My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 202: Capture the Flying Cat under the Moon

202 Captured Flying Tmall Under the Moon

This **** cat can't use the hidden weapon. Li Fan grabbed the curtains next to him and shook his hands. The curtains were filled with vitality and covered the nails inside.

"Hurry up!"

Yan Kai patted Li Fan's wrist and gave the curtain to Zhenfei.


The curtain exploded like a cannonball.

"Wipe, it's gunpowder in this nail!"

Li Fanxin said that it was so good. If it wasn't for Yan Kai's timely help, he wouldn't be able to keep it!

It seems that his experience is still too shallow!

The flying cat has jumped out of the window and stalked into the night.

"Where to go!"

Yan Kai had already taken the lead and chased out of the window, and the curtains were still swinging slightly.

Li Fan was about to chase him, and the king shouted in the back.

"Don't go! Untie me first!"

Li Fan was about to help him, but he cursed again, "Two wastes, dog stuff! Even my baby can't be protected! Quickly untie me, I'm going to find your boss to complain to you! I'm going to strip your skin ! "


Li Fan stood in front of President Wang, and President Wang then cursed.

"What are you looking at, stupid! Quickly untie Lao Tzu!"

"Do you know me?"

Li Fan asked, pointing to his mask.

"I don't know him, poor man! Lao Tzu stands high, you know?"

"That's good."

Li Fan nodded, and then suddenly took an uppercut, hitting President Wang's fat chin.


President Wang spit out two big teeth. His body was blown up high, and he broke the ceiling above his head and hung from it.

"You're really high now, don't worry."

Li Fan clapped his hands and looked at President Wang who was dangling, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

The maid heard the sound and saw President Wang stuck in the ceiling. The scream pierced the night sky. However, at this time, Li Fan had swept out of the window and chased the flying cat away.

To say that the flying cat's light work is truly outstanding. Those who don't know, really thought she was a cat demon. I saw her swiftly flying in the night, as if stepping on the clouds under her feet, from time to time emptied a few meters, her body was hazy, making Yan Kai behind chase.

Although Yan Kai is an apprentice of Wudang, he is a lot worse in light work. His chase was obviously not as fast as the Flying Cat, and he was soon left behind.

"Hee hee, does this kind of light work come after Grandma?"

Flying Cat turned to make a face at Yan Kai who was thrown away, but she suddenly took a breath, because another Jin Yiwei with a grimace mask was easily following behind her!

"how is this possible!"

I have already made a seven-point effort, why can Jinyiwei's running dog catch up with himself?

Master said that his own meritorious service has taken the lead in the world. Even if he is against Murong Ying, the incumbent leader of the martial arts, he will have to win a few points!

But at this time, someone can catch up with himself, it is incredible! Flying cats remembered a boy before they thought about it, and their light work was also amazing! Could it be that I haven't walked around for too long, and there have been so many inept masters?

It is Li Fan who is not chasing after Feitiao.

He was using the deer sprint in deer strike at this time. This light work is fast, and it has a long lasting ability. So after chasing for such a long time, Yan Kai was left behind by such masters, but Li Fan was able to follow behind Feitiao firmly.

Every time his feet fell to the ground, he would use his strength to bounce and let his body leap forward for seven or eight meters, and the energy he consumed was naturally much smaller.

"You running dog, it's so easy!"

Flying Cat boasted for the first time, "But your grandma's light work hasn't come up with all the enthusiasm, don't be too proud of you!"

"Then you take it out and let me open your eyes."

Li Fan smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, maintaining the kind of force that a Jin Yiwei master should have.

"You can keep up!"

The flying cat shook its hips and walked on a pair of beautiful long legs. The body suddenly pressed a few points towards the ground, as if it was fast on the ground. The legs kept on stepping, and the whole person suddenly accelerated, flexibly in the building. Jump between!

Li Fan laughed. Although his trivial performance could not be compared to the flying cat, but he had long been prepared to arrest this chick.

As soon as he reached out, he took a chain hook from his waist! This is what Li Fan and Yan Kai asked in advance. With this thing, Li Fan's pursuit will be much easier!

Feitiao Cat is light and elegant, she stepped on the edge of the building, leaped forward more than ten meters away, and easily fell on the roof of the ground.

Li Fan was not in a hurry. After rushing to the side of the floor, he leaped forward and jumped more than seven meters away. Then he took out his hands and threw out his claws and grabbed the water pipe on the opposite roof.

This claw is filled with Li Fan's true energy, as flexible as an arm!

Li Fan dragged his hand, and with the force of the claws, he jumped out a few meters away, and at the same time, he was seven or eight points faster!


Seeing that Jin Yiwei even caught up with himself in this way, Feitiao Cat couldn't help but be a little surprised.

With several jumps between buildings, Li Fan leaned on this hook and got closer and closer to the flying cat!


Flying Cat was so proud of it before, now looking at Li Fan's eyes is just like looking at a ghost! The man leaned on a hook to make up for the shortcomings in light work!

Flying Cat saw the telephone pole in front and suddenly came up with an idea.

She pinched the pole three or two times before falling on the wire.

Every time you step on the wire, it is a foot, so that the current does not form a loop in her body, so it will not get an electric shock. This is the light work that a master like Feitiao can do. Most people step on such a soft wire, let alone one foot, even maintaining balance is a problem.

Each time the flying cat stepped on the wire with one foot, and then bounced forward, repeating and moving forward.

Li Fan didn't have that ability, and he was not in a hurry, so he followed the flying cat against the ground.

Just as Flying Cat was about to jump a little higher, Li Fan suddenly shook his hand, threw out a golden marble, and went straight to Flying Tmall.

"Scarlet trick!"

The flying cat's body paused in the air, and the golden marbles flew out against the bridge of her nose. And at this moment, Li Fan's right claw came out again, hooked directly on the shoulder of Feitiao.

"not good!"

The flying cat exclaimed, but it was too late. Li Fan pulled the claws and dragged the flying cat that had fallen ten meters into the sky.


Feitian Cat offset Li Fan's strength with his light work, but was still thrown in front of Li Fan.

"Is the flying cat, I won it."

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