My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 182: Make things difficult

No. 182

Li Fan muttered in his heart, the three women in this room ... Well, iron pillars are not included in the count. None of the three women is a good stubble, their heads are fierce. Murong Ying is only a bit more domineering, Liu Yanan is more selfish ... and Murong Ai is an absolute black girl.

As the saying goes, three women have a play, plus a two-stroke old man, so the team of this play is in order! It's just hard to do it for myself. It's not easy to perform this drama!


Murong Bo looked up at Liu Yannan, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Li Fan and Murong Ying secretly looked at each other, and there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

Could there be any flaws that Murongbo could not see?

But Murongbo just glanced and said casually.

"Good girl, don't keep such a beautiful maid in the future, it's not safe. Some people are afraid that they can't control the thing in their crotch."

Li Fan came down with cold sweats, and the tofu was out of date.

"Thank Dad for reminding me."

Murong Ying could not help crying or laughing, but she subconsciously agreed with her father's words.

"However, it would be nice if he could run with this girl."

Murongbo touched his chin and thought, "This way, my baby girl can go back to my father again, hehehehe ... I said, little girl, what do you think of your aunt, you If I'd like to talk to him, I'll give you a million. "

"Master, shame me."

Liu Yanan hurriedly shakes her hands, seems frightened, but keeps swearing in her heart, **** the old man, the old lady gives you ten million, you take your girl to the old lady to get away!

But she agreed with Li Fan that she would definitely do it!

"Master, please have a meal."

Tie Zhu reminded once again that Murong Bo reacted.

"Oh yes, you say that, I'm really hungry. Two babies, go to eat with dad! It's been a long time since no one sat together to eat!"

Li Fan stared at Murongbo's back fiercely, cursing with his mouth.

Dead daughter charged!

Who would have thought that Murongbo, a generation of sensational masters, turned out to be a complete daughter control!

"Don't let Jiang Feng come in and eat together?"

Murong Ying noticed a thin figure standing outside the door and couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry about him, he's been practicing a lot lately and doesn't eat after lunch."

When Murong Bo waved his hands, he didn't seem to care much about his apprentice. Jiang Feng stood outside the door, as if the door god, was motionless. It is already late autumn, and the cold wind is in the bones, Li Fan can't help but feel a little bit timid.

It seems that practicing martial arts with Murong Ying is much better than practicing martial arts with Murong Bo ...

After entering the restaurant, Murong Bo's favorite dishes are on the long table. But at this time, Murongbo no longer had the shelf of the big master, and instead gave the two women continuous food.

"When you two were young, you both talked loudly. Then you could fight each other to grab a chicken leg."

While eating, Murong Bo didn't forget the emotions of the past.

"It's all in the past, so don't mention it again ..."

When talking about these things in front of Li Fan, Murong Ying was very embarrassed.

"It is my fault."

Murong love clamped a chicken leg to her sister, and then said, "I was not sensible at the time, and I liked to grab everything from my sister. When I grow up, I must be filial to my sister and give my sister everything."

"Xiao Ai is getting smarter!"

Mu Rongbo was particularly pleased, Li Fan secretly rolled his eyes, and said to her that she was a good fart!

"Brother-in-law, don't you like me so much?"

Murong Ai looked at Li Fan and asked with some grievances, "Xiao Ai will also be filial to her brother-in-law in the future, not to annoy her brother-in-law. Don't hate me, please ..."

"Okay, I promise to hurt you!"

Li Fan didn't wait for others to speak, and quickly nodded and promised! This Murong Ai doesn't know what kind of demon she wants to be, let her talk first!

This Murong Ai apparently fired at herself again and again, but no matter what she used, she was called by soldiers to block and the water to cover the earth. I took it all! Li Fan made up his mind, so his attitude became very good, and he was very sincere, so that Murong Bo could not find any problems.

Today, Li Fan brought a Sven mirror and a scholastic dress, which made Murong Bo look a lot more comfortable.

Needless to say, this is definitely the idea given by Murong Ying! My daughter, when I grow up, I start turning my elbows! Sure enough, it was a girl who didn't stay in the school. Think about it and feel sad.

"Li Fan, how are you doing your exercises recently?"

Murong Bo suddenly set his eyes on Li Fan. Li Fan raised his head, and his heart was stunned.

This old man is a rare one, not targeting himself, for fear of being unhappy.

"Uncle you worry about it, you still have made little progress."

Li Fan pretended to be modest, but Murong Bo smiled, "Sakura, you should teach him, I hate people who like to talk big."

"Uncle, although I am weak, I never say a lot."

Li Fan was still not humble, but ignored the eyes of Murong Ying next to her.


Murong Bo nodded, then pointed to the last chicken leg in the plate in front of him with chopsticks. "You can take this chicken leg away, even if you are true."

"How so sorry, I have nothing to eat, my uncle likes to eat chicken drumsticks, just go away."

"Just let you clip!"

Murong Bo was very upset, "I'm here to verify whether your words can be believed! Don't you dare?"

"That being the case, it would be rude to the boy."

Li Fan is also welcome, chopsticks are not used, and they just grab it.

This surprised Mu Rongbo a little. This Li Fan even started to grab it! So shameless!

Mu Rongbo immediately reached out his chopsticks and tried to grip Li Fan's hand.

But Li Fan's hand shrank back lightningly. He used the method of Da Sheng to pick the stars and was going to grab the chicken leg again. However, Murongbo's chopsticks are also used in a magical way. No matter where Li Fan grabbed his hand, there was no way to escape his chopsticks to block it.

Murongbo looked as if expressionless, but a pair of eyes could not be proud.

But Li Fan had already prepared, and he knew that this chicken leg was not so easy.

The other one secretly reached under the table and used it with all his heart. While Murong Bo was blocking himself with chopsticks, his anger burst out from the palm under the table.



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