My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 023 Bully the Dragon King

Postscript 023 Bully the Dragon King

"That being the case, let's meet first."

The Dragon King said, the sky suddenly changed color, and the whole forest was windy again.

Soon, a black tornado fell from the sky, rolled on the ground in front of Li Fan, rolled up countless leaves, and kept dancing. This momentum is indeed not something ordinary people can have. The Dragon King is also very satisfied with his full-fledged appearance. After all, he is a quasi-human during the robbery. In this agile world, he is a character walking sideways! Even the old guys at Suzaku Academy have to give him three points!

Some time ago, the old fellow of Zhu Hong also crossed the robbery, but like himself, the robbery failed. He can't let Zhu Hong surpass himself, he must catch up with him before, and the robbery is successful!

However, when you challenge the king of the world, you can call Zhu Hong together, so the chances of success are also greater.

"Is this the famous Dragon King?"

Li Fan looked at the man who came out of the black tornado. He was about fifty years old, and his hair and beard were slightly gray. After the raw meat step, many practitioners can re-correct their looks. And it is pure natural and harmless. So many people will choose a youthful and beautiful appearance, but some people like their original appearance.

The Dragon King should be like this. Keeping his middle-aged look, he looks very mature, so he can probably calm down.

"It's been a long time since I asked about worldly things. I didn't expect Suzaku College to have you."

The Dragon King looked at Li Fan like a junior, "Look at your strength, probably in the Bronze Armor period, right?"

The Dragon King probably judged Li Fan's strength. He naturally did not think that this human would be stronger than himself.

"You look like a torch."

Li Fan naturally did not go to break.

"My old and immortal Zhu Hong from your college is also a bit of friendship. In his face, I don't kill you."

The dragon king showed his kindness, "but it won't let you leave the dark forest in peace, otherwise I will explain to the big guys. So, you leave one arm, the left arm or the right arm, you can choose.

If a person has a disability, it can be cured before the raw meat phase. But after the raw meat period, if you do n’t have arms or legs, it will be difficult to cure without paying a little price.

Now the Dragon King asked Li Fan for an arm. Although Li Fan's arm could be regenerated, he didn't want to give it.

"Want my arm, yes."

Li Fan stretched out his right arm, "But you have to pick it yourself."

"Haha, is the kid arrogant?"

The Dragon King smiled. "Your strength is really good, but it's too crazy. There are many opponents in this world that you can't handle."

"Then let me open my eyes."

Li Fan didn't look afraid, and the Dragon King finally lost his patience.

"That being the case, let me teach you for Zhu Hong!"

With that, the Dragon King waved his hand and an invisible wind blade immediately cut through the ground and passed everything by Li Fan's arm in an instant!

A towering tree behind Li Fan split in half. The two trunks that were broken were slowly planted towards both sides.

Li Fan, however, was moving his right arm.

"Why, Dragon King, don't you shoot?"


The Dragon King frowned. His wind blade could cut off even steel. Why didn't he cut off the opponent's arm? Even if the other person's body is strong, his clothes shouldn't be so hard, right?


He grunted coldly, waved his arm again, and swept across again.

This time, he gathered all the spiritual power in his eyes, and finally saw Li Fan's little movement! The moment Feng Feng was close to his arm, Li Fan's arm followed. It was almost pulling out a residual image, avoiding the wind blade, and returning to the previous position.

It means that Li Fan's reaction ability and speed have surpassed the blade! This is a bit ... incredible!

"What's wrong, Lord Dragon King, it seems a little surprised to see your expression."

"Your boy ... who the **** ..."

The King of Dragons is not a fool, he has seen it, this boy is very powerful.

"Did you also reach the robbery period?"

After the jade armor, you have to cross the robbery and become a fairy! But when did the Suzaku Academy have a master who crossed the robbery, I never heard of it! A while ago, only Zhu Hong tried to get over the robberies and failed!

"Dragon King, you say that this werewolf is your kin. I killed him. You want to avenge me. But when he wants to eat me, why aren't you here?"

Li Fan smiled coldly, "Your double standard is too interesting. I'm relatively strong. If I'm weak, I'm afraid it will become a corpse. It's already me. At that time, will you stand up and cut off One arm of this wolf? I'm afraid not, because you only safeguard your dignity. Human life is not that important to you. "

"Boy, you talk too much!"

The King of Dragons could not hang on his face, and said stiffly, "I can't turn on your junior to learn."

"In the realm of cultivation, the strong are the most respected."

Li Fan raised his fist. "So, why do you consider yourself an elder?"

"I didn't want you to have one arm, but for now, leave your life alone!"

The Dragon King was furious. He took one point with his hands and drew a special trajectory. And in the next second, the sky suddenly dropped a thunderbolt, and it was split directly into Li Fan's head.


Li Fan raised his right palm and caught the thunderbolt!

Such terrible Tianwei was blocked by Li Fan only with one hand! He shook the black smoke on his palm and looked at the Dragon King lightly.

"this one?"

Dragon King's mouth is the boss, this is Tianwei! Although it is not as good as a real sky mine, it is not much less powerful! In front of this human, only the palm of the hand blocked the bombing? When did Suzaku Academy emerge this sacred?

"Five Thunder Boom!"

The Dragon King kept waving his hands, and the sky was covered with clouds. Then, thunder and lightning cut through the night sky and fell towards Li Fan!

Li Fan even resisted the lightning of Xianzun, not to mention the cottage lightning created by these dragon kings?

He was standing in place, and every time a thunderbolt fell, he was broken by his fist!

boom! Bang! Bang Bang!

Li Fan penetrated more than ten thunders in a row, the Dragon King's face became paler and paler, and his spiritual power was quickly consumed. This kind of big move, he can't hold it for long!

But if you stop, I am afraid that your end is coming!

In any case, take this kid down!

"Thunder Dragon Thunder!"

The Dragon King suddenly protruded his Nedan and flew to the top of Li Fan's head. He actually used Nedan to trigger a real sky mine!

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