My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1693: Ten battles

1693 Ten Battles

It wasn't Li Fan who wanted to laugh, he really couldn't help it.

"Come, drag this boy down, hit a forty army stick, and then lock up in the little black room! Then listen to the hair!"

The general waved his hand and ordered it.

Qian Ping was also kneeling there, still muttering in his heart. The King of Yue also entrusted Li Dazhuang with food yesterday. They should know each other. If this happened, wouldn't Wang Yue protect him? But the king of Yue stood there, and the lively and beautiful lady was not very good-looking.

"Not urgent."

The young lady was a little curious about Li Fan, and she seemed to see people like Li Fan for the first time. With a wave of her hand, the general was afraid to say nothing.

"Miss, this person is probably a masterpiece sent by King Ke!"

The general arched a hand at the young lady, and she could see how tall the young lady was.

"He is not elaborate."

The beauty Yue Wang finally spoke, "He just ... a little bit unruly."

Now that the King Yue had spoken, the general had no choice but to sigh and step back. However, he turned his head and glared at Li Fan, "Miss will ask you something. If you say something wrong, watch out for turning off the black room for a thousand years!"

The small black house was closed for a thousand years, which was the heaviest punishment outside the sky. Sometimes loneliness and darkness can drive people crazy.

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

The young lady summoned, Li Fan didn't take the shelf, walked forward quickly, and arched at the young lady.

"Miss, please."

"Why did you laugh? Didn't you believe what Yue Yue said?"

The young lady looked at Li Fan, and her eyes were really puzzled.

"King Shang has confidence in her troops, but she is King after all and does not live in this barracks all the time."

Li Fan's words are not bad, but he said, "But too much self-confidence is conceit! I would like to ask, how many years have you never fought against King Ke?"

"More than a hundred years."

Hearing Li Fan taunts herself, even though the beauty Yue Wang is unhappy, she still has some cultivation, but she still has to say what to say!

"If you speak again to the King next time, you will be at your own risk."

"Master, there has been no war for more than a hundred years, how dare you assert that our infantry is one enemy and ten, and the cavalry is one enemy and three?"

"That's it. After playing for so long, the more I have the advantage! King K, it's not a system at all!"

"Perhaps the more powerful soldiers in the past, the stronger the horses, the stronger the poor and the weaker. But the day I entered the barracks, I could feel the slackness of our big camp!"

Li Fan directly reached out and pointed to the people in one battalion. "A battalion is our largest and most complete hundred-man team! But given this military style and discipline, give me ten people and you can wipe them out!"


Sun Chuan exploded as soon as he heard it, and yelled at Li Fan directly, "What kind of thing is your kid, dare to come and slander me! I don't think you want to live!"

"shut up!"

The general cow's eyes glared, "Did you talk? What's the style of yelling in front of the king?"

"General, King, you have to decide for me!"

Sun Chuan was very unconvinced. He arched his hand. "My Sun Chuan has been a veteran who has won countless battles for us! In the past, the king trusted me and promoted me to become this centurion. If the king thinks I am incompetent, then Take me away! "

"Sun Chuan, calm down first."

The beauty Wang Yue also felt a little headache. The new Li Dazhuang is not only a rogue, but also a bit prickly. When he did so, he seemed to have lost control in the barracks. Sun Chuan is a veteran, and his prestige is very high in a battalion, and he has not made any mistakes. Li Dazhuang said him like that.

"Qianping! You must be the one who beats this kid!"

Sun Chuan also decided to set Qian Ping, "You just envy me, do you want to break my battalion?"

"Justice is right."

Qian Ping snorted, "Sun Chuan, I said to you on weekdays. You are a brave and captain, but you do n’t train with your own soldiers. Instead, you drink and enjoy all day long. A good military camp is almost ready for you Sun Chuan's private club. Now even the new soldiers can't stand it, just say you two words, you can't stand it? "

"This is called me? This is called slander!"

Sun Chuan's face flushed, "Lao Tzu's barracks is amazing in combat effectiveness! Don't say what kind of king, even if there are two more princes, I can fight them and they can't find North!"

"Not necessarily."

Li Fan smiled. "What combat effectiveness does your army have? I'm just a recruit, but I can pick hundreds of you all by myself."

"Fart! Fart!"

Hearing Li Fan from ten people to one person and one hundred people, Sun Chuan cursed.

"Stop it!"

The general yelled, "Shut up for me, and listen to Jun Shang and Miss!"


Li Fan arched his hand and expressed his willingness to obey orders.

"Boy, I must teach you today!"

Sun Chuan was still upset, pointing at Li Fan and continuing to yell, "I let you ..."

"To shut up!"

The general growled suddenly, and a sound wave hit directly on Sun Chuan, lifting him to the ground.

Sun Chuan got up and blushed, but he didn't dare to fight against the general.

"Master, Miss, please make a decision for both of you."

"Since this ... hmm ... the Li general said he could be a hundred, let's just let him prove it."

The young lady and the King Yue glanced at each other, and then said, "But it might be an exaggeration to give one hundred to nine people. If you can't do it, then the young man will go to the small The black house was closed for a hundred years for punishment, and of course, he also had to apologize to Captain Sun.

"What if I win?"

Li Fan suddenly asked.

"Presumptuous, let you talk!"

The general rebuked Li Fan, but the young lady smiled slightly.

"If you win, how about you become the centurion of this battalion?"

"very fair."

Li Fan nodded, "But if I win, I don't just need to be a centurion of a battalion, I will lead the entire army of the Yue King!"

"Oh, what a breath!"

Sun Ping couldn't help but interjected, "Your boy is not very capable and ambitious. He wants to be my general?"

The general did not speak, and his face remained unchanged.

"General Feng, what do you think?"

The young lady seems to be in charge of the beauty Wang Yue, she seems very interested in this matter.

"If he can do it, it means he is capable."

The general said without hesitation, "If you have the real talents to learn, and you can strengthen our soldiers, I will abdicate myself and be willing!"

"General Feng is the mainstay of me. How can a little rogue replace it?"

The beauty king Yue finally couldn't help but said again, "Even if he can win, give him a partial general!"

"Miss Xie, Xie Jun!"

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