My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 170: Need to practice

170 still needs practice

Although he is his fiancee, Li Fan doesn't like Murong Ying too much about himself. Even if you make a friend, it's too strong. What's more, I don't feel much about Liu Yannan. Although her bottom is quite cocky, I only need to look at it occasionally. He doesn't want to have too much relationship with this woman!

"Just a business partner, do you have to manage it?"

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying with disappointment, and Murong Ying snorted coldly, "I don't bother to care about you, but you, as my husband, don't want you to deal with some people who are not indifferent."

"Although the woman ... is a bit inconsistent, but I am alone on the rivers and lakes, and it is normal to make some friends. This kind of thing, does it take a woman to ask questions."

"Since you know it's not three or four, why bother with her?"

Murong Ying said directly, "In short, I don't like her, you must not have any intersection with her!"

"That's late, I've signed a contract with her."

Li Fan spread his hands. "I want to work **** my career, so I don't care about you."

"Business, what business?"

Murong Ying faintly felt something awkward, and asked vigilantly.

"Nothing, it's about to set up a dartboard."

Li Fan decided not to tell Murong Ying something, such as the Chuanguo Jade Seal, if she told her, I do n’t know what would be bad. Murong Ying is used to hiding some things deep. Li Fan can't understand her heart, so she doesn't dare tell her too much.

"Dart? Do you know the way inside?"

Regarding the darts, although Murong Ying is not exclusive, but she feels that Li Fan's experience is too shallow. How can such a big dart work?

"Do you know any of the heads of the rivers and lakes, or any of the houseowners in the martial arts? You don't know any of them, how do you use darts?"

"Of course it is by strength!"

Li Fan stretched out his right hand and put on a stance, "I want to defeat the heroes of the world! I don't rely on any contacts, who wants to rob the darts, come!"


As soon as Murong Ying raised her hand, Jian Qi appeared in the palm of her hand, condensing into a petal of cherry blossoms. "If I want to rob your dart, how do you cope?"

"Animal! You even robbed your husband's dart, it seems you are the shameless thief in the legend!"

"It's shameless of you!"

Murong Ying rolled her eyes and crushed her cherry blossom sword. "If you change to a master like me to rob a dart, can you handle it? Li Fan, do you think you can be invincible if you have some strength? You In this dart, no one, no fame. "

"Why is there no one, am I not just human?"

"Okay, suppose you are human."

Murong Ying continued to remind him, "Once your strength has just entered the room, this world has more people than you. Even if you win a few robbers and break the reputation for the darts, that will only attract More powerful robbers need to kill you to promote their fame. The darts have been like this for many years. Without a century of history, no one can set up a really powerful dart! "

"Then let me open a new history."

Li Fan is already full of confidence.

"Do not hit the south wall or look back!"

Murong Yingyan was so angry, she threw her sleeves, "Since you said you don't listen, then you will hit the wall yourself!"

"Thank you lady for your support!"

Li Fan arched his hands, as if he thanked him very seriously, causing Murong Ying to be upset.

He couldn't control this man. Even if he was killed, he wouldn't question him again!

"Aunt, have you been harassed by Jin Yiwei these two days?"

Tie Zhu still cared about Li Fan very much, and saw that the two were not talking, so he asked. Although Murong Ying pretended to continue her cross-legged practice, she subconsciously raised her ears.

"I recently had a Jinyiwei come to me, but I was repelled."

Li Fan thought of that man and couldn't help frowning. "This man isn't using Jin Yiwei's martial arts."

"Strange, Jin Yiwei's martial arts are very uniform."

Tie Zhu also knows things in the rivers and lakes well, "Xiao Wuxiang's magical skill is a compulsory course for every Jin Yiwei! Apart from this, the rest is the work of playing a hidden weapon."

"But what he did use was not Xiao Wuxiang's magic, but Tai Chi inside."

With a word from Li Fan, Murong Ying opened her eyes.

"But that person looks like a jade and likes to wear a white coat?"

"Well, have you met?"

"Although I have never seen him, I have heard his name."

Murong Ying forgot to say that she no longer cares about Li Fan. "This talent is only slightly inferior to me. He is also a master of three flowers. However, he has no intention of practicing martial arts. He should have been the head of Wudang Mountain , But determined to be a male model ... Finally, he was expelled from the mountain gate. "

"Erase ..."

Li Fan really can't doubt his fiancee's words, that neurosis, he can definitely do such a thing!

"Fortunately, you haven't seen this man. If you see it, you will be crazy!"

"Famous Yan Kai, Yan Ruyu, how many people do not know?"

Murong Ying smiled, "It's a pity that he has no intention to practice. If he can practice martial arts, maybe I have an opponent on the river."

They are domineering, but Li Fan can't say anything. Murong Ying really has this strength!

"You can beat him by chance."

Murong Ying guessed, "But he already entered the peak of strength as early as 5 years ago."

"and many more!"

Li Fan exclaimed, "No, when he fights with me, he only has the strength to enter the room, which is comparable to me!"

"Either he's letting you go, or he's encountered something, and his skills have receded."

"Miss, I heard that when Yan Kai was expelled from the mountain gate, his inner strength was wasted."

Tie Zhu recalled it and added.

"So it is."

Murong Ying nodded, "He was expelled from the mountain a year ago, and within a year, he returned to the strength of entering the hall, which is really great."

"Don't be so good, I'm strong too!"

Li Fan pointed to himself, "and very hardworking!"

"What kind of hard work are you?"

Murong Ying rolled her eyes, "People I know who practice martial arts come to rest at sunset and practice martial arts every day, except for sleeping and eating, there is no pause for a moment!"

"Then they don't go to the toilet?"

Li Fan asked curiously.

"Raise the bar!"

Murong Ying rebuked, "In short, you still have a long way to go! Next time you meet Yan Kai, watch your life!"

"But this Yan Kai actually joined Jin Yiwei ... it's strange."

"Everyone has his own will."

Murong Ying waved her hand, "In short, you still practice well! How many tigers has your strength entered?"

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