My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

: Postscript 027 Cultivation Magic

Postscript 027 Cultivation Magic

In addition to reporting to the academy every day, Li Fan practiced here at Bai Yujiao.

A month later, his bone refining was half done.

Seven **** bones, he now has a sternum. As long as the nasal bones, hand bones and skull are completed, he has completely completed the bone refining stage.

"Congratulations on your master, you have already trained your breastbone."

Bai Yujiao couldn't help feeling a little envious when she looked at the glittering color on Li Fan.

"When the master finishes the bone refining period, he can exchange Yuanying."


Li Fan didn't understand what it meant.

"Well, this is an ability that only humans have. What you are training in the soul temple is your future Yuan Ying! We demon clan have no Yuan Ying, only Nei Dan. So in all stages, we are tempering us The body. For humans, the infants are swapped before the battle. When you fight, you can use the infants, and the body is in the soul hall. If you are injured, just repair the infants. "

"What about death?"

"Death won't work ..."

Bai Yujiao hurriedly said, "Once Yuan Ying is trained, it is your soul. If the soul dies, then ..."

"Well, I know."

Li Fan nodded, and it seemed that he was still on his way. I just don't know, how about my fists and kung fu at that time.

"Ah, Suzaku College has also passed on."

Bai Yujiao glanced at the direction in the distance, and there was a golden light shining there.

"Someone has finished bone refining and has entered the stage of raw meat!"

"This breath is familiar."

Li Fan was a little surprised, turned out to be Murong Ying.

Only one month's effort, she completed bone refining? This speed is much faster than before!

"It seems that she should have been trained by Suzaku College."

Li Fan guessed in his heart that he must be practicing in a real geomantic treasure. I heard that the four colleges also have the King's Cup. It is estimated that in order to compete for the King's Cup, Murong Ying has been cultivated as a seed player.

"That's interesting."

Li Fan laughed, and he was really happy about Murong Ying's growth.

This is the martial arts leader he just met.

Who can grow faster in the agile world?

"In that case, I have motivation too."

Li Fan came to self-confidence. Since Murong Ying can outperform herself who has Pan Gu Meridian, she can't be lazy.

Holding this "Dragon Heart Decision", Li Fan began to continue his research.

He turned on almost all his strength, and sat in Bai Yujiao's cave house, then opened his mouth slightly.

Long swallow everything!

This is one of his tricks in Xuanlong Bingzhang. Now it is used to practice, it is most suitable!

With this breath, the spiritual power of the entire dark forest suddenly accelerated, forming a vortex here in Li Fan, and quickly gathered towards him!

"Oh my **** ..."

Bai Yujiao exclaimed again and again. Was this terrible spiritual power gathered for the master?

Really a bit, it's terrible!

In the same state as Li Fan, his growth rate also began to grow rapidly!

In the soul hall, the bones are also growing rapidly. After less than a month of effort, Li Fan cultivated the remaining three **** bones!

A fascinating rush to the clouds, Li Fan slowly exhaled a stale air. Bai Yujiao worshiped next to him, congratulating respectfully.

"Congratulations to the master, the bone-building phase has been completed, and then the meat can be entered!"


Li Fan looked at the complete skeleton in his soul hall, and was very satisfied.

At this speed, it should be able to catch up with Murong Ying. Li Fan didn't even go to Suzaku Academy. In Bai Yujiao's cave, he could still learn advanced exercises. There is Bai Yujiao, and even the Dragon King occasionally comes to give him pointers, which is also very convenient.

"Greeting, congratulating!"

The Dragon King really rushed to the cave, and he was happy to Li Fan, "You are a wizard, and you have completed the bone refining in such a short time. It is a blessing for me to have such a wonderful person like you!"

The Dragon King also had his own calculations. Although Li Fan was overbearing, he was not unreasonable. As long as he has a good relationship with him, he may be able to use his strength when he seeks the Lord in the future. With his strength, even if he is the master, I am afraid that he must be obediently defeated!

"I have also taught you the dragon-strike control technique. Now that you have entered the raw meat period, you can practice magic when you complete the first step of raw meat."

It ’s a good thing to cultivate magic weapon, Li Fan is kind of looking forward to it. But he figured it out and asked.

"Speaking of the magic weapon of cultivation, I really don't know anything about it. Besides, I don't have anything suitable to practice beside me."

"If it is a magic weapon, you can either go back to Suzaku College, they will provide a universal college magic weapon, Xuanhuo Mirror for each student. However, I still have a magic weapon in my hand, which I can use for you first."

"The Dragon King is so polite, how can I be ashamed."

Li Fan said falsely.

"Where and where, everyone can only cultivate one magic weapon at the same time. This guy from the Heifeng respects me before. It is useless to keep it. I will leave it to you.

Unexpectedly, Heifeng died and could make some contribution, Li Fan agreed.

"If you choose a magic weapon, you generally choose a magic weapon with similar attributes. After all, you are also a half-dragon, and the attributes are also biased towards thunder. Although this magic weapon is only a silverware, it is currently most suitable for you."

With that said, the Dragon King pulled out of his sleeve and took out a golden bell. This golden bell was as big as a fist. He was dragged to the palm of his hand and handed it to Li Fan.

In the realm of cultivation, the magic weapon levels are divided into bronze, iron, silver, gold, jade, and treasure, followed by fairy and artifact! This silverware is already a good magic weapon.

"This is called the glass clock. I have erased my mark. As long as you drop blood on it, you can let the magic weapon recognize you as the master. As long as you wait to use your spiritual power to nourish it, you can keep it constantly. Grow. Every level of magic weapon is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. But when you practice to the limit, it is the best magic weapon! At that time, the power of magic weapons will become stronger. "

"Thanks a lot."

Li Fan took the mouthful of the golden bell, bit his own finger, dripped the blood on it, and then identified the Lord according to the words of the Dragon King. After that, either Li Fan took the initiative to erase the mark, or the opponent's strength was stronger than Li Fan, otherwise the master of the magic weapon could not be changed.

After confessing the Lord, Li Fan felt that the golden bell seemed to have come alive, trembling slightly in his palms, seeming to be coquettish with himself.

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