My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 021 Wolf King Black Wind

Postscript 021 Wolf King Black Wind

"What strength are you now?"

Li Fan asked Bai Yujiao.

"Return to the master, the body is in the raw meat period, and has reached the stage of the **** meat, and it is about to start calcining."

"Oh, that's already strong."

Li Fan thought about it. In the human stage, they were hematopoietic, bone refining, raw meat, and calcined nails. Among them, hematopoietic is nine blood beads, bone refining is seven **** bones, and raw meat is five stages, which can give birth to humans, beasts, dragons, immortals, and gods.

These stages are actually creating a Yuanying for spiritual cultivation in the soul hall. The higher the degree of completion of this infant, the broader the road to future repairs.

Each of these five levels of flesh is stronger than before. Now that Bai Yujiao has trained to the highest level of flesh, she can proceed to the next calcination.

"When is the calcined?"

"This ... back to the master, I haven't found the right material yet."

Bai Yujiao said awkwardly.

Calcination is the last step of the human rank. To complete this step, different materials are needed.

"The first step is bone armor. The better the bone, the more effective it is."

Bai Yujiao sighed, "But in the dark forest, I am not worthy of the spirit beasts who are weaker than you. You who are stronger than you ... you cannot beat you ..."

"You can't beat me, don't you still have me?"

Li Fan laughed, "Let's go, who's the bone in your picture, I'll take it for you."

"Well, is that okay ..."

Bai Yujiao blinked and felt happy.

"What's so bad."

Li Fan said, "In the dark forest, this is where the flesh is strong. We don't kill him, we just borrow some bones. I think they will sell this face to us."

Bai Yujiao is speechless, this new owner is too domineering!

This is also good, as long as you can complete the calcination, it is also a huge improvement!

"Exactly ... there is a deadly opponent in this dark forest."

Bai Yujiao raised her head, and there was a trace of real hatred in her eyes.

"His name is Heifeng, and he lives in the nearby Heifeng cave. He is a black wolf, which is more than 300 years old than his body. He is already a master of the silver armor."

"Oh? That's terrible. How did you two get angry?"

"He always wanted to occupy the body, but the body leaned on a sword to protect him, and held the same goal, so that he did not succeed."

"So, you know, leave it to me."

Li Fan nodded. "Take me to the Batu Caves to see what this silver wolf demon looks like."

"Okay, master."

Bai Yujiao's mood is a bit complicated, and she feels a bit like sitting on a ladder, going up and down.

But if he can use his hands to get rid of his enemies and build bones, this is the best of both worlds!

Bai Yujiao no longer hesitated thinking of this place. She settled on the snakehead, and led Li Fan out of her cave all the way to the other end of the dark forest.

"In this dark forest, there are eight strong men just like you."

Li Fan figured it out, then said, "There is another super master who is almost crossing the robbery ... oh, no, this person should have crossed the robbery, but he did not succeed, right?"

"How do you know ..."

Bai Yujiao secretly surprised.

"I judged from their breath."

Li Fan said casually, "It really is a terrible forest. No wonder the college will erect high walls."

Bai Yujiao said in his heart that you are already so strong, and even said such a thing, this force you to pretend, it is too level.

Because Bai Yujiao was there, some of the weak spirit beasts did not dare to appear. And they walked not far and came near a small hillside, and Bai Yujiao finally stopped.

"Master, he is here."

"Well, is this the Batu Caves?"

Li Fan glanced at the opening, and there was a strong smell of wind, which made Li Fan very uncomfortable. The mouth of the cave is also full of bones, among which there are many human bones, which looks very scary.

"This black wind especially likes to eat people."

Bai Yujiao resentfully said, "It's because of him that the masters of Suzaku Academy once besieged our dark forest once. There were originally more masters here, and now there are only eight. If there is no Lord Dragon King, , I'm afraid our dark forest is long gone. "

"The Lord Dragon King is the master of crossover."

Li Fan has some doubts, "Since this scum, why not get rid of it?"

"Adult Dragon King reads that everyone is a demon, and doesn't want to care about him anymore."

"Your Lord Dragon King is really kind."

Li Fanxin said, but I want to control these demons, and rely on kindness, I'm afraid I can't do it? Not to mention the demons, even a human being, a kind person, cannot become a ruler. To be a ruler, you must be ruthless!

"Well, but there is a master, this black wind is dead!"

Bai Yujiao whispered secretly, who can be your opponent in this agile world ... you can dominate the agile world!

"Knock on the door and tell the host that we are here."

Li Fan ordered Bai Yujiao.

"What's the knock on? Is it okay to break in?"

Bai Yujiao couldn't figure it out.

"How can we do that, we must be polite."

After listening to Bai Yujiao, she was very speechless, and she said that when you came to my Dongfu, why did n’t you understand politeness?

But she had no choice but to obey Li Fan's will. Bai Yujiao stretched out her hand and patted it vigorously on the stone gate outside Dongfu.

Bang Bang!

Bai Yujiao's hand strength is not small, Shimen was shot straight.

Soon, Shimen opened, and a little wolf demon leaned his head and glanced at Bai Yujiao.

"Who dares to bother our king?"

"Bai Yujiao!"

Bai Yujiao reported his name, and the wolf demon was taken aback.

"Is it Bai Niang? Wait a minute, I'll go back and report!"

The little wolf demon closed the door of Dongfu, and ran back.

After a while, the door of the cave opened, and the wolf king Heifeng wore a black overcoat and came out with a smile. Behind him were seven or eight little wolf demon, all his puppets.

"White girl, have you finally come to me?"

Although Heifeng has become a person, he doesn't know what his aesthetic is. This looks absolutely a bit ... unsightly. I didn't say anything about my face, and there was a scar on my eyes. I think it's a man, it's a man.

But women's aesthetics are different from men's, especially Hefeng's killing Matt style ... why is there an explosive purple hair?


And those little wolf monsters behind him are also all dressed up to kill Matt, a whole washing and blowing army!

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