My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1728: Concentrate on cultivation

1728 Concentrated Practice

This sentence of Li Fan, respecting Lord Wang, made a heartless jump.

What does this mean? Did he find out who he is? Now that I found it, why did I drink it?

Hehe, I'm afraid he guessed he was a killer, but it is estimated that he has a high level of martial arts and did not take himself seriously. But where did he know that the killer was in the drink he drank.

Li Fan drank it, then sat in front of him, picked up the jug, and filled himself with a glass.

This cup after cup, Li Fan almost drank a pot of wine, still sat there steadily, no fart.

"Friend, are you thinking, after my drink, I should die."

Li Fan looked at some puzzling carelessness and asked with a smile.

Inadvertently silent, Li Fan stretched out his open right hand. On his palm, a ball of dark liquid formed a sphere and kept spinning.

"You little poison is not a threat to me."

After speaking, without waiting for an unintentional response, Li Fan suddenly sang.

"Bold! How dare to assassinate the Royal Guard! Thieves!

Speaking of it, he took a knife, took the sword from the seal, held it in his hand, and chopped it off inadvertently!

The people in the store were taken aback, and they turned around unconsciously, ready to jump out of the window and escape! But who is Li Fan, can he let him escape? He dragged it out of thin air, the dragon grabber started, and his unconscious body was ripped back and fell in front of Li Fan. Li Fan slashed across the board with blood. An armlessly flew to the side, scaring the diners to get up and leave.

Li Fan stepped on the inadvertent body, lest he run away. Soon, the inn rushed into the guards of several Acropolises, and surrounded them with Li Fan.

"You, I am the guard of the three princesses."

Li Fan pointed at the seal on his shoulder and pointed at the unconscious under him. "This man didn't know who sent it, but he wanted to kill me with poison!"

Talking, Li Fan kicked him unconsciously in front of them.

"Look up, who sent this man!"

The assassination of the three princesses, the whole world knows about it. A few guards saw that Li Fan was indeed Huang Wei's identity, and what he said was probably true. Otherwise, what is he doing here?

"Well ... I ... look at you in the Palace of the Spirit King ..."

Unintentionally, he bit the poison in his teeth, and the black liquid flowed out of his mouth. Then the buddy bleed, and he died like this.

"You guys, what are you doing!"

Li Fan pretended to be angry, "Everyone gave it to you, and even let him die?"

"Sorry ... sir ..."

Several guards stared at each other, thinking how to spread such a bad thing. This person should be inseparable from the assassination of the princess! It's a pity that this person is dead and dead. Only such a corpse is left to them, and it may have been poisoned.

The two guards stepped forward and picked the careless corpse away with a stick. And Li Fan sat back to the table again, let Xiao Er change a new set of wine glasses, continue to taste wine, just like anyone else.

If this inadvertently dies, the defense near the grave will certainly be greatly strengthened. In a short time, I am afraid that Chang Wang could not deal with himself. What's more, he was about to enter the grave, and when he got inside, Chang Wang couldn't reach out. Li Fan had enough to eat and drink, and slept at the inn overnight, and she was all right.

The next morning, he relied on the key given by the second prince to enter the legendary tomb of Xianzun.

The huge statue was the gate at the toes. When the guard saw the key, he didn't ask much, so he put Li Fan in.

This key is very rare. Except for the royal family, only the Presbyterian Church has it. Therefore, Li Fan's identity has not been questioned. Entering the tomb, Li Fan immediately felt the vigorous spiritual force flooding the surroundings. Hey guys, this is really a good place. If you practice here, I'm afraid you can really make a thousand miles!

In order to enhance the superpower of Tianwaitian, a lot of practice rooms are arranged in the whole tomb. According to the introduction of the guards, there are at least 100. Li Fan muttered in his heart, it seems that Xianzun is really used in various ways. The production of fairy crystals is no longer necessary, but also used to provide to their own people for cultivation.

Squeeze all available value! Li Fan had to admire it.

"You are in this exercise room."

The guard led Li Fan to the front of a practice room, and pointed to it, "Someone will give you food and water every month. It is strictly forbidden to move around in the grave. You can only move in this practice room and want to leave At that time, just pull the rope in front of the door, and a guard will take you away. "


Li Fan looked at the soldiers patrolling outside, and said to himself that the defense was quite strict. Even with your own ability, it is difficult to sneak here and investigate other places.

"In the grave, you must strictly abide by this rule. Once you find that you have left the practice room without permission, expel immediately!"

The soldier reminded Li Fan again.

"Okay, I see. I won't walk around."

Investigate this place, or wait until you are stronger. The secrets of the tombs will surely be understood. but not now.

When the guards left, they closed the stone gate. This stone gate is one meter thick, and there are some strange runes engraved on it, which seem to be used to strengthen defense.

"It's strict."

Li Fanxin said, this is fine, don't worry about someone coming to disturb you.

There is only one bed in the practice room, and there is a futon on the ground. Next to it is a shelf with a lot of jerky on it, and a kettle, which is probably his food reserve this month.

Once in the state of practice, it is almost day and night. Li Fan didn't delay. He directly supported the sky with one hand, facing the ground with one hand, while holding Bao Huazhu in his mouth, and entered a state of practice.

In an instant of effort, Li Fan entered his own inner world.

Around it became a blue sea of ​​hearts. Li Fan stepped on the lotus and floated on the sea.

In the sky, nine stars are flashing. These are Li Fan's nine important acupuncture points, all of which have been conquered by him.

But the following cultivation, Li Fan gradually found the way. Reverse training yin and yang, this road is exactly the way to become a god!

Who said that practicing martial arts cannot be a god? I will martial arts!

On the sea surface under Li Fan's feet, a tai chi picture appeared faintly, constantly rotating. Behind Li Fan, a golden body suddenly appeared. This body is about three meters high, exuding a mighty atmosphere.

According to Tian Waitian's judgment method, this is the legal body belonging to the lower immortal level.

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