My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1681: It broke our hearts

Chapter 1681 Heartache

"You, why are you so curious."

Yang Wanying was a little embarrassed. "And ... I haven't played the piano for so long. I may have been negligent ..."

"Miss Yang, please."

Li Fan's smile made Yang Wanying unable to refuse.

"okay then."

Yang Wanying plugged the ocean with two young ladies, and then left her pipa in her arms.

She sat in front of Li Fan and began to sing and play the lute.

The brisk minor key, paired with Yang Wanying's nice voice, is like a sound of nature. The best music Li Fan has ever heard is the song played by Cheng Mohan. But compared with the Yang Wanying in front of him, he saw little witch again.

Yang Wanying, Miss Yang, is the real music everyone ... Is this woman who can play the music that makes Li Fan fascinated, is it just a character in a small fantasy world?

"How's it going?"

Yang Wanying put down her pipa and asked Li Fan a little embarrassingly.

Although she was famous all over the city when she was in Xiuyuelou, she didn't know why, but she became a little shy today in front of Li Fan. Even before playing the piano in front of Shao Fu, I didn't feel that way ...

Looking at Li Fan's gaze, Yang Wanying was satisfied for a while.

"Miss Yang has a good voice. How about playing another coach for this coach?"

At this moment, the curtain was pulled open, and a strong figure walked in extremely rudely, sitting directly beside them.

Behind him were four gunmen in a sun suit. The four of them took out four counterfeit German mp-18i submachine guns and aimed their guns at Li Fan.

"Miss Liu!"

Seeing this man, Yang Wanying panicked in her heart, and escaped subconsciously, hiding behind Li Fan.

"Miss Yang, why bother? I'm here today to listen to Miss Yang's piano."

The Emperor Wu took the wine glass and poured himself a glass. "The coach is working hard and hard outside. It's also very hard. Today, I heard Miss Yang's music, and I feel refreshed."

"Unfortunately, this song is not for you."

Although Yang Wanying was afraid, beside Li Fan, she had an indescribable level of security, so she opened her mouth and refuted Liu.

"Miss Yang is kind of a heroine at this moment."

Emperor Wu's eyes fell on Li Fan. "This ... Master Wang's second?

The Emperor Wu did not reveal Li Fan's identity, just as Li Fan had never revealed his identity.

In this place, it is restricted by the rules of the game. Even if it is revealed, I am afraid it is useless. Instead, they will be disgusted with each other, and will be counterproductive.

"Miss Liu, Miss Yang doesn't have you in her heart."

Li Fan faced the muzzle without any fear. "You give up. Even without Miss Yang, your purpose can still be achieved."

As long as the Four Saints are activated, the passage to Heaven and Earth will open.

"So it sounds like you have the same purpose of understanding the coach."

The Emperor Wu smiled, "The boss wants it, but this world!"

"You take it from the world, but she is mine."

A word from Li Fan caused Yang Wanying's heart to melt.

"Master Er, you're digging the corner of your brother, isn't this great?"

"Big mistake."

Li Fan directly retorted, "Ms. Yang has not yet worshiped and married, and has not entered the door of my royal family. I still have the right to pursue her and defend my love!"

"Defend a **** love!"

The Emperor Wu was a little impatient. He patted the table fiercely and reprimanded, "Tell you, if you don't give her to me, I will let your royal family shed blood, there will be no dead body!"

In a word, Yang Wanying was frightened!

"Oh, who frightens me."

Li Fan sneered, "If you can do it, you have already done it. Master Liu, here, you are just a small warlord, and you have 20,000 people."

"So what, at least more than you!"

Wu Huang sneered, "And there are only four people here, and they can kill you."

"is it?"

Li Fan pointed out the window, "Look carefully, who is it outside?"

The Emperor Wu turned around with the four gunmen, and glanced out the window, but there was only a faint lake on the outside.

By the time he turned back, a box cannon was already staring at his forehead.

"Come on, let your men shoot."

Li Fan pressed his finger on the trigger and Wu Huang's cold sweat flowed down.

Who knows, if he dies in this space, in reality, will he also die with it!

The Emperor Wu did not have a white tiger and two foxes. Because he was the four holy souls forcibly requisitioned, Qinglong and Xuanwu's souls were all asleep, and no one could help him. Here, he is a little better, how can he be faster than a pistol?

The four gunmen in the back were also panicked, but their boss was restrained and they dared to move. The Emperor Wu wanted to shout more at this time, leave me alone and shoot!

But he didn't dare, he was afraid of death!

Especially since he has died once, he doesn't want to lose his life again!

"Put your guns down."

The emperor immediately ordered the gunmen to put down their submachine guns. When Li Fan's eyes fell on those four people, Wu Huang suddenly lifted the table with both hands! He rolled on the spot, and if he was unsuccessful, he became a benevolent, picked up the submachine gun on the ground, and opened fire desperately opposite!


The bullet shattered the table, and the other side was empty!

The Emperor Wu rushed directly to the window and shot at the lake outside!

The bullet hit the water and made a crackling sound.

Wu Huang frowned fiercely, and he even miscalculated again! Li Fan is really cunning! In this case, even let him slip!

At this time, Li Fan was holding Yang Wanying, potentially in the bottom of the cold lake. With the help of a white tiger, Li Fan was free to inhale oxygen from this water. Yang Wanying obviously couldn't hold it. After diving for a minute, she began to struggle desperately. Li Fan did not hesitate to kiss her lips directly, sending in a steady stream of oxygen in.

Holding the desire for oxygen, Yang Wanying almost greedily sucked Li Fan's tongue and then drew oxygen from his mouth.

Madan ... this is so exciting ...

Even Li Fan couldn't help muttering.

And because of this kiss, it seemed to finally open up Yang Wanying's heart. A white light appeared around, pulling Li Fan's body and dragging him into another world. At the moment before leaving, Li Fan seemed to see Yang Wanying's gaze. The plan to attack his own "Xunzi" was successfully completed. But at that moment, Li Fan felt heartache!

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