1720 Please go

The six guards released the fighting spirit, holding a shield in one hand and holding a sword in the other, staring at Li Fan with stern eyes, and surrounded him in the center.

These six people did not pay much attention to Li Fan. They were all really elites cultivated by Chang Wang, and they used to fly in the vassals of the princes. Now this little coach dares to provoke them, it's really a death!

"Say, how do you want to die?"

The guard in his early days was sneer looking at Li Fan, as if looking at a dead man.

"Want to get your arm cut off or your legs cut off first? A few of us are very good at talking and let you choose for yourself."

"You are free."

Li Fan said naturally, "If you have the ability, why bother with my head?"

"Really ignorant guy!"

The guard jumped over immediately, "then I'll do as you wish!"

He waved the sword in his hand horizontally and slashed directly at Li Fan's war spirit's neck! However, Li Fan did not retreat, and took a step forward. At the same time, he held a large gun in his hands and wiped the guard's arm instantly, piercing directly into his throat!

With a short bang, the big gun pierced behind the guard's neck, and the guard's fighting spirit slowly dissipated, turning into a golden starlight, flying all the way out.

Chang Wang's face suddenly seemed hard to look at.

Take a look at the remaining five guards, is this OK? If Wang Chang is angry, they will definitely be finished!

"Kill him!"

"The captain just cares!"

The five guards immediately gathered up, one of them guarded the shield in accordance with the usual battle array, and ran into Li Fan together! The remaining three guards, all holding swords, came and prepared to make up for the knife while Li Fan was knocked down by the shield! But Li Fan suddenly jumped out of thin air, jumped more than five meters high, and jumped directly from the two shield soldiers!

At the same time, Li Fan's body was swinging in the air, and the large gun in his hand continued to pierce through the helmets of these two people, piercing their heads!

Although the war spirit's body can be guaranteed not to die, if the key is broken, it will be declared dead!

Therefore, after the head was pierced, these two war spirits also disappeared. And Li Fan had already fallen in front of the three remaining guards. After all, these guards were elite. They all collected their shocks, waved their swords, and chopped at Li Fan together!

Li Fan didn't care, he took a step back and avoided three men's swords. At the same time, with the advantage of one inch long and one inch strong, he stabbed the big gun in his hand and once again pierced the heart of a guard.

This time, there were only two guards left before Li Fan. The two guards were a little embarrassed, and they felt like they couldn't help Li Fan.

The strength of Li Fan is here. His strength plus skills, as long as he does not meet the Tianxian opponents, is almost invincible.

And Tianxian level opponents, there are only these princes! If you want to make Li Fan embarrassed, you can only make Chang Wang himself.

"Don't be ashamed, come back!"

Chang Wangxin said, he can't have a guard at all, right? Four of them have lost their fighting ability, and two always have to stay with them. The two guards had to retreat dimly, put away the war spirits, and protect them around Chang Wang again.

"It seems that you still have some strength."

Chang Wang is also not good at personally operating Li Fan. After all, he is a vassal of a party. If he operates against a so-called general, he is afraid of losing his identity!

But this tone was considered a stunned first, and Chang Wang still had to find a way to take the princess away.

"Even if you are powerful alone, you can fight six guards, but can you deal with thousands of troops?"

"Why not?"

Without waiting for Li Fan to speak, Qiushuang spoke first, "My teacher, one person can pick up ten dragons *. Lord Chang, even if you are, it is not so easy to do?"

"One person picks ten dragons *? How is it possible!"

Chang Wang didn't believe it at all.

"All our crown princes, including my uncle Prince Feng, have seen it with my own eyes. That ’s why I gave my teacher the title of General General! What you are shouting is just a coach. You are too ignorant.

Qiu Shuang, like several treasures, said Li Fan's achievements all over again, but embarrassed Li Fan.

"When did Qingqiu have such a master ..."

Chang Wang frowned, and looked at Li Fan carefully, "boy, what is your source?"

"What can I do?"

Li Fan shook his lips. "I, like these guards, have the strength of being immortal. Fortunately, in the battle with humans, I learned some human combat skills. I did not expect that after so many years, our fighters outside the sky are still If you don't want to make progress, you still stand still. At this level, you still want to invade the human world? It's just a crazy dream! "

Li Fan's words gave Chang Wang a stun.

"My Tian Wai Tian's exercises are so powerful that I don't need to learn the mortal's next three excessive moves."

"Oh? Your six powerful fighters have just lost to me.

Li Fan in turn taunted.

People outside the sky are too arrogant. If it weren't for the fact that they had too many masters, Xiaxian would be innumerable, and there were terrible cavalry like dragons *. Further up, there are Shangxian, and even eight immortal immortals ... Li Fan doesn't really look at them.

Huaxia Wulin ... basically has decayed and has little fighting power. Relying solely on the strength of Li Jiadao, is not enough to confront so many huge opponents! And Chang Wang was right in fact, he could not stop thousands of enemies alone. Especially the eight immortals were enough for Li Fan to drink a pot. What's more, there are forty-nine princes of the immortal!

Although Tianwaitian will enter the hibernation period one year later ... but who knows, will Tianwaitian come up with any method to conquer the human world within this year?

The ruthless Dan has been refined. As long as there are two Tianxian Da Na eat it, when they go down to the human world, they can't fight it, let alone a martial arts emperor who is retreating.

Within one year, strive for peace outside the sky! And you must quickly enter the real core, get in touch with the Presbyterian Church, and then move on to the next step.

Tian Wai Tian ... don't forget, this place is all its enemies!

First of all, let this Chang Wang get out of here!

"Shuanger, don't forget, your identity is my fiancee."

"You said it too, it's fiancee."

The princess narrowed her eyes slyly. "I can't know if I can get married. But please leave first, my fiefdom doesn't welcome you now."

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