My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1703: Royal party

1703 Royal Party

The princess repeatedly told Li Fan that the two stood in front of Prince Feng's mansion, with four big men behind him. These four are the princess's most loyal knights. Li Fan inferred that their strength was probably between the lower and upper cents.

The front of the mansion is also guarded in groups. When the two guards wearing the royal gold armor saw Qiu Ya coming, they immediately gave her a bow and worshiped.

"Have seen Her Royal Highness!"

"My uncle is a bit old-fashioned."

Qiu Ya said to Li Fan again, "Although I don't like him very much, he is a strong supporter behind the Seven Crown Princes. The most important dragon camp of the royal family is now under his control."

"So, does Prince Feng have no idea of ​​the throne himself?"


Qiuya resolutely said, "The uncle Huang is obsessed with practicing and has no intention of competing for the throne. The reason why the father and the king were able to register was because the uncle gave him."

"So it is."

"But my father did not actually sit in this position. If it wasn't for the sake of heaven ... I'm afraid he would have left long ago, and he won't stick to it today."

"Oh? Why is your Majesty his careless throne?"

Li Fan couldn't help but talk, Qiuya looked at him with a smile.

"The minister talked a lot, and the **** **** it."

"Remember, do n’t ask what you should n’t ask in the future. Especially royal secrets, you know?"

"Got it."

What can Li Fan say, but he does seem to have touched on some important information!

It seems that I have to find a way to put this part of information out!

"Have seen Her Royal Highness!"

Everywhere Qiu Ya walked by, everyone saw her and would bow down as soon as possible. Tian Wai Tian is a place where the hierarchy is extremely strict. When you see the relatives of the emperor, if there is something disrespectful, you will work directly in the small black house! But Qiuya usually dismissed them.

According to the information obtained by Li Fan in the past two days, the old emperor abdicated. In addition to the prince of wind who has no intention of political affairs, the empire has seven crown princes to compete for the throne. The great princess Qiuya, black belly. The second princess Qiu Lan is said to be a very sly princess and a strong competitor of Qiu Ya. The third princess Qiushuang, an innocent girl, Qiuya's evaluation of her is not for reference.

In addition, there are four princes. The grand prince Qiu Yu is the most feared of Qiuya. He is ambitious and has the support of Prince Wind behind him. And his favorable opponent is the second prince Qiushui, who is humbly and elegant, much loved and loved by the people. The other is the third prince Qiu Nan and the fourth prince Qiu Ye. Qiu Nan is timid and cowardly. So far, he still depends on Qiu Ya to survive, not to mention. It was Akiba. I heard that the old emperor loved him the most, but he was a pure martial artist like Prince Feng. For so many years, I have always traveled outside and almost never showed up.

"You will see the great prince in a while."

Qiuya did not forget to remind Li Fan, "In his personality, he will definitely come to win over you. At that time, how to answer him without me teaching you more?"

"Life is the princess, death is the ghost of the princess."


Qiu Ya nodded with satisfaction, "Keep it."

Li Fan followed Qiuya into the Yae yard and finally came to the inner courtyard.

As soon as I stepped into the inner courtyard, I saw a hall facing the door. The courtyard was full of lights, and guests were full. In that hall, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe was surrounded by everyone, with a smile on his face, looking very happy.

There were two handsome young men standing next to him, one with big brows and big eyes, striding forward, quite prestigious. The other is in white and white crown, holding a folding fan, elegant and humble.

Needless to say, these two should be the great prince Qiuyu and the second prince Qiushui.

"Have seen Her Royal Highness!"

Qiu Ya walked in, and many guests around him knelt and worshiped directly at her.

"Qiu Ya, you're here."

The big prince smiled and greeted him generously, "I can wait for you for a long time."

Li Fan saw that King Ke was standing on one side, staring with a resentful look in his eyes.

"Sister Huang."

Qiushui nodded to her sister, and Qiu Ya first stepped forward and asked Li Fan to give the housekeeper the gift.

"Uncle Huang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you become a master?"

"Oh, you girl, run on me when you come."

Prince Feng chuckled, "Since Xianxun his old man, we have never been a master of Tianxian level, can I not work harder? Is it like your girl who has no intention to practice, but has a lot of strength."

"Uncle Huang, obviously you run on me."

Qiuya was a little embarrassed, "I want to have half the talent of the uncle, and I will already become a master!"

"You, you have nothing to discuss with the boss. His martial arts have improved recently."

This old nature is not someone else, it is the great prince Qiuyu.

"Oh my dear, in front of Uncle Huang, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

Qiuyu hurriedly waved his hand. "However, I am the strongest among you."

"The emperor's martial arts and high strength are indeed enviable."

Qiu Shui shook the folding fan, his face indifferent, "It's my role model."

"Hahaha, just learn as much as I do!"

In the face of the brothers, Qiu Yu was not humble at all, but laughed.

"After I become emperor, I must promote the practice of martial arts for the whole people."

"It's too early for Brother Huang to say this."

Qiushui looked at his brother provocatively, "Not to mention, if you use force, you are not necessarily the highest of our brothers, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Qiu Yu was suddenly annoyed, "There is a kind of fight with me!"

"Brother, I want to tell you something as a younger brother."

The second prince pointed to his own brain. "Being an emperor requires not only force, but also a brain."

"You say I have no brain!"

The great prince was furious and was about to get angry, but Qiuya reminded him.

"Brother Huang, today is Uncle Huang's birthday."


Qiu Yu understands Qiu Ya's meaning. Even if some people want to fight, they cannot fight today.

"Don't fight any of you, just sit down and have a drink at the bar."

Prince Feng also didn't like these people arguing. There was nothing to argue about.

"This is ... Li Dazhuang, is Li partial?"

Qiushui shook the fan and looked at Li Fan, "I heard that you use soldiers like gods, no wonder the emperor is going to take you with you."

"The second prince passed the prize."

Li Fan arched his hands and half-knelt on the ground.

"General Li is indeed a personal talent."

Qiu Ya smiled calmly, "When attacking the human world in the future, he can still play for my royal family."

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