196 Pointing Jiangshan

"Those soldiers on the battlefield must be followed by the gendarmerie team. Why, just to be able to put pressure on the soldiers, let them go to the fierce charge, and kill the enemy indefinitely!"

Hua Zhengyi waved his hands, spoke vividly, and frothed.

"Look at what our current students look like one by one? Laziness, laziness, and lack of progress! What we need to give them is pressure! Children nowadays, eat well, wear well, and genetics! They The conditions are many times better than ours, and there is so much potential for improvement! As long as we can give them a little more pressure and give them more urgency, they will be able to improve their academic performance even more! In this way, their performance has As a result, our secondary school entrance rate is naturally not a problem! Based on my many years of teaching experience, I believe that as long as my pressure method is officially used, I guarantee that the academic performance of everyone in the secondary school will be increased by 10%. Ten or even twenty percent! "

Hua Zhengyi's words made these directors present to discuss each other, one after another.

And Hua Zhengyi seemed to be loose, and continued, "The children now are living too easily. Schools, parents, and even public opinion are too indulgent to them! Only by giving them the strictest education and the greatest pressure, Only to let them break through their own limits! This is the experience of an old teacher who has taught books for more than 40 years, and also my passion for the education of children! I love these children, and I hope they can be better, both Can be admitted to the ideal university! "

"Your enthusiasm moved me."

The old director who had encouraged him before, wiped the tears under the frame of his glasses, "I believe in your love for the children! I was also a teacher before and I can understand you. Laohua, do it well! I will always support you ! "

"I support you too!"

"Yes, I also support it. Laohua is a good principal!"

"He has improved our school's promotion rate a lot!"

Without waiting for the vote, the directors have begun to exaggerate Hua Zhengyi and seem to have determined the fate of Hua Zhengyi.

"Director Murong, do you take a stand?"

The eyes of the old directors fell on the youngest Murong Ying. Although he was a new director, he held the majority of the shares in the private second school. How much her opinion still has to be heard.

"Me? Is my opinion important?"

Murong Ying sneered. Nine directors and eight of them were saying that they were good. What was the use of her vote alone.

"Oh, how do you say this. Everyone is for school, but also colleagues and friends. Anything you can say, you can mention it, don't hide it."

Murong Ying snorted with an official mouth full of old directors.

"Okay, since I want to listen, my opinion is disagree."

Murong Ying said directly, "What pressure method, shit! For a school, every student is the school's most valuable asset! We should understand them, care about them, not think about how to squeeze them, from They earn more money! "

"Director Murong, you are wrong. We are also for the sake of school. How can we be a student?"

"That's right, it's awful to speak to a little girl."

"We are also to allow students to enter a more ideal university! Director Murong, what do you think of us, it is too much!"

The directors started to complain about Murong Ying, Murong Ying shrugged, "You asked me to say it, I said, you are not happy, you say how tired you are alive."

"Miss Murong, you are a director and I should not refute you."

Hua Zhengyi finally found a chance, offending one director is better than offending nine! Now that she has offended the other nine, it's tantamount to paving the way! This is like a game of Go. A master is not only good at making rounds with his own pieces, but also good at making rounds with the opponent's pieces!

"This education is a profound knowledge. You are still young and you don't understand it. The current education is like this, the score, the college entrance examination, that's everything for the students! You said that we squeezed the students. Good students, so that they can have stronger capital to meet the challenges of the future! You say that we are shit, but this is not what we decided, it is the above, it is the entire China education system! You can see the above, People, the Education Bureau, and even the leaders of the Communist Party told them to reform the current college entrance examination system! As long as you can reform this college entrance examination system, Huahua Justice guarantees that everything will be done as you say! "

"Principal Hua, you are really good at eloquence."

Murong Ying was not angry, but smiled, "In order to persuade us, practice for a long time. If you use all these eloquences to care about students, it would be great, your son will not be punished He was hospitalized. "


Hua Zhengxiong was almost furious. Murong Ying hurriedly patted his forehead and said, "Look at my memory. Sorry, President Hua, I forgot that your son was not hit by someone. Principal Hua, let's catch it together. You can't just grab the school education, and your son's sense of direction must be strengthened. "

"Thanks, thank you, Director Murong for your concern ..."

This Hua Zhengyi soon bit his own teeth! What a Murong Ying. Not only is she beautiful, but her mouth is also fierce! She really looked down on her, but she couldn't be alone, and the one who laughed last was still herself, the principal of the second middle school, Hua Zhengyi!

"Okay, all opinions have been heard. Let's raise your hands to vote."

The old director raised his hand first. "If you agree with Hua Zhengyi to continue to be re-elected, please raise your hand. I will take a stand first."

"I agree."

"I don't object."

Other directors also raised their hands. When everyone's eyes fell on Murong Ying, Murong Ying also raised his right hand.

"Director Murong, aren't you against Hua Zhengyi's re-election? Why raise your hand? Could it be that your previous words were nonsense?"

The old director couldn't help but ask, how much of a satire was in his voice.

"No no no, I didn't mean that."

Murong Ying smiled slightly, "I'm just curious to know, after Hua Zhengyi's re-election as the principal, what kind of ghost will the second middle school look like."

"Well, young man, anger is big."

"Yeah yeah, so impulsive."

"Lao Hua is a good person. Don't do personal targeting!"

The directors criticized and taught Murong Ying, Murong Ying pretended not to hear. The old directors have already shaken hands with Hua Zhengyi.

"Laohua, in the next second middle school, I will rely on you!"

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