251 The third move

Li Fan also does not know how long the power of the five dragons can last! But in the time of the power of the five dragons, he wants to kill Wuyingjian!

On the opposite side, the seven black swords turned into a black thunder, and they immediately came to Li Fan together. As long as he is not careful, he will die without a whole body! This is the master's trick, there is no point until the end, because every move is a killer!

Although the speed of the seven black swords is very fast, in Li Fan's sight, it becomes infinitely slowed down!

"Pick the Star!"

Li Fan outstretched his hands in a lightning flash, constantly catching afterimages in front of him!

Almost in a blink of an eye, Li Fan has taken these seven black swords in his hands!

The powerful internal skills make Li Fan's strength even more superb! The seven black swords were gathered in Li Fan's hands, which surprised Wuying Sword.

"Back to you!"

Li Fan threw these seven black swords as hidden weapons and threw them towards Wuying Sword. But Wuyingjian Xiaowuxiang's magic is also Yae-shou, and he reached out and let the seven black swords stop in front of himself.

"Unexpectedly, you have broken through to the highest level!"

Wu Yingjian looked at Li Fan a few more times, "But still not as good as me! Next time, I will take your head!"

With that, Wu Yingjian's palms shook, and seven black swords bounced around, seemingly ready to move in the air to kill Li Fan!

However, Li Fan did not retreat, but pulled out a residual image in the air, and quickly reached the front of Wuying Sword.

"protect me!"

Wu Yingjian's heart was so tight that he did not expect Li Fan to dare to attack directly!

"Spirit out of the hole!"

Li Fan instantly entered the posture of snake strike, and his right hand seemed to swim like a snake, biting in the direction of Wuying Sword.

Seven black swords protect the Lord in time and protect the Shadowless Sword. But when Li Fan's palm struck, he swayed from side to side, as if the body of a spirit snake wandering in the grass, knocking these seven black swords one after another!

Wuyingjian was shocked, but unexpectedly Li Fan broke his seven sword defense in one move!

And Li Fan's five fingers had been poked on his throat, and the shadowless sword struck instantly choked, kneeling on the ground, his face pale.

"Ape Changquan!"

Li Fan was clean and smashed with a fist.

But Wuying Sword was a master after all, and he realized the fatal danger. Seven swords flew over again, intertwined, blocking Li Fan's falling fist.

At the same time, Wu Yingjian's body slipped out, sliding to a distance of seven or eight meters, and then the wolf howled, rolled up, and looked at Li Fan in horror.

A crack appeared on the shadowless sword's mask, and then shattered a part.

Although Li Fan's fist was blocked by seven swords, the fist above really hurt him.

This move is a bit like most of the traditional boxing techniques. Did Li Fan take a look at it and learn a lot?

What exactly is this guy? You can learn other people's moves at a glance. This is not something an ordinary master can do!

At that moment, there was a hint of jealousy in Wuyingjian's heart! Such a genius, in a few years, maybe far more than himself! To take advantage of his fledgling, kill him under his sword!

Thinking of this, Wuying Jian moved his heart.

"Little bully Li Fan, today is your death!"

Then, he raised his hands, and the water in the surrounding pool suddenly started to roll.

Before Li Fan reacted, a black dagger flew out of the pool and floated in the air.

A total of thirty-six daggers are suspended in the air, as if one by one, waiting to be executed.

"Good way."

Li Fan couldn't help but admire that this shadowless sword had so many black swords arranged around it. It is not usually taken out in the usual time. When it is critical, it is better to use these things to Yin Yin.

Wuyingjian has exposed his killer crickets, it seems that he is going to put himself to death.

"Li Fan, be careful."

Yu Xi leaned on the chair, and his body had no strength to move, but he still reminded Li Fan, "This is the lore of the shadowless sword, thirty-six days old. This set of swordsmanship is like ghosts, if you are not careful, Will be penetrated by Wan Jian! "

"Kind knife, I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable."

Wuying Jian smiled, "Yes, I have been a sword for thirty-six days, and I haven't survived! There are seventy-one people under this sword. Li Fan, you are the 72nd sacrifice today. Sword Man! "

Speaking, Wu Yingjian pointed at Li Fan, and the thirty-six black swords immediately came with the potential of wind and thunder!

But Li Fan still stood there, with his hands behind him, as if nothing was wrong.

The thirty-six swords came to Li Fan in the blink of an eye, one after the other, and ejected towards Li Fan.

But Li Fan's expression was still so casual. With his hands on his back, he walked in the same direction as Wuting Sword towards Wuying Sword. Whenever there was a black sword in front of him, he might turn to his side or turn his head to escape the attack of those black swords so easily.

Obviously there are thirty-six black swords, but none can hit Li Fan's body.

"My sword is fast!"

Wuyingjian can't believe how the other side easily avoided his sword formation!

And after Li Fan's strength has risen, he can use his unique eyesight to easily escape those swords. Otherwise, even if he can see the sword's trajectory clearly, he can't control his body to perform such delicate movements.

But for Li Fan now, it cannot be easier.

Occasionally there was a black sword that could not be avoided, Li Fan suddenly waved his hand and fanned it with a slap gesture. It can be said that the thirty-six heavenly swords of Wuyingjian are totally invalid for Li Fan!


Wuying Jian issued a hysterical roar, and he couldn't believe what happened in front of him!

How could your own lore be invalid!

"Stars fall!"

Wuyingjian suddenly pointed at Li Fan with both hands, and the thirty-six black swords pointed at Li Fan in the air, as if it were raining, stabbed together!


But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly made a growl!


Wu Yingjian and Yu Xi's bodies were stagnant at the same time, and the thirty-six black swords falling in the air that day also stopped.

Not only them, but even the most intractable Dutong and Murong Ying who are fighting next to each other, but also for a second!

"Black! Tiger! Wong!"

Li Fan's eyes closed, and when he opened them again, the whole person's momentum changed! At this moment, he seemed to despise the king of the world, coming here!

Wu Yingjian looked at Li Fan in front of him, not knowing why, he even felt like he wanted to kneel down!

The aura emanating from this man ... is really powerful ...

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