Postscript 010 blood drops

Murong Ying will definitely not pay for it. Li Fan obediently paid for the points, and a blue barrier rose up, blocking the practice room where the two were.

Li Fan also closed his eyes, and began to practice in accordance with this "Introduction to Jin Yude".

This decree has just run, and Li Fan suddenly became dark, as if he had entered the inner view, and went directly to another world in his heart.

This is a dark hall with some faint lights around, but very dim. There were only four pillars in front of him, as if a table. The hall was deserted, and I didn't know where it was.

"Master, you are here."

Just then, a delicate voice came from Li Fan's ear. He turned around and found that Fang Xiaoxue was standing behind him.


Li Fan is a little surprised. Why is she here?

"Master, I'm alive again!"

Fang Xiaoxue squinted at Li Fan.

"No, this is not a small universe."

Li Fan frowned. He felt faintly that this Fang Xiaoxue was not simple.

"I'm really your Fang Xiaoxue ..."

Li Fan suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbing Fang Xiaoxue's neck and lifting her into the air.

"Stop, Fang Xiaoxue is not your virtue!"

"Oh ... whether it's a bully or you've seen it through."

Fang Xiaoxue still laughed, "But you don't have to be so excited. After all, I am part of you."

"Oh? Specifically?"

Li Fan was not in a hurry. He held Fang Xiaoxue and asked.

"I am the deepest desire in your heart-desire."

Fang Xiaoxue's body slowly turned into a ghost, flying away from Li Fan's palm, then falling aside, looking at Li Fan with a smile.

"This is the Temple of Soul, the treasure house of your heart. And I, as your desire-desire, have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Fang Xiaoxue said, even kneeling in front of Li Fan.

"Every step of your cultivation will be completed in your soul temple. But you have to make a choice, follow me and choose the magic way, or destroy me and choose the heavenly way?"

"Nature is natural."

Li Fan's practice has been gradual and gradual. He has the right path in his heart. Even if his own right path is always misunderstood, he will continue to go on.

"That being the case, I can't help the host."

Fang Xiaoxue sighed softly, "Then ask the master to destroy me."

"Why destroy you, I'll practice it myself."

How to say, the other side is Fang Xiaoxue's face, kill her, Li Fan can't let go.

But she had no effect on herself, so let her stay by the side. Li Fan sat cross-legged in this soul hall, rounded his hands, and started the first step of cultivation. According to the book, this meditation is about the gods and Buddhas, and who they see will have a lifetime impact on themselves. And one can only visualize it once, and he has to accept his fate. Many people think of the characters that are very ordinary, and those who can think of the true God, the future is unlimited!

And it is not so easy to visualize. You must connect the energy in the universe before you can communicate with the gods and Buddhas. Some people don't even think about success in one or two years, which is also a common occurrence in the field of cultivation.

Li Fan didn't care. He had already developed a small universe and connected the cosmic energy. For him, he was at a loss. Sure enough, it took him only a few minutes to feel that a figure appeared faintly in front of him.

It was a huge figure, a hundred feet tall, like a **** in the sky. He closed his eyes and stood there like a statue. At his feet, a giant golden axe was inserted, which looked shocking!

When Li Fan just saw him, the other person suddenly opened his eyes, as if staring at himself.


Li Fan was shocked, and his body pulled back, and he returned to his soul temple again.

But the soul hall has become different. On the wall of the soul hall, a huge deity is being painted. This **** is exactly the same as Li Fan has seen, with a huge axe in his hand, making a fierce chopping posture!

"Congratulations, master!"

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan with a smile, "What you just watched was Pangu, the **** of heavens!"

Lying down?

Even if Li Fan was calm, he couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the news. Good guy, think of Pangu? This is awesome!

"It's worthy of being the master, it's amazing."

Fang Xiaoxue continued, "You have now acquired the talent of Pangu, the meridian of the gods!"

"What is the use?"

Li Fanguang heard the name, he felt awe-inspiring.

"This talent allows you to have the meridians of God, and you can practice ten times faster than others."

ten times……

Li Fan couldn't help but want to slap his tongue. Isn't that a bit ... too shit?

It seems that in the future in the world of self-cultivation, I am afraid that it will be like a fish! With this talent, who can be his opponent?

But Li Fan thought about it, too. After all, he already has the same strength as Xianzun, and even the main twin lion king is no longer his opponent. He basically plays as a pig and eats a tiger. With his current strength, if he comes to practice again, progress should have been right soon!

Now that the imagination has been completed, according to the introduction of the introductory mind, Li Fan began to let the vitality in the body begin to circulate, and began to circulate along his own meridian.

Cultivation is very similar to practicing in some ways, it is to let the spiritual power or vitality cycle weekly.

After Li Fan inhaled a certain amount of spiritual power, he turned into vitality, and then condensed his heart and blood, sprayed in front of him!


The blood spilled out and sprayed in the middle of the four pillars in front. The blood immediately turned into a bead of blood, which emerged between the four pillars.

According to the introductory mentality, nine beads were trained, and the hematopoiesis was successfully completed.

But where I want to train nine blood beads, where is that easy? But for Li Fan, it seemed like a breeze.

Li Fan sat in the soul hall, letting vitality circulate continuously, circulating in the meridians of his body. The blood qi in the meridian will increase by one point for every week and day. Originally a ping pong ball-sized blood droplet, it began to swell in an instant, and soon became the size of a football.

The vital energy flow in Li Fan's body is extremely fast, after all, it is ten times the speed, which is simply abnormal. After a while, the first blood droplets had condensed out, a drop of blood separated from the blood droplets, flew to the side, and then continued to expand.

It took about half an hour to complete this second blood drop.

It took Li Fan an hour to condense the third blood drop!

The fourth is naturally two hours, and four hours have passed. Li Fan, they successfully completed today's course.

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