Show 1697

The harvest is still going on. The six squadrons are like daggers piercing the bull's neck, which makes this fierce bull struggle and scream, but he can only lose his physical strength continuously.

"Suppress them!"

King Ke saw this scene and felt bad! He didn't dare to entrust him, he waved the order flag and gave the order.

The remaining five hundred people rushed straight up and wanted to encircle more than thirty people like Li Fan!

"King Song, put your two hundred-man squads on too! The king will crush them with real strength! Make them feel hopeless!"

At the request of King Ke, King Song did not dare to oppose it, so he pressed the two hundred men they brought together to try to wipe out Li Fan.

But who is Li Fan, he had expected such a large-scale army siege.


Li Fan immediately put on a big banner with a turtle printed on his back!

Seeing this banner, the flanking wings on both sides immediately returned, and surrounded by Li Fan, six teams formed a hexagon and shrank in the middle of the corps.

Their shields connect to the shields and wrap everyone around.

This is a Spartan shield formation. Li Fan thinks this formation method is simple, effective and rude!

Soon, Li Fan was like a lone boat in the sea, surrounded by layers of people. But these soldiers faced a big shield, blocking their machete and footsteps!


As soon as Li Fan ordered, the shield gave up some gaps and left them to Li Fan, these gunmen!


Twelve spears kept poking out of the gap in the shield, just like the hedgehog's burrs, but they all penetrated into the throats of those war spirits outside!

Puff puff!

King K's soldiers fell down one after another.

Looking at the Yuejia soldiers who were unable to move, King Ke was finally a little nervous.

"Damn, just a few people, why can't they kill them!"

King Crouch kept roaring, and he felt his heart anger burning. Those more than thirty people were like fishbone. If they swallowed their throats, they couldn't swallow it, they couldn't spit it out, they could only be annoyed in pain!

Yue Wang! When did she develop such a hand down!

Yes, that man, the man who defeated him last time! It was because of him that he was forced to suffer this treatment! Damn, this rogue should be given the most merciless, cruel form and spirit to destroy sin!

"This general Li is really interesting."

The young lady sat above the city wall and looked at the scene below. The war spirit army of nearly a thousand people could not eat the little 36 people of Yue Wang at all. And it took only three days to cultivate this type of fighting, and it turned out to be an individual.

Soon, at least more than a hundred people died in the Turtle Formation. Li Fan, they are still calm, maintaining strength, waiting for more prey to come. The King ’s army, which was supposed to be a hunter, is now in danger. Everyone is afraid to get close to Li Fan ’s tortoise array, leaving Li Fan with a two-meter vacuum zone.

"Flying Dragon!"

Suddenly Li Fan changed another flag. The turtle array suddenly spread out. At the front was Li Fan, the centurion and the tenth captain. Behind is a group of four people, with two people on both sides holding shields, and two others holding spears from the inside. The word dragon, directly under the leadership of Li Fan, plunged into the opponent's queue instantly and severely, tearing Ke's team again!

Although the opponents are all elites, as long as they can intercept Li Fan's vanguard, they can completely lock the 36 flying dragons and hang them! But Li Fan's assault ability is really too strong. In front of him, there is no one enemy! Therefore, he easily led the people behind him through the enemy's array without feeling a little blocked.

Puff puff!

Under the gun of Li Fan, I don't know how many war spirits have been killed. He has been deeply remembered and hated by King Ke!

"I must kill him, I must!"

King Ke has never hated a person so much. He now sees Li Fan and feels his eyes red!


"The end is here!"

A strong man in white armor stepped forward and bowed to King Ke.

"Lead your fifty ride and kill me that bastard!"

"Let's order!"

The man immediately released the war spirit, then jumped on his warhorse and roared at his men.

"Sergeants! Follow me to kill the enemy!"


Fifty riding white armor war spirits, each carrying a machete, spurred the war horse, and rushed towards the crowd!

"Intercept them!"


The beauty Wang Yue saw that King K had let the cavalry regiment to shoot, and she did not hesitate to give an order to her captain.

The captain of the cavalry was dressed in beautiful black armor, and he took his twenty rides and intercepted them from halfway towards the king's fifty rides!

The cavalry on both sides ran fast and stepped on the ground, splashing a line of dust. The two teams of cavalry soon met on the road. Each of these knights red-eyed and rushed together!

The King of the Knights of Yue was originally arrogant, and he had never regarded others. Even Li Dazhuang, who played a miraculous combat on the battlefield, was nothing to him! Only a knight is justice! And he is a knight of his own pure blood, but it is not the product of King Ke's half-way monk!

Who knows, as soon as he fights, he becomes dumbfounded. King Cavalry's cavalry is like taking fierce medicine, one by one wielding a sword, and quickly rushing to kill, even following the wind, cut from their cavalry regiment!

This is the moment of kung fu. More than ten cavalrymen were cut off from here. And the Cavalry of King K, only three of them were poke down with a spear!

There were only six riders left. The cavalry captain was blinded, and he did not dare to chase after him.


Yue Wangjiao scolded, "You still have a face back!"

"Master, yes, we are too few ..."

The cavalry chief justified.

The King of Yue immediately reached out and pointed at Li Fan, who was madly killing in the crowd. The captain of the cavalry understood what King Yue meant, and he did not dare to say a word.

Thirty-six people killed eight hundred people without saying that there were few people. They were twenty to fifty and were beaten into dogs. How could they justify it!

"Step aside!"

Kaki's cavalry chief, Makihara, roared at the legion, and the legionnaire's soldiers dispersed, giving their cavalry a way to kill! Looking at the cavalry coming out of the dust, Li Fan did not change his face.


Li Fan changed the flag again, and then all the soldiers immediately lined up, standing around Li Fan. Then they smashed the shield to the ground and leaned behind the shield, but the big guns stretched out along the gap of the shield, forming a gun array shield!

Seeing a sharp lance in front was like a stump. At first glance, these high-headed Malaysians all subconsciously wanted to stop!

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