My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 015 Challenge Chief

Postscript 015 Challenge Chief

Before school fights, you must first show your strength. This is the college's rules, but Li Fan did.

He has only six blood beads. He only has five. According to common sense, people should be stronger. But Li Fan's blood beads are a few times larger than others!

How does this guy cultivate, why are the blood drops so big?

"You blood ... can't it be fake?"

The fat man also choked for a long time, and finally asked stupidly.

"It's true or false, you know it at a try."

Li Fan put away his blood drops, "Let's start, everyone."

"it is good!"

The Brigadiers in the Eighth Kingdom have gathered courage. Who were they afraid of in school? Isn't this kid just a bit bigger?

Several people were about to attack, but Li Fan suddenly reached out.


Li Fan suddenly reached out his hand.

"Are you afraid?"

The fat man was almost rushing. When he heard this, he almost fell over.

"Of course not. I need to introduce my method first, right?"

Li Fan said, reaching out his palm, his palm became red immediately.

"I also have a family tradition called Flame Palm."

Murong Ying heard it from behind and almost laughed. This guy, at this time, still makes a mystery. Flame palm, isn't this the palm of your own creation? This guy deliberately worked out a set of so-called palm tricks, I am afraid that everyone would guess which big family child he is. In this way, even if he is a bit stronger, it will not be too noticeable.

"Flame Palm, which family effort seems to be."

Duan Chun also muttered in his heart, this servant seemed not simple.

In other words, is this kid not a domestic servant, but a master hired by the Murong family to protect Miss Murong?

There are too many families in the smart world, countless. Naturally, there are even more masters. It seems that I should be more polite to this Li Fan in the future. After all, it is five blood beads. If he has never cultivated in the family before, he will never believe it!

Li Fan placed his right palm in front of him. Due to the temperature, the air around the palm was distorted. Seeing this scene, the fat man couldn't help swallowing.

This method looks very powerful!

"Don't be afraid, let's be Bada!"

Someone snorted beside him, regaining the fat man's confidence. Yeah, even if you can't do it alone, eight people still beat him!

"let me do it!"

A thug with one arm came out from behind. Don't look at this guy without one arm, but no one dares to look down on him. This buddy has not only practiced seven blood beads, but also a family tradition, which is tied with cents! As long as he is entangled by his bundle of immortal cords, those who are lower than him are immediately locked, and those who are higher than him are trapped for a second or two.

The buddy stepped forward and threw out a golden rope with one hand, heading straight for Li Fan. But Li Fan sneered, drew his left hand, and caught the golden rope in his hand.

"Is this your dependence?"

Li Fan asked coldly, and then dragged his palm, he just dragged the beater forward. At the same time, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Li Fan. This buddy was also one of Zhao Long's thugs, with a strange figure. He usually likes to attack people from behind, this time is no exception. The boy practiced a kind of wicked claw, and immediately grasped Li Fan's heart.

Like Li Fan, behind his eyes, he immediately turned around and swiped at the guy's chest.


The attacker burst into flames and flew out, slamming into the wall next to it.


The wall was smashed immediately, and the buddy seemed to faint.

"The shot seems a bit heavy."

Li Fan arched his hand, "Please forgive me."

"Boy, some skill!"

Another beater stepped forward, the buddy was only one meter and six meters tall, but his muscles were very strong.

"I'm trained to be rigid. Have you the ability to hit me?"

Speaking, the muscles on his body were suddenly covered with a gray light, as if turning into rocks. Li Fan nodded and stepped forward, a palm printed on his chest.


There was another muffled sound. The buddy was knocked down and flew out. His body kept spinning, smashed the ceiling, flew to the sky in a blink, and disappeared.

"It was the first time I heard such a request."

Li Fan looked very relaxed. "Everyone, who else has such a request, I will meet you all."

The remaining six people looked at each other, and the combat effectiveness this guy showed ... a little too strong!

"Six of you back down."

Zhao Long waved his hand. "You are not his opponents. You don't need to sacrifice for nothing."

Zhao Long's remarks touched a few beaters.

"Are you finally out?"

Li Fan was moving his muscles, "I defeated you, am I the chief of this academy?"


Zhao Long nodded, "On the premise that you must have this ability!"

Said, Zhao Long spit out nine blood beads, "Chief of Ding College, Zhao Long! Accept your challenge!"

Nine blood beads, eight fists, one table tennis. It seems that Zhao Long will soon complete hematopoietic and enter the C-level college. Not many days at Ding class college, but the more so, the more he will keep his reputation! Can't be driven off at the last minute! In that way, he still has He Yan faced in the C-level college!

At Suzaku College, two things matter most. One is strength and the other is fame. Obviously, the two are linked!

Nine blooddrops made the audience burst into an uproar!

Duan Chun was also shocked. Good guy, did this guy have the strength of nine blood drops? Fortunately, I didn't start for Ms. Murong to provoke this guy! Nine blood beads, that's almost done. The next step is to make bones! After making bones, the strength of the whole person has doubled!

This kind of strength gap is too big, even if Li Fan is strong, he can't win!

"Nine blood drops ... Can Li Fan win?"

Huang Ying looked at it for a long time and couldn't help asking.

"It's impossible, there is no chance of winning."

Duan Chun shook his head, "One effort to drop ten meetings, this gap cannot be filled with skills!"

"It's a pity, this Li Fan is quite strong ..."

Huang Ying instinctively worships the strong, and sees Li Fan's gaze a lot. Is this person better than his brother?

"can we start?"

Li Fan was very calm, as if nine blood beads were like nine glass **** to him.


Zhao Long nodded. When he reached out, a golden flame suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, forming a fireball the size of a pigeon egg.

"Just let me meet you, a life-and-death challenger."

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