My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 008 Introductory Mindset

Postscript 008 Introductory Mindset

Li Fan practiced his internal skills all night. When he opened his eyes, it was already dawn. He felt refreshed and uncomfortable.

It's really convenient to practice in this place. I practice for a month on weekdays, and I can do it almost overnight. No wonder many masters of the sentient world want to defeat the king of the world and come to this agile world. The masters in the agile realm are trying to enter the barren realm at a higher level.

From this point of view, each layer of the ring world should be more full of spiritual power. The highest heavens do not know what it will look like!

Li Fan is quite looking forward to it and wants to see something.

But everything must be done step by step. At present, it is necessary to make a name for themselves at this Suzaku Academy.

Yesterday he also learned a lot of information from the pocket villain. It turns out that this blood-making is equivalent to the foundation building they understand. The human body is actually very fragile, but if you want to cultivate, you must first improve your physical fitness. Hematopoietic, bone refining, raw meat, and forged armor are all steps to improve the body. However, Li Fan still doesn't know how to cultivate specifically, and the petite villain does not have such information.

It seems that in the first lesson today, we should learn a lot about this.

However, Li Fan thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of a very important place. It stands to reason that the spiritual world should be the beginning of cultivation. So how can people in the sentient realm break through the master of the realm and enter this agile realm?

Or is it just a place where ordinary people live, there is no way to rise?

Li Fan feels that his idea is still very likely, after all, beings are like dogs!

God is cruel indeed. Only people in the agile world can get a chance to cultivate, which is a bit unfair.

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help sighing, and then pushed open the door of the hut.


The blue sky in this agile world is very beautiful, a world without any pollution, pure nature, even the breath is a bit sweet.

"Get up early."

Murong Ying came out of the house next to it. A few people lived not far.

"Well, are you still used to living?"

"Well, it's okay."

Murong Ying used to live in a villa, but she is not picky about this kind of place. She is a big lady and an out-and-out martial artist!

"Mrs. Murong, early!"

Duan Chun also got up, still in a white gown, it seems that he must show his coquettishness.


Murong Ying replied very blandly, and Huang Ying and You Er both came out, and the two came one after the other.

"Brother early!"

"Will it be boring in class."

The two people's reactions were also different. Huang Ying naturally attached to his own brother, and You Eryi Wufu was distressed when he heard that he was going to class.

"The basics are still important."

Duan Chun looked at You Er with a smile. "I think with Brother You's talent, it won't be long before he can successfully make blood?"

These famous disciples have already completed their imagination. After waiting for class today, Duan Chun directly applied for a wooden house. Although it is also a terrible place, it is always better than the hut!

"Brother, shall we eat?"

Huang Ying was coquettish to his brother.

"Everyone is a spiritualist and cannot be dragged down by appetite."

Duan Chun immediately counted the orioles.

"Miss Murong, how about having breakfast together?"

But then, Duan Chun invited Murong Ying, "There is a nice restaurant next to it, and I heard that the medicated diet there is particularly famous."

Medicated diet?

Li Fan secretly took out the jade pendant, squeezed it, and then created a small internal force protective film, so that the voice of the pocket villain could only enter his own ear.

"Medicated diet is a special kind of food in the cultivation world."

The mini-pocket immediately explained to Li Fan, "The medicinal chef hunts spirit beasts and treats them as ingredients to make special dishes. After using them, different effects can be obtained."

I go, can I eat this kind of Mingtang?

"No, I want to go to the academy earlier."

Murong Ying said, turned and walked forward.

"What man!"

Huang Ying pouted, "The shelf is really big."

"Miss Qianjin, that's it."

Duan Chun did not care, the more such a woman, the more he wanted to challenge.

"Let's go to the academy and hope the class is a bit interesting."

Duan Chun said, followed Murong Ying and walked to the academy.

Several people did not take Li Fan to heart as if he did not exist. This is in line with Li Fan's mind, the lower the key, the better!

The academy's location is very obvious, right in the center of this D-class college. Although the school is only three stories high, it is very spacious.

Li Fan walked all the way to the end of the line, relying on his own jade, as a passport, entered the academy.

There are no teachers in the academy, only some staff are responsible for the maintenance work here.

"A few of you, choose a room to practice yourself."

A staff member gave them a copy of "Getting Started with Jin Yijue".

This book is not thick, and it only records the first-level methods. In this academy, there are some very large practice rooms. When Li Fan came here, there were already a lot of students sitting inside.

They are all the lowest-level practitioners. It can be said that even those who are not practitioners are counted, and they are all trying to get started.

"This is a small place, so let's use the room here."

Duan Chun chose a more remote room and then invited Murong Ying again.

"No need. I like to practice alone."

Murong Ying showed no mercy, and then dragged Li Fan, "You follow me."

In a group of people's astonished eyes, she went directly to a small unattended room.

"It's quiet here, just fine."

Murong Ying was very satisfied. The room was well located and quiet, but no one came in.

Li Fan smiled bitterly. He knew that this room definitely had a master, and he was a very powerful master. However, Murong Ying's personality is more overbearing than him! If you are a bully, then Murong Ying is definitely a bully!

Sure enough, after Murong Ying led Li Fan into the room, there was a voice of discussion outside.

"Oh my god, they actually entered Zhao Long's room!"

"It's over ... the two of them are dead ..."

"Ignorant newcomer, oh."

Some people shook their heads and sighed, some were gloating, but Murong Ying didn't care about it at all. She sat on a futon and opened this book.

As soon as it came, Li Fan opened the book in his own hands and began to study the content above.

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