My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 025 Special Treatment

Postscript 025 Special Treatment

Li Fan bid farewell to the Dragon King and allowed Bai Yujiao to stay in his Dongfu, and he returned to Suzaku College.

After handing in a Level 9 spirit beast as usual, Li Fan returned to daily life. Consolidate your strength every day, study the fairy law, and meditate with Murong Ying.

Finally, more than half a month later, Murong Ying, who was meditating beside Li Fan, issued a golden radiance!

Seeing this light, Li Fan was quite relieved. This chick finally broke through the current level and entered the next stage of bone refining.

The academy is also noisy. Many people are surprised. Who broke it?

"Miss Murong broke through?"

Duan Chun looked at the glorious direction, his mood was extremely complicated. Did this Miss Murong break through? It's too fast, how long has she just arrived at the college!

He broke through the hematopoietic level in two months and entered the bone refining. It is really ... a genius!

"Congratulations, you have already been qualified to enter a C college."

A staff member of a college arched his hands at Murong Ying, "You can now go to the college."

Murong Ying glanced at the jade pendant in her hand. The jade pendant, which was originally green, had become white jade.

It seems that this is the key to entering the C-level college.

"Then I'll take a step first."

Murong Ying glanced at Li Fan, "You'll come later, don't let me."

After speaking, Murong Ying turned and walked out of the gate of the academy, with a row of envious eyes behind her. She was not very happy in her heart. The reason why she was able to advance to the next stage was entirely because Li Fan was letting water out. To her, it was absolutely unacceptable. But she also understood that Li Fan did this, one to take care of her emotions, and the other to keep a low profile.

Li Fan is such a flattering way, so straight, no girl actually likes it. But Murong Ying knew that Li Fan was such a character. I've known him for years and never knew the girl's mind. But it happened, but a group of girls like to surround him.

I really don't know what charm this man has!

Soon after Murong Ying left the academy, she happened to meet Dean Ding who had been here for a long time.

"Murong Ying, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"you are?"

Murong Ying looked at this gray-haired bearded old man, and for the first time she didn't know who he was.

"I'm the Dean of Ding College ... Congratulations, you have graduated from our college and are about to go to the next C College. Dean C will come soon and he will pick you up in the College."

"Does every student have this treatment?"

Murong Ying raised her eyebrows.

"Of course not."

Dean Ding hurriedly explained, "You are different because you are the seed player that the college focuses on."

Murong Ying didn't say much, and it's no wonder that he completed the hematopoietic process in two months. I'm afraid no one has achieved it at the college.

Of course, except for Li Fan, Murong Ying estimates that he should be twice as fast as himself! At most, he completed the hematopoietic process in just one month.

The man he chooses, although he doesn't understand women, he is really strong. Probably, he devoted all his thoughts on women to practicing exercises.

"Dean C is really, why not come?"

Dean Ding was a little impatient.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

A middle-aged man stepped on a cloud of fire at his feet, fell from the sky, and fell in front of Murong Ying.

"Wait for a long time, something happened at the college and it was delayed."

"You, you, you are late for such an important time."

Dean Ding criticized him.

"Ah haha ​​... I didn't expect that this little girl in your college completed blood formation so quickly. Amazing! Amazing!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Murong Ying expressed her thanks.

"From today on, you are my apprentice, and I will teach you spells myself."

Dean C said directly, "From bone refining to forging, all your courses are taught by me."

Murong Ying was slightly surprised, how could she have such treatment?

"Ah, you old guy made you accept a good apprentice."

Dean Ding seemed a little jealous.

"Hahaha, I have better luck. But I don't know how long I can take you, Murong Ying, you are a very good genius. If your talents satisfy us, the dean of our college, Zhu Ling, will come in person Be your mentor! By then, you can learn the strongest fairy method of our Suzaku Academy, the "Suzaku Code" of the lower grade! "

Mysterious immortal law, naturally will be very strong. They are now practicing Jin Yude. It is a yellow-grade middle-class immortal method, and the grade is naturally worse.

"What about" Jin Yun Jue "I studied?"

"That low-level method, starting today, you don't have to learn it."

Dean C waved his hand and said, "You are already qualified to learn our fairy tales," The Red Fairy "!"

"This is a yellow class top-notch immortal, a spell that can only be learned by true elite disciples."

Dean Ding Lianlian said with emotion, "With your talent, I want to use it for two years. I should be able to complete the bone refining phase and enter the raw meat period!"

"Everyone looks forward to you!"

Dean C said, giving Dean a look.

"Then you take her, don't teach this piece of jade!"

"Oh, you look down on me too. Murong Ying, come with me."

Dean C took over the work of Dean D. He opened his mouth and vomited. The fireball reappeared, spun up, and kept expanding, and finally formed a cloud of flame.

"Come up."

"it is good."

Murong Ying stepped on the flame cloud, the flame was very warm and would not burn her.

"This is the Liuhuo cloud, which is used for flying. You can learn it after two years."

"That is to say, you have to complete the bone-building phase before you can fly?"

Murong Ying responded immediately.

"Yes, you can learn the Immortal Method after you have completed the hematopoietic process, and this flying method is spiritually subtle, without a certain foundation, you cannot understand it."

"Can I see this fairy?"

Murong Ying asked.

"Well, that's fine."

As soon as Dean C waved his hand, the crimson flames formed rows of words and symbols in front of him. These are the ways that Liu Huoyun is used.

He just wanted to let Murong Ying know about it. After all, he can fly to the sky, which is what every cultivating beginner expects. The more interested she is, the speed of cultivation will naturally increase.

"So it is."

Murong Ying nodded, and then she stretched out her right hand, slammed a decree, then spit red lips lightly, a ball of fire flew out, and rotated around the ground to turn into a cloud of the size of a basin.

Dean C's eyes were about to fall.

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