My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 246: Please behave

246 自 Please take care of yourself

Murong Ying lingered at the door of Li Fan for a long time, but later felt that Li Fan may be too tired today. This matter of reviving his wife Gang, let's talk to him another day.

And Li Fan made some breakthroughs in technology, which was a very happy thing. He had taken a medicated diet and felt a warmth overflowing from his body. Don't say that, even though Tie Zhu is a little bit shy, this cooking is first-rate. Although Murong Ying is beautiful, she is just as fierce as anyone, just as gentle as Tie Zhu.

Hey, what are you thinking, and you can imagine Murong Ying becoming gentle. Even if the end of the world is here, this woman will not become more gentle! This is his fiancee, Murong Ying, the leader of the martial arts!

Li Fan leaped slightly and fell on the rope, lying on it. Now Li Fan can sleep on the rope skillfully.

He swayed gently, the rope was shaking, but he did not fall off, as if swinging on a swing.

A gust of wind blew gently out of the window, Li Fan suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at a familiar woman in a black vest and hot gold rims standing in the room.

"Shh ..."

Seeing Li Fanru as the enemy, Yu Xi stretched out a finger and made a snoring gesture gently.

Even if it was the black guard in Jinyiwei, Yu Xi didn't want to provoke the terrible Murong Ying! In this arena, I am afraid there are few people who are willing to fight Murong Ying.

When he was only 16 years old, he had already set foot on all the martial arts in the rivers and lakes and knocked down all the martial arts halls! In addition to Murong Ying, who can make this record?

Yu Xi didn't come here to kill Li Fan today, so naturally there is no need to provoke the terrible martial arts leader.

"I will not kill you or arrest you."

Yu Xi opened the door to see the mountain, without any clutter, "I'm looking for you, there are other things."

"Can something good happen?"

Li Fan was running with vigor, "Most in the middle of the night, wouldn't it be Jin Yiwei's unforgiving knife, and thousands of miles ran away to meet me?

Li Fan was sarcastic, while still secretly in his heart. This ruthless knife's powerful physical form once again sneaked into his own body silently. If it wasn't for you to wake up suddenly, you might have been killed in your sleep!

In the future, we must raise our vigilance! Li Fan reminded himself secretly.

"Come with me."

Yu Xi is still concise.


Li Fan froze for a while, but Yu Xi asked herself to go with her?

"What kind of tricks do you Jinyiwei play?"

"Why, Dignity, do not dare to come?"

Yu Xi will always be expressionless, but it makes Li Fan feel that she is laughing at herself!

How can this work, a big man himself, can't be taken lightly by this pussy!

"Go and go, I'm going to see what kind of tricks you Jinyiwei will play!"

Li Fanxin said that extending his head is also a knife, shrinking his head is also a knife, and sooner or later have to meet with Jin Yiwei. What kind of medicine is sold in this Jinyiwei gourd?

"Whether it's Longtan or Tiger's Cave, I'll go there tonight!"

"do not worry."

Yu Xi said earnestly, "Since you believe me, tonight, I guarantee you will not die."

"I can protect myself."

Li Fan has always been self-reliant and does not need others to protect him. Besides, he is the dart head of extraordinary delivery. He always protects others. How can others protect him?

This has to be said, and people in the industry will not be laughed at!

"Don't say anything, let's go now."

Li Fan reached out and took off his school uniform jacket from the hanger next to him.

"You just wear this?"

Yu Xi looked at Li Fan twice.

"What's wrong, this is my normal clothes."

Then, he opened the closet, revealing a large row of school uniforms. Because Li Fan often damaged school uniforms, he bought dozens of sets from the school and returned them, and hung them at home. If they were used up, they would change another one.

This is what Murong Ying came to buy, after all, she came out to buy a set of twenty dollars, Li Fan had to buy two hundred.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Yu Xi said, turning and jumping out of the window. Li Fan followed her and jumped out.

The reason why Li Fan has this confidence is because he took away the power of a dragon from Yu Xi last time. Originally, he had not been able to fully refine, but when he just realized Tiger Strike, he had refined the power of this dragon.

However, the strength of a dragon, after Li Fan refined, only absorbed the power of almost three tigers. After all, the power sucked in is not pure enough, and it will still sieve out some power when it is transformed into a full seven chivalry.

Now Li Fan has the power of ten tigers! Now, even if he is the master of climbing the peak, he still has the ability to fight. Even if you ca n’t beat it, there is no problem running away!

Yu Xi also looked very calm. It seemed that she had absorbed her internal skills last time and had recovered.

She was in Jinyiwei, and she probably took some panacea.

Li Fan followed Yu Xi. This Yu Xi's light work was also good. He performed eight steps to catch cicadas and jumped between buildings. Li Fan followed her calmly, and Lu Zhe and Yuan Yue let Li Fan transform into an elf in the night sky, following Yu Xi's footsteps firmly.

Yu Xi glanced back, seeming a little surprised, but the surprised look flickered, and he recovered his facial paralysis.

Li Fan followed Yu Xi and went all the way to the mall before. This time they did not go underground, but fell to the top of the mall.

The top of the mall turned out to be a high-end leisure club. A huge swimming pool was placed in the middle of the roof, and there were parasols and benches next to it. A middle-aged man was lying on the bench and seemed to be enjoying the moonlight of the night. .

Nima, this man's push is really high! As soon as Li Fan landed on the top of the building, Zhen was taken a step back by the man's invisible force.

"Most of them, I brought people."

Yu Xi kneeled in front of the middle-aged man, Li Fan was shocked, lying in bed, most of Jin Yiwei, the boss-level figure, ran out to meet himself so early?

"Xiao Yu, you're doing a good job ... Come on, let Uncle Wang see how you've developed recently."

Then, most of the uniform hands touched Yu Xi's buttocks and passed.

And a black knife stopped in front of most of the fingers.

"Xiao Yu ... how can you do this ... uncle just cares about your body ... do you think your uncle is too bad ... is this kind of person in your heart?"

"Most of them ... please take care of yourself ..."

There were three black lines on Yu Xi's forehead. Obviously, most of them could not stand it.

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