My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 210: Invincible commander

210 Invincible Commander

Although the body of that little flag has a small Wuxiang Shengong body, it cannot be used as a weapon by cow monks!


After all, they are their own, and the commander can't help but be merciless. He put away his big gun, stretched out his right hand, and caught the body of the little flag.

But it was a big casserole fist from the monk Niu!


The fist was blocked by the commander's erected gun body. The commander's gun body never wavered, showing his strength.

"Monk Niu, do you think you can beat this seat?"

The commander held a dragon gun in his hand and looked at the giant man in front of him with a contempt.

"Buddha with all his strength, cut your gun!"

Monk Niu said, holding his hands on the commander's gun.

"Oh, this seat is for you to see, do you have that ability!"

A huge burst of anger suddenly burst out of the commander's lance, bouncing the cow monk's hands.

The cow monk simply gave up the big gun, took a step forward, and simply grabbed his hands toward the commander's shoulder! Li Fan clearly saw from the side, most of the cow monk's moves were mainly beaten.

However, the commander had a small Wuxiang Shengong body guard. If he wanted to beat him, it would be difficult.

"Monk cow, I'll help you!"

Yan Kai grabbed the commander's large gun with both hands, trying to block his attack.

The cow monk's hands had been caught on the shoulder of the commander, but he was lifted upside down in the air, and he would fall down at any time.

"Scarlet trick!"

The commander kept his face unchanged. Even though he was standing upside down in the air and the big gun was being towed, he still shot the cow monk's forehead with his other hand!

Although the commander is best at marksmanship, he has a small magic power, and the power on the palm is really not light.

Falling down with a slap, there is a tendency to break the thunder! The cow monk's forehead caught this palm, and his nose was bleeding, but he still stood there, slamming the conductor's body against the wall behind him.


The wall was smashed and three people crashed into the next room.

This is not over. The cow monk continued to push the body of the commander, but he smashed into three rooms in a row, and finally smashed the body of the commander into the last wall!

Although the monk Niu also reached the peak, but obviously his kung fu has just reached this level, probably about four dragons. The commander, at least, has the power of the five dragons, crushing them with strength. This is peaking, according to Murong Ying, if you want to train a generation of masters, you must be at least ten dragons!

And Li Fan only has the power of six tigers, that is, the power of one dragon and one tiger, which is too far away from the command! If it wasn't for the commander's failure to use all his strength, I'm afraid he and Yan Kai would have seen the Buddha as long ago.

In particular, the commander had a powerful little Wuxiang **** body guard on his body. He was smashed through so many walls, but he was still safe, embedded in the wall, and just sneered at the cow monk.

"Is this over?"

The smile made by the conductor made the cow monk feel a little broken.

"This guy, a tough body!"

The cow monk straightened his tongue. "It seems that this wine is not easy to drink today!"

"There is a glass of wine for you, King Yan."

The commander said, ready to kill the cow monk.

But at this moment, a shout came from behind the cow monk.

"Look down!"

The cow monk heard this voice, without hesitation, immediately locked his neck and squatted down.

And Li Fan's figure appeared from behind him, and he kicked his foot very much on the head of the conductor!

Li Fan has not shot just now, he is waiting for this opportunity, and at the same time he is also accumulating his own energy!

White deer kicked the door down, and this move would have required full storage! Now given him such a chance, how could he not use it?

At this moment, the soles were printed on the face of the commander. Li Fan heard a crunchy ear, it seemed that the commander's skull was cracked by himself?


The back wall also burst into a large piece, the rubble flew and the smoke billowed out.

At that moment, the big gun suddenly broke Yan Kai's blockade and swept directly on Li Fan's abdomen. He pulled Li Fan out and slumped beside him.

The smoke slowly spread, and the command caused blood to hang at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of blood, so he stared at Li Fan.

My day ... This guy is terrible in skill, eating his own white deer with 200% strength and kicking the door with his head, he is still alive!

Li Fan had to give him a thumbs up, too fierce!

"You! How dare you hurt me!"

The commander lost one of his teeth. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and growled!

The air waves are flying, even the cow monk's body is a little unstable!

Did the commander show all his strength?

Everything in this room was shaking, as if led by a commanding force.

A man with the power of the five dragons, even Murong Ying, will waste some hands and feet. And Li Fan's strength is too far away, now challenging such a master, it really exceeds his current limit.

"You all have to die!"

I don't know if it's blood or anger. The commander held his own dragon gun and his eyes were red!

"This person is too strong, why don't we retreat?"

Yan Kai asked.

"We have nowhere to go! We must kill him!"

Li Fan thought it out, now he is back, there is only a dead end!

"This baby is right! What are you afraid of, Lord Buddha will do it with you!"

The cow monk said, holding a pillar next to it with both hands, and then his arms swelled, and the card crashed, and the pillar was snapped off!

"The court's running dog, let's die!"

The cow monk flung his hands, and the thick pillar flew towards the commander.

"Get away!"

The commander made a roar, and stabbed the spear with his left hand, like a flying dragon!


The pillar was immediately broken by a long gun, turned into a large piece of gravel, and flew around. Li Fan constantly struck the stones flying in front of him with the force of a crane!

Li Fan's heart is really anxious because this is the enemy's base camp. The longer it is delayed, the more disadvantageous they are! Once there are hundreds of other households, or even thousands of households, they will fall into the abyss of death!

By the way, cover the door! Hit his hood door!

"Yan Kai, help me create an opportunity!"

Li Fan asked.

"Okay, Dao fights with him!"

Yan Kai whispered, his footwork was light, and the wind generally swept past the commander!


The commander gave a loud drink, and the spear in his hand instantly turned into electric light!

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