My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1725: Tombs of mountains and rivers

1725 Graveyard

"Comers stay here!"

The two soldiers held the knife in their hands and pointed at Li Fan, "Get off the horse!"

When passing the checkpoint, unless they are soldiers with soldiers, everyone must be dismounted for trial.

Li Fan also did not want to reveal his identity here, simply jumped off Malay, and then pointed at the imperial guard's seal embedded in his shoulder.

"That's who I am."

"Royal Guard?"

The two guards were taken aback, then dropped the Modao and saluted Li Fan.

The seal of the royal guard is impossible to fake, which is a status symbol given by each crown prince himself. And judging by the badge on the seal, it should be the guard of the great princess Qiuya. No, this red horse ... seems to be the mount of the great prince Qiuyu ... I heard that it has been given to the great general Li Lizhuang who is now in full swing!

"Have met General Li!"

Neither guard was a fool, and they were immediately recognized.

"Well, hard work."

"Where is this general going?"

The guard asked as usual.

"Follow the crown prince's hand and exercise in the grave."

Li Fan took out the key to the grave again. The second prince told him that no matter where he went, he took out the key. As long as he said he would go to the grave, no one would stop him.

Sure enough, after seeing the key, both guards showed envious eyes.

"So it is, then please pass the army."

The two guards secretly whispered, and the gate was slowly lowered to allow Li Fan to pass.

Li Fan, holding his own ruby, went into this pass. Because of his royal guard, the surrounding guards respected him with military salute.

Inside the gate is a small military camp, where a defense force is stationed, responsible for guarding the security of the checkpoint.

Li Fan added some food and water here, ready to continue on the road. At this time, a ten-man team within the pass came over, stopped in front of Li Fan, and saluted him in military salute.

"General Li."

"You are?"

"We are the guards of the King's Wall. I heard that the general was going to the tomb of Xianzun, so he came to **** the general to the road."

"No, I can go by myself."

Li Fan waved his hand and was about to leave. But the ten captain apparently didn't want to let Li Fan go like this, he immediately took Li Fan's rope, and then sincerely prayed.

"General, this is the rule of Tianwaitian since ancient times. It is enforced on it. Do n’t embarrass us."

Li Fan usually eats soft but not hard. The ten captain begged so much, Li Fan was really embarrassed to refuse.

"Well, that's bothering you."

"Great, thank you!"

The captain of the ten breathed a sigh of relief. "Just complete the task, thank you."

"You're welcome, can we get on the road?"

"Okay, brothers, **** General Li! If there is something missing, watch out!"


These ten people escorted Li Fan, went out of the gate all the way, and went outside.

Outside the customs is a long river, and along this river, you can go all the way to the site of the tomb of Xianzun.

"Where are you taking me?"

Ten people followed Li Fan for at least three kilometers, but they did not intend to leave. The smoky surroundings have gradually become scarce, and there is only a long official road left. I don't know when it will go.

"The road is still long, General."

The captain of the ten smiled, then slowly took out a carton of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled out one, and held it in his hand.

"Are you one? Human stuff."

"Forget it."

Li Fanxin said that the ordinary objects in the lower world have become rare goods here.

"This thing is fine, the general does not smoke, it's a pity."

The captain of the ten said, and slowly put away his cigarettes.

"A soulless person, does this smoke make you feel?"

Li Fan asked suddenly.

"Oh? What does that mean, General?"

"Some people, don't hide it."

Li Fan smiled, "Although my brain is not easy to use, but I am not a fool. For nothing, there is an army to **** me to Xianzhu. I have never heard of such rules."

He looked at the people in front of him. "Several people said to me, I'm afraid they're sending me to see the king?"

"General Li is really smart."

The ten captain's eyes changed immediately. It was no longer respectful, but fierce and cunning.

"These are the puppets I control, including the body that speaks to you, and the same. I can enter their brains and talk to you personally through some secret method."

"Master Chang Wang, since you want to chat, why not meet and talk in person?"

"Nonsense, I have nothing to do with Chang Wang."

The ten captain looked embarrassed. "Stupid guy, knowing that it is a trap, he even came to die! Let me tell you, a few of our brothers fancy the key in your hand. It is the so-called guilt. Blame you for something you shouldn't have! "

"That's a sound reason."

Li Fan shook his head. "It doesn't matter if you don't want to admit it. However, isn't it enough to send such a few three-legged cats to me?

"Don't underestimate my" Black Camp "!"

The Chang Wang behind was annoyed when he saw that Li Fan was so arrogant.

In this world, only I can be arrogant! All arrogant people will die!

At this moment, he was staring at the young general through his narrow eyes, waiting for death to fall on his head.

"Friends, the mountains and rivers here are beautiful and suitable for your grave."

The captain of the ten said, with a wave of his hand, the nine soldiers behind him suddenly threw away the lingering strange sword, and then took out a new weapon from his arms, Tai Taidao!

"Your kid will do martial arts on Earth, right?"

The captain of the ten sneered, "I, each of you, are all good at mastering the martial arts of the earth! Let's die!"

With that said, a fast-moving cricket had already waved Taidao and slashed at Li Fan!

Even Li Fan has to compliment him. This man's skill with the knife is very exquisite, like a master who persecutes the Tao perennially. His sword-making method, like a thunderbolt, came to Li Fan in an instant. However, Li Fan was light on one side of the body, and avoided his sword method casually. At the same time, he summoned his scarlet lance and stabbed at him!

The other two swordsmen stepped forward and waved too much sword at the same time, even holding Li Fan's shot! At the same time, two more swordsmen walked behind Li Fan, raised their hands and fell, and chopped Li Fan's arms!

These few people have a sharp knife and a tacit cooperation!

Li Fan's arms trembled, and the big gun shook the blades of the two swordsmen in front of him. At the same time, he swept the Qianjun directly and sent two swordsmen out to fly!

p.s today two more

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