Chapter 235: Land Rover

Yin Xiaoru thinks that this team may still have a glimmer of hope, but at this time, Yan Kai finally asked the words in his stomach.

"Actually what I want to say is ... three of us are on the black list, isn't this task really dangerous?"

Yin Xiaoru suddenly wanted to cry.

"They don't know that the three of us are together."

Li Fan waved his hand, and Yan Kai added, "But I always have a bad feeling."

"Crow's mouth, stop for a while!"

Huang Lei was counting Yan Kai, and Li Fan suddenly reached out to calm everyone down.

"somebody is coming."

While talking, Huang Lei also turned around and reminded him, "Brother, there is a car behind us."

Yin Xiaoru immediately looked back, and saw a black Toyota behind him quietly following them, and did not know when it was coming.

Not only this Toyota, but soon a few more Toyotas approached. Yin Xiaoru counted a total of four cars and chased them at this high speed.

"I didn't expect this road to be followed by them."

Bai Linluo pushed his glasses down. "It seems that the enemies this time are not ordinary and they want to put us to death completely."

"Of course, all three of us are on the list after all."

Yan Kai said proudly, "Jin Yiwei naturally has special treatment for us."

"Well, is this something to show off!"

Huang Lei was speechless. The head of this uncle Yan Kai was a little abnormal!

"They are ready to start."

The four Toyotas seemed to want to block the van, and Bai Linluo had put on the headset and turned on the computer. The satellite positioning of the car appeared on the map.

He didn't know what was being calculated. He seemed confident.

"It's just a few flags."

Seeing several Jinyiwei men in black and black vests showing their heads out of the Toyota car, Yan Kai pouted and said, "I look down on people."

As soon as those Jin Yiweis turned over, they fell on the roof of the Toyota. Four Toyota cars, with a total of four Jinyiwei squatting on them, each caught two darts from their hands.

"Old pass, protect the car."

Li Fan commanded that Guan Wenbao immediately pulled the door of the car, rolled over, and landed on the van's roof. Then he stood on the roof of the van with his own moon knife like a door god.

At the same time, the four Jinyiwei flags dropped their darts and hit the van's tires.

But who is Guan Wenbao, and how can they succeed? The moon-knife in his hand immediately drew up, and the blade flew the darts out again and again. No matter how many darts, there is no way to break through Guan Wenbao's defense.

"Yan Kai, go play with them."

Li Fan snapped his fingers, and Yan Kai drew a smile.

"It's boring."

Yan Kai also jumped out of the car, but he dragged on the car with one hand, and the whole man suddenly fell to a Toyota car behind him.

The Jinyiwei on the car was suddenly shocked, and quickly took off his four darts and shot at Yan Kai. The four darts came to Yan Kai in the blink of an eye and took straight from his eyebrows. But Yan Kai didn't care. He just threw his right hand and launched Taiji's power. The four darts were shot by his power, and they hit him on the other Jin Yiwei's body. Inside the wilderness.

Yan Kai had already appeared in front of the Jin Yiwei who attacked him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I came to play with you, darling."

Yan Kai squeezed his eyes at the Jin Yiwei, who had a layer of cold sweat on his back. I don't know why the chrysanthemum suddenly tightened.

He unconsciously pulled out Yan Yandao from his waist and stabbed at Yan Kai's heart. But Yan Kai didn't make any movements. Looking at Yan Yan's sword again, when he reached Yan Kai's body, he even slipped to the side automatically!

The power of Taiji has been practiced by Yan Kai throughout his body! People are generally protected by qi, but Yan Kai's Taiji power is not the same. His armor was so energetic that all attacks close to him could be removed.

This trick was also realized by Yan Kai, and other young disciples in Wudang did not realize such a powerful body care technique. Otherwise, Yan Kai is a talented disciple.

Jin Yiwei was taken aback immediately when he saw his Yan Yandao tilted to one side, as if it was chopped on a wind wall.

"Go back and practice."

Yan Kai said, with his shoulders resting on Jin Yiwei's chest.


The body of Jin Yiwei immediately flew out, mounted fiercely in the back car, and was bombed aside. If you don't have a protective body, you must have blood on the spot!

In the blink of an eye, there were only two Jinyiweis standing on the roof of the car. But two more Jinyiweis climbed out of the Toyota and joined the attack.

Yan Kai understands that to solve these people, you must use some skills! He grabbed his hands in the void of a car next to him, and then pulled it! The Toyota car was immediately towed by his vitality, slipped, and hit the car directly under Yan Kai. The two Toyota cars rolled over immediately and landed on both sides of the road.

Yan Kai turned over and fell on the roof of another Toyota. He slapped the front glass of the car with a slap, and threw the driver inside out. The car suddenly got out of control and rushed off the road and crashed to the side.

At this time, the last car crashed into the van fiercely, seeming to hold the same determination! Yan Kai's feet shot on the ground and overtook the last Toyota car. Then he pulled out his belt for his pants, grabbed the belt's magic sword, and drew a sword on the car.

The qi on the Taiji sword caught this Toyota, and it flew up, hitting a big tree next to it, and it stuck to the trunk for a while, staying for about a second! It took a second before the car fell and hit the ground.

Yan Kai leapt forward, stepping on the moon-moon knife handed out by Guan Wenbao, fluttering back to the van.

"A piece of cake."

Yan Kai returned to the car and stretched out **** toward Li Fan. "This manpower is not enough for Dao to tease."

"Near the tunnel."

Bai Linluo reminded.

Looking at the Toyota cars that were left behind in the distance, Li Fan commanded, "Laoguan, come back, we are ready to enter the lounge."

"it is good."

Guan Wenbao nodded and turned back into the car.

Seeing this scene, Yin Xiaoru seemed to have something in mind. This team seems to have some strength.

These 50,000 yuan don't seem to cost anything.

And Bai Linluo suddenly started to count down. The one-minute countdown made Yin Xiaoru not understand what happened.



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