My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 254: Five good students' opinions

254 opinions of top five students

This huge marble ball hit the heads of the two, but Murong Ying didn't bother with it. Instead, Li Fan patted the ground with both hands, and his body bounced up to the marble ball in the air!

This marble ball has a diameter of more than one meter, and its weight is amazing. Coupled with the speed of falling, if Li Fan uses his physical body to resist hard, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

But Li Fan didn't have any fear. After he jumped up, he bluntly compressed all the vitality in his body and put it in his hands! The palms of those hands faintly glowed black.

"Double Black Tiger's heart!"

He patted his palms suddenly, just above the marble ball!


The anger on the palm of the hand erupted immediately, shocking this falling giant marble ball! The marble ball stopped falling directly, and he suddenly made a meal in the air. And Li Fan's attack was not over yet, his hands were constantly torn, and this marble ball was constantly torn by his hands, and slowly fell down with his body.

By the time it fell to the top of the building, the marble **** had been torn completely and scattered into the ground.

The so-called husband and wife are in the same heart, and their profits are broken. When Li Fan went to deal with the marble ball, Murong Ying had already come to Dadutong, and then the cherry blossom sword pierced into Dadutong's heart!

Most of them frowned, and he stretched out his right hand to stand in front of Murong Ying's cherry blossom sword!

His vitality controlled Murong Ying's cherry blossom sword, making this cherry blossom sword difficult to advance! After becoming an eunuch, Datong ’s true energy has been too much stronger than Murong Sakura. Even if Murong Ying ’s sword is sharper, there is no way to break through the control of Datong ’s system.

"Do you think you can break the defense of the deity?"

Most of them disdain, "Murong Ying, you little girl, the gap between you and the deity is still too big!"

But Murong Ying laughed, and the cherry sword in her hand suddenly began to break down!

Most Dutong did not respond at all, the cherry blossom sword turned into numerous cherry petals, and patted on Dudu Tong's face.


Most of the true Qi protects the face, and Sakura Sword Qi continuously throws golden Mars on it! But there is still a gap to break through the defense of most cities.

"It's useless!"

Most of them sneered, "Your sword qi will not hurt your deity."

Murong Ying put out a finger and pointed it behind most of them. Most of them turned around subconsciously and saw that Li Fan didn't know when he stood behind him. This Li Fan seems to be in a state of alienation. He is almost two meters tall, his shirt has been broken, and his pants have become cropped shorts, exposing his muscles.

"Bear Cavalry! Big Bear King Seal!"

This palm was shot directly on the back of Dadutong, causing Dadutong's back to startle, his heart trembled, and his mouth followed with a sweetness!

What kind of method is this that can hurt you!

But it was only one point, most of them were laughing at him, and Murong Ying's **** were already on his heart.


This sword spirit finally broke through the defense of most of the system, leaving blood on his chest!

But most of Tongzhen's true energy got into his muscles, and Murong Ying only hurt him a little, so he popped Murong Ying's finger open.

Most of Tongtong's eyes flashed with shock. At this point, Murong Ying could hurt him! It is indeed a genius girl that shocked the world, Murong Leader! Her sword spirit is really amazing!

And before most of them responded, Li Fan's hands stopped his waist from behind!

"The wild bear hugs the tree!"

When Li Fan fell back, he blundered most of his body from the ground, and then smashed backwards!

Most of the people in the world were surprised, but they were shocked, but immediately stretched out their right hand, supported on the ground, and stabilized their body.

He was so angry that he opened Li Fan's hands. Li Fan rolled on the spot and stood up again. The figure of Murong Ying swept over his head, and the cherry blossom sword in his hand reunited, poking down at Datong Tongling, who just stood up!

Most of them hold out their hands at the same time and control Murong Ying's cherry blossom sword! But Li Fan also arrived in front of him, and it was another big bear seal, which was photographed on the chest where most of them were cracked!

This time, Li Fan took out all his anger. The power of the five dragons filled his palms and directly hit the hearts of Dadutong!

Most of his chest trembled, and Li Fan's anger was like waves, hitting his heart with waves after waves!

The blood stains had cracked even bigger, and in the blink of an eye, caused terrible pressure on his heart!


Most of them spit out blood.

Yu Xi sat beside him and couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

Someone broke most of the nine-body body! Incredible!

She has known Datong for so long, and has never seen Datong's real body broken! Li Fan and Murong Ying did it. One of them was the leader of the martial arts league, although it was not surprising. But the other one was just an ordinary person a while ago!

Although he got his true help, even if he is in full strength, he can't break most of the defense ...

"Get away from me!"

Most of them waved their hands, Li Fan and Murong Ying's bodies were controlled and flew away!

Li Fan rolled on the spot and got up again. And Murong Ying's body turned beautifully in the air, and landed on the ground steadily.

"You two, how dare you hurt your deity!"

Most of them had red eyes, but Li Fan said with a smile.

"Most are unified, why are you angry. There are no eyes or fists, which will inevitably hurt people. When they are hurt, they will get angry. Do most of them have no such degree?"

"What the **** do you want to say, straight away!"

Most of them squinted and looked at Li Fan.

"Most of the time, we have been playing for such a long time. To be honest, why are you also a predecessor of the rivers and lakes, it is so good to bully us two of the rivers and lakes?

Most of them don't want to say anything, they say that Li Fan is too shameless. He doesn't have to worry about himself, is Murong Ying a junior? The famous martial arts leader, Murong Ying!

"It's spreading, you are not glorious! You see, me, as a school's top five student, I just want to be considerate and considerate."

Li Fan put forward a proposal, "I think of a way for you based on your difficulties. What do you think?"

"what way?"

Although I hate Li Fan's statement, most of them are curious. I defeated Li Fan in this way, and it really didn't sound good to say it.

He and Murongbo are people of an era. If they win Murongbo, talents in the rivers and lakes will identify with themselves. Winning his woman is not a skill.

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