My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 012 Two-Headed Fox

Postscript 012 Double Headed Fox

"That won't work, too. Hunting spirit beasts is too dangerous."

The little girl is still very kind. "The advice I give you is to choose another job. If it doesn't work, I will help you get a place for planting!"

"Thank you very much. You are nice."

Li Fan couldn't help but thank the little girl who was so long and straight. The students in their D-level college were almost like animals running on the ground. No one cared about them at all. And this clerk, who was willing to take risks for himself, really moved Li Fan.

"But you believe me, I will not die in vain. Life is very precious. I just want to make some money to supplement my family, and I don't want to die."

Li Fan persuaded the clerk.

"Why don't you listen to advice?"

The little girl was furious and said, "What do you do?"

"Relax, I know."

Li Fan insisted on doing this, and the clerk couldn't help it. She can't influence the students' thoughts, but can only start to apply for him according to Li Fan's purpose.

"Every job requires a mortgage."

The little girl told Li Fan, "Considering the nature and benefits of your job, the mortgage requires fifty points!"


Li Fan obediently handed in fifty points, the little girl seemed a little discouraged.

"Why do you still have so many points ... Well, this job is yours, you have to go to the dark forest next to hunt the spirit beasts there. Remember, you can only hunt on the periphery of the dark forest. It is already a level 9 spirit beast. It is said that there are level 8 or even level 7 spirit beasts in the inner circle. It is terrible! If you encounter them, you will be hunted relentlessly! "

The little girl reminded Li Fan repeatedly that he should not be impulsive and told Li Fan some rules in the dark forest.

"The spirit beasts of each level are also divided into three grades. The spirit beasts of the ninth grade can be exchanged for one thousand fairy points. The spirit beasts of the ninth grade can be exchanged for three thousand fairy points. Spirit beasts can be exchanged for eight thousand fairy crystal points! "

"What about level eight or level seven spirit beasts?"

"You still don't think about those, first carefully try to catch the spirit beasts of the ninth grade and try it!"

"OK, all right."

Li Fan did not follow up. He received a work manual from the little girl, which was not included in the jade.

This is also a new feature of Yu Pei discovered by Li Fan. There is a space of about ten square meters in it, which can be used to store items. Suzaku College is also a big deal. Any student can send such a powerful space prop.

With this thing in hand, Li Fan is quite convenient.

He stepped out of the room, went outside, and ran directly in the direction of the dark forest. The dark forest is not very far from Suzaku College, just about two kilometers away. At the junction of the Dark Forest and the Academy, a tall wall was erected to block the spirit beasts from the other side.

The city wall is 20 meters high. Li Fan stands under the city wall, with two guards standing in front of the city gate.

"Out of town hunting?"

The guard was somewhat surprised to see Li Fan presenting the work manual.

"You, a D-class student, are you going to hunt Warcraft? Is it unwise?"

"I have the manual, please let it go, thank you."

Li Fan was too lazy to talk to this guard, the dog looked low.

"Open the door and let him die."

Another guard said coldly, "It also reduces the burden on Suzaku College. We don't need garbage."

The guard opened the door, Li Fan was not angry, ignored them both, passed through the city gate, and entered the dark forest outside. The reason why it is called the dark forest is that the woods here are extremely dense. Every tree almost reaches ten feet high, and the sky is tight and solid.

The moon was very big and the moonlight was very bright this night. It's just that the dense leaves are obscured by the dense leaves, and almost no moonlight can penetrate.


The roar of beasts continued in the forest, one after another. This kind of place, I am afraid to come to other people, this place is like a hell!

Li Fan, however, was casually in the forest. He could feel that there were many creatures around him, and he could even hear their breathing. There are many creatures in this forest, but not all of them are spirit beasts. According to the petite villain, only those who have grown out of the spirit core are spirit beasts, and the others can only be called beasts.

Li Fan's goal was these spirit beasts. He stood by a tree, closed his eyes, and felt the surrounding atmosphere.

The atmosphere is very chaotic. There are powerful spirit beasts everywhere. However, Li Fan doesn't need to capture too much, otherwise it will look too exaggerated. He only needs to capture one, and a grade nine is good. The point of eight thousand fairy crystals was enough for him to squander with Murong Ying.

Li Fan judged the breath around him, whether it was strong or weak. Li Fan found one of the stronger ones and walked over.

In the surrounding woods, there was a lot of breath staring at Li Fan.

A white giant wolf slowly leaned out from behind the woods, followed by some ordinary wild wolves, roaring at Li Fan.

Li Fan didn't do anything, he just looked at the white wolf and glared! From him, a powerful breath spread out instantly!

The white wolf was sorrowful, sorrowful, and took the lead to run away. In the eyes of the white wolf, this is not a human at all, but a more terrible beast!

Li Fan's gaze turned, he caught the breath of a spirit beast. But the spirit beast seemed to notice himself and began to flee quickly.

"Want to escape?"

Li Fan snorted coldly, and at his foot, the whole man quickly shuttled through the forest.

But the spirit beast escaped at a slow speed, and Li Fan kept following him firmly, like a real hunter.

Before long, Li Fan appeared before a lake. The area of ​​this lake is not small. Because there are no trees here, some moonlight falls down and reflects on the lake.

Just by the lake, a fox with two heads was lying down and drinking water. The fox was white and had three tails behind it.

Li Fan smiled bitterly, good guy, he was even played by that spirit beast. The double-headed fox in front of him is obviously a spirit beast of eighth grade! And although there are two heads, still foxes, but they do not know how to live or die, they bowed down and growled at themselves.

Li Fangang has just practiced and has not yet learned any spells. But he was originally martial arts, leaning against his fists.

The two-headed fox stared at Li Fan, and their eyes were full of evil thoughts.

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