed a little happy again. After you finish your marksmanship, you won't become a burden on Shao Fu and Shao Qing? Who says that he can only play chess, calligraphy and painting, and maybe he can be a handsome female soldier!

After eating, the two went to rest. Early the next morning, Yang Wanying was entangled in Li Fan and wanted to learn to shoot. The yard behind the small bungalow was quite spacious. Li Fan took Yang Wanying to the yard and set up a few jars for water.

"Women's hands are relatively small, and you haven't received any special training, just use this palm mine."

Li Fan asked Zhao Sheng to get a m1906. This pistol is very compact and suitable for a woman like Yang Wanying.

"This gun looks so chic."

Yang Wanying looked carefully at the gun in her hand. She was a little surprised that the killing weapon could be so delicate.

"What gun do you use?"

"I use this."

Li Fan picked up the box cannon used yesterday. This stuff was exaggerated in the film and television drama. Various people's soldiers took the box cannon and hit it sideways. The marksmanship was like god. That's impossible. .

Because of this box gun, it is particularly easy to jump at the muzzle. It is said that this thing is not used by Westerners themselves, but the Chinese warlords scuffle, import a large number and then produce it. However, if the gun is not equipped with a wooden butt, it can only be used across it, so as to prevent the ejected shell from burning the face. Only Li Fan, relying on his strong arm, can use this box gun freely.

For Li Fan, the recoil of the box gun and the jump of the muzzle are simply non-existent.

"Your gun is so ugly, can I use it?"

"Ugly you still use it."

Hearing Yang Wanying's request, Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Even if you don't need it, you can use this thunder in your palm."

"I want to try it!"

Yang Wanying was very curious and reached out to grab Li Fan's gun. Fearing to hurt him, Li Fan had to let go of his hand and let Yang Wanying take the gun.

"I don't believe it, women can't use this gun!"

Yang Wanying said, grabbing the box gun, probably aimed at the jar in front, and then pulled the trigger!


With an exclamation, Yang Wanying's arms were raised high, and her body fell straight back!

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