My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1706: Dragon Tiger General

1706 Dragon Tiger General

Faced with such a powerful enemy, the average person is either scared and stunned, or just turns around and runs away. And this little general Li, he bravely raised the big gun in his hand, and in turn charged towards the terrible dragons *!

"He ... if it's not obvious ... it's crazy ..."

Looking at Li Fan who was about to be drowned by a dragon like a beast, Qiu Lan couldn't help shaking his head, and didn't seem to appreciate Li Fan's boldness.

And the next moment, the two teams of cavalry with great disparity finally encountered!

Li Fan's spear separated the fire waves, pierced into a dragon * 's throat, and flew him to the spines! The ruby ​​steed under him was knocked down by the dragon and the beast, throwing Li Fan out. Li Fan's body rolled over in the air and landed on the ground steadily. But the ruby ​​was trampled by a dragon and tiger beast, hissing a few times on the ground, struggling to remember, but weak.

"Sorry, friend."

Li Fan squatted on the ground, stroking Ruby's neck gently, "I couldn't protect you, you take a break first."

Li Fan said, pierced the spear to the ground, then carried the ruby ​​with both hands, put it on the side of the yard, and let it rest.

"Go check the ruby's injuries."

After all, it is also the love of the great prince. Qiuyu hurriedly instructed the veterinarian to treat the **** foal.

And Li Fan returned to the battlefield and pulled out the big red gun again and held it in his hands.

Li Fan has persisted for two rounds, but his warhorse has also been scrapped.

"This man is brave, and his marksmanship is good."

The second prince shook the fan and gave Li Fan a positive evaluation. "But now there is no ruby, I'm afraid he will be torn to pieces by the dragon *."

"It was indeed two rounds."

The eldest prince also nodded, "It's very good, but unfortunately, he is still not as good as ten dragons *. Wong sister, this time, you are doing a loss-making business."

Everyone was about to laugh at it, and the eight dragons on the opposite side * couldn't wait to launch the charge again!

I haven't been able to kill this little general for two consecutive rounds, how can they not be angered!

The rumbling voice once again attracted everyone's attention. The dragons almost rushed to Li Fan in the blink of an eye. However, Li Fan took a step back, almost a little, and avoided a few dragons *. At the same time, the large gun in his hand was picked up, stabbed directly on the jaw of a dragon and tiger beast, and then caught the dragon and tiger beast's charge, and flew it all up and threw it out of the head. Finally, after falling heavily, he fell into the mud.

Suffering such a severe damage, even a dragon and tiger beast can't carry it. The knight above was completely dropped. He rolled over in the air and was about to fall to the ground. However, Li Fan didn't know when he appeared under him, and he just shot a big gun and flew him out!


The courtyard wall was smashed through and the buddy was ruined.

The remaining seven dragons * are about to stop and prepare for the next wave of charge in fury! However, Li Fan dropped a bomb and suddenly jumped on a dragon and tiger beast. Before the knight did not respond, he was picked by a shot and thrown from the dragon and tiger beast.

In this effort, Li Fan has killed four dragons *!

Several crown princes were a little speechless, and even Qiuya himself was extremely shocked.

But the remaining dragons * didn't want to give up. They controlled the dragon and tiger beasts and approached Li Fan from all directions, and the moon-moon knife in their hands cut to Li Fan's head! Li Fan jumped high and avoided these blades. At the same time, he threw a huge red gun at the dragon and beast in front of him!


The dragon and tiger's head was nailed to the ground and penetrated the whole. The knight above was still rushing forward, the dragon and tiger beast bowed down, and he fell forward. Li Fanfei kicked his head and put it on his head. He turned the dude's head around him. The whole body also spun out and smashed into the yard outside.

Li Fan stretched out his hand, pulled Zhu Hong's big gun down, shook the cloak behind him, and stared at the remaining dragon with a stern look.

These dragons * finally knew that they were scared, and they were never disadvantaged. Today, they encountered such terrible opponents!

The remaining five dragons and tigers also felt Li Fan's horror, a little restless. This guy killed his companion, not at all soft! The beasts who are accustomed to domineering on weekdays can be considered afraid today.

"For the honor of Dragon *!"

A knight suddenly yelled, and when he kicked the dragon and tiger beast beneath him, the nail on the heel pierced into the skin of the dragon and tiger beast, causing it to mad!

The other companions also learned everything. The five dragons and tigers were almost violent, and they roared at Li Fan together!

The whole yard seemed to be shaking!

Qiu Nan shuddered into a ball, and some of the weak people shivered.

However, Li Fan did not take it for granted. He pierced his spear next to him, fortunately, screaming at these dragons and beasts!

Fierce masterpiece! A few dragons and tigers were afraid of Li Fan's momentum, and they mourned and turned and ran away! No matter how the knights on them control, it doesn't work. Two of them were even very irritable, and even threw down their masters, and only ran away for their own sake!

In fact, with the strength of Li Fan, it is difficult to deter these fierce beasts without issuing a roar of war dragons. But he had just killed several dragons and tigers, and was fierce, but with a roar, he scared the remaining dragons *. If these people are supposed to have a monologue in their hearts, it is estimated that they will still play jb, so let's run away!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Draft 粑粑, what is the situation?

This is not a rotten fish, but the most elaborate dragon in Tianwaitian *! A dragon * can challenge a horse ride for twenty days! Therefore, Dragon * is absolutely combative in the sky! But today, they are all defeated in the hands of a little general!

If this general is a fairy or Tianxian Dana, that's it! The strength he showed was nothing more than a slave to a fairy! This person relies on his resilience mind, and the magical gun skills!

Anyway, he really did.

"This guy is so good."

Seeing that Dragon * had all been killed, Qiu Nan finally stood up and looked at Li Fan with some envy, "I wish I were as strong as him."

"Yeah, so strong ..."

Qiushuang looked at Li Fan, his eyes could not be moved.

"Princess Gao Bao, the general will be fortunate."

Li Fan strode back, kneeling in front of Qiu Ya. Qiu Ya's eyes were still a little blurred, and she suddenly woke up, coughed, and reached out to help Li Fan.

"General Li Pian really has the power of ten dragons and tigers ... oh no, it is the power of hundred dragons and tigers!"

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