My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 249: Strong trick

Chapter 249: The Overpowered

"It's also a great blessing in life to be able to play with the leader of Murong Alliance."

Most of them seemed very happy. "But Li Fan, somebody has to solve it."

"Just leave it to me, mostly."

A voice sounded from behind Dadutong, and then a figure in black vest, gilded with gold, walked out slowly from the darkness.

Obviously a man, but with long hair and a grimace mask, there was a shadow of evil in his face.

"I'm going to look at it. The men who are mostly appreciated by all are just a few points."

"Wipe, it's a black guard again."

Li Fan looked at the black guard and frowned slightly.


But Yu Xi pulled out the black sword and stood in front of Li Fan, "I said, I will protect you from death tonight."

"Yu Xi, are you crazy?"

The black guard on the other side was a little upset. "Stopped in front of me?"

"I said, keep him alive."

Yu Xi emphasized once, "Even if most people want to touch him, I will fight hard!"

"You are crazy!"

The black guard's face disdain, "Do you think you can beat me? Among the black guards, you are the weakest. And I will not show mercy to your men."

"Even though, come and see if your sword is powerful, or my sword is fast."

Yu Xi said, as soon as she let go, she pulled out the black knife around her waist.

The surrounding objects are all divided into two, which shows how sharp Yu Qi's knife air is! The black guard opposite was just a finger, and seven black short swords popped from behind him, floating in front of him. These daggers are controlled by his little Wuxiang magic, even if he does not use his hands, he can control them freely.

This is the shadowless sword in the four black guards, killing invisible!

His seven small swords suddenly disappeared in front of Li Fan and Yu Xi, but Yu Xi took a few steps backwards, and in front of Li Fan, waved the black knife in his hands.


Seven small black swords were hit by her in turn. Although Wuyingjian was powerful, she could not hurt Li Fan at all.

"I played against you for the first time, and it turned out to be a bit of a hit."

Wuying Jian sneered, "But you only have one eye and you can't find my sword after all."

With that said, a dagger stabbed in from Yu Xi's shoulder, took her a step backward, pulled out the black sword, and stopped the wound.

"Oh, you seem to have internal injuries."

Wuying Jian sneered, "How can you fight with me just now?"

"Hugh should look down on me."

Yu Xi immediately said, "Even if I am injured, I won't let you succeed!"

"It's stubborn."

Wu Yingjian froze, "Since this is the case, most of you will not blame me if I kill you."


Suddenly, Yu Xi did not defend her counterattack. She took the black sword, and in front of Wuying Sword, flew the long sword again and again!

Wuying Sword kept going backwards, and seven black short swords appeared in front of him, blocking Yu Xi's attack time and time again. But Yu Xi's attack rhythm was very fierce. The seven small swords were slowly disintegrating, and it seemed that they could not resist Yu Xi's sharp attack.

Li Fan watched the excitement by the side, and had to say that Yu Xi's swordsmanship was indeed beautiful. Clean and neat, no trace of muddy water.

Wu Yingjian seems to be good at assassination techniques. In terms of defense, it is indeed worse.

Yu Xi suddenly broke all the black swords, and stabbed in the direction of Wuyingjian's face! But Wu Yingjian's body was slightly on one side, and escaped Yu Xi's attack. At the same time, he stabbed Yu Yu's abdomen with two fingers.


There is a burst of energy behind Yu Xi's waist. This is the real shadowless sword. Shadowless and invisible, it is life-threatening!

Yu Xi spit out blood, took a few steps backwards, covered her belly, and half-knelt on the ground.

The internal injuries she had suffered previously made her much weaker in reaction ability! In this way, it is obviously not enough to defeat Wu Ying Sword. But what she said will definitely be fulfilled!

Therefore Yu Xi stood up again and continued to play against Wuying Sword.

At the same time, Murong Ying and Dadu Tong also seemed to be at war at any time.

But the two just stood in place, and no one shot first. If the master moves, whoever shoots first will be easily seen as a flaw, which will result in a blow! Therefore, both of them looked at each other quietly, both looking for flaws in each other.

Without knowing why, most of them feel a little anxious! This is a man with magical powers, it should not be felt! The reason for this is one thing, this woman is really too strong!

But a woman in her twenties, why can she practice this magic. Even the majority of the people have to be jealous of this woman's talent.

If you give her a few more years, maybe she will become the real world first, a powerful generation of masters!

Most of them are a bit unconvinced.

"That being the case, let me start first."

Most of them talked out, stretched out their right hand, grabbed Murong Ying in the air.

But Murong Ying just stood there calmly, and said sarcastically.

"Your little Wuxiang magic is probably not effective for me."

Murong Ying said, "As long as you block all parts of your body with your qi, your qi will not penetrate, let alone catch me."

"It is worthy of being the leader, and the use of authenticity has reached the extreme."

Most of them couldn't help but praise, "Give you a few more years, I'm afraid I can't beat you."


Murong Ying raised her eyebrows slightly. "I may have heard something wrong. You just said that you can beat me, right?"

"You heard me right, that's what I meant."

"Then I need to correct you."

Murong Ying reached out her hand, a huge sword suddenly fell from the sky, and chopped down towards the majority.

"I am the leader of the martial arts!"

Murong Ying sank with her right hand, and most of them were holding the huge sword in her left hand, and her knees bent down, and she was almost pressed to the ground.

This Murong Ying is such a powerful sword!

But most of them are strong, and Xiao Wuxiang can not only attack from a distance, but also has a strong defense!

Although Murong Ying's sword strength is strong, he failed to break through the defense of most of the system and did not hurt his flesh.

Most of them pushed it all together, unloading the sword gas aside.


A huge deep ditch appeared on the roof immediately, even the swimming pool was divided into two!

"Strong sword spirit."

Most of them praised, "But if you can't hurt me, what's the use?"

"It's true that ordinary sword air won't hurt you."

Murong Ying suddenly stretched out her two fingers, "But my Murong Ying's skill is a cherry blossom sword!"

Talking, countless swords were broken and turned into the shape of cherry blossoms, and they fluttered towards most of them!

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