My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1700: Eight elders

1700 eight elders


The steward Afu also had nothing to do with Li Fan, but he offered his own satire without hesitation!

"It's time to find someone to give you a good lesson on etiquette!"

"Do you think you know how to be polite?"

Fan Li asked.

"Of course!"

Afu stopped, turned around, looked at Li Fan, raised her chest proudly, "I have served the royal family for more than 700 years, and I am proficient in royal etiquette. I have never made any mistakes!"

"Oh, really?"

Li Fan asked, "The royal etiquette you learned, once told you, what kind of attitude should you treat the Princess Qing?"


A Fu was stunned by Li Fan's words. Indeed, although he saw Li Fan unhappy, Li Fan's current status was indeed the princess' guest.

"Also, remember! I am now the dead of the princess, and I also participated in the mission of nine lives."

Suddenly, Li Fan reached out and grabbed Afu's collar. "I was going to kill him. It's okay to kill you one more housekeeper!"

"Hug, sorry ..."

Afu looked at Li Fan's fierce gaze, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead. He suddenly remembered that the King Yue and the princess had said that this Li Dazhuang, who was born in a remote and remote country, was savage. It was also because of his personality that he was able to train a unique army. The sword went to the front and defeated King Ke's army.

The princess also liked him.

So don't provoke this guy yourself.

"Sir ... your room is here."

Afu then became very good and quiet. He led Li Fan to the front of the room. "Call me if you need anything."


Li Fan entered the room and finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Sundog, this trip from outside to heaven, but enough tossing. But the toss is a bit of a toss, but they are also developing according to the plan. After entering Tianwaitian, he felt that the water was deeper than he thought! The old emperor wanted to abdicate. The seemingly peaceful sky, but in fact, has surging undercurrents.

His goal has been reached a small step, Wu Huang that guy, he doesn't know how. The arrogant emperor of the rivers and lakes at that time, I do n’t know if it ’s okay to treat Tian Wai Tian as a dog?

At this time, the Emperor Wu was standing in the lobby where the Presbyterian Church was located. The hall was ten meters high and very bright, and the sun poured in through the windows above it, covering the eight statues in the room.

The eight statues symbolize the eight elder elders. Each group is also eight meters high, with different looks, but all exudes a sense of majesty, making the arrogant martial art feel the tiger The body shakes. Good guys, these gangsters are so pretentious that they really want to learn from them!

"The spokesperson Liao Jue, kneel."

The statue in the forefront suddenly radiated golden light, as if staring at the Emperor Wu.

At the same time, the eyes of the remaining seven statues lit up, and an unprecedented sense of pressure was exerted on Wu Huang.

Wu Huang's body shook slightly, and he lifted up his fairy power against this terrible coercion.

Eight immortals, eight old monsters, and the strength of some of them is really not groundless. Just by attaching spiritual power to the statue, there is such a shock. The Emperor Wu also understood that these guys also wanted to give themselves a kick. Hum, Jigui is the emperor, would you be afraid of them? After I have learned the complete truth of true immortals and practiced into the realm of heaven, I will destroy all those who once violated the majesty of majesty!

"Kneel down!"

Another roar, Wu Huang gritted his teeth.

No pain No gain! Han Xin also suffered the humiliation of His Majesty. He was humiliated today, remember it in his heart, and come to revenge later!

The Emperor Wu thought of this, put down his precious self-esteem, and kneeled down at the statue in front of him.


The other party seemed a little satisfied.

"Elder Ren, his subordinates are weak, and they have to return to Tianwaitian and ask your elders for help."

Yu knelt beside Wu Emperor, her face full of sincerity and fear.

"I understand."

Elder Ren's voice was full of vicissitudes, "It's no wonder you, that Li Fan's potential is indeed beyond our expectations."

"How many times have you said, don't underestimate Shang Fang's sword!"

The other elder passed through the cold statue, but yelled angrily, "I reminded you so many times that no one was attentive."

"Well, it's no big deal."

Elder Ren said, "Even if it is strong, it is personal."

"Shangfang Sword?"

The Emperor Wu Huang couldn't help but feel a bit strange. Isn't this wave of people inherited from the times to fight against the holy beast? Why is it still related to Tianwaitian?

"Since you work for us, it doesn't matter to tell you."

Elder Ren said, the golden light in his eyes fell on Jade's body.

"Our heaven and earth, coming to this world is probably the time when humans are fighting the Holy Beasts. At that time, we were human spirits! We brought civilization to human beings and brought them knowledge! However, human beings are ashamed The earth betrayed us, they joined forces with the holy beasts, and rebelled against our offspring with humans, driving us from the earth to the heavens and heavens. But before we left, we also caused great damage to them. Offspring of our blood All died, and after the war, humans also turned against the holy beast. Human beings, such lower creatures, are synonymous with sin. "

"Our gods, once there were 108 in total!"

The grumpy elder growled, "It's because of the original Shangfang sword that he killed the rest of us!"

Killed a hundred celestial beings?

The Emperor Wu was a little shocked. He was so powerful.

"Of course, he didn't do it alone."

The elder said, "He used the power of the Four Sacred Beasts to create a magic weapon for the deities of Shang Fang. At the same time, he countered our offspring and waged this war against us!"

Although it is so, this Shangfang sword also shocked the emperor. He always thought that he was the strongest man among human beings. He did not expect that besides Li Fan, there was such a great guy ...

Hum, since he can do it, so can he!

Wu Huang made up his mind to learn the true magic of the gods completely.

"Liao Jue, I have an agreement with us, but only by agreement, I can't teach you the complete true immortal formula."

A word from Elder Ren made Wu Huang's heart hang up again. However, according to what he said, things seemed to be turning a bit.

"But you can sign a soul contract with us. Zhenxianju is yours."

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