258 Revenge

Loveless knife, not loveless. Instead, she showed that she was courageous and direct in her feelings, without any concealment. This is much more lovely than Murong Ying!

"Too much to tell you tonight."

Yu Xi glanced at the moon, it was too late.

"I'm gone, don't miss me!"

This sentence is like a command, and it is a bit decisive. But Li Fan suddenly called out Yu Xi.

"You wait a moment."

"What else?"

"Before leaving, I will give you a gift."


Waiting for Yu Xi to react, Li Fan suddenly grabbed her hand.

Then, a sense of qi spread out of Li Fan's palm and passed into his body, making Yu Xi feel a warmth at Dantian!

After a while, she recovered most of her invigoration, and her pale complexion became rosy. Yu Xi was a little puzzled, so he looked at Li Fan.

"It's back to its owner, you're welcome."

"Why ... gave it back to me?"

Yu Xi was surprised. If Li Fan kept it, it would be very beneficial to him!

"These are yours. I've borrowed them for a while and helped a lot."

Li Fan conveyed so much anger, and his lips were a little whitish, but the whole person was in good condition. "My strength has reached the peak of the peak, and let me slowly cultivate myself. The missing anger , I came back after practicing for myself. "

Before he finished speaking, Yu Xi kissed him on the lips.

Another vitality flowed out of Yu Xi's body and entered Li Fan's body.

Yu Xi also gave Li Fan about half of his anger, which made Li Fan's feeling better.

"Jin Yiwei will come to deal with you soon, and you reserve some strength in case of accident."

Yu Xi blushed and stood up. "You and I are half the strength of one person. This way we can protect ourselves and we can recover quickly."

"Still your thoughtfulness."

Li Fan licked his lips and had an endless aftertaste. "But the qi between us may be a little uneven. Please kiss again and let me adjust it for you?

"Go to you, go for it yourself."

Yu Xi said, and walked to the window.

"You ... how precious ..."

After that, she had leapt down and disappeared into the moonlight.

This woman may be a bit poisonous ... Li Fan licked her lips again, muttering secretly in her heart.

Li Fan bowed his head and found a small porcelain bottle beside the bed, which seemed to be something left by Yu Xi.

He opened the porcelain bottle with a note inside. Li Fan pulled it out, and Yu Xi wrote a message to himself.

"Xu Gu Dan, Jin Yiwei's exclusive healing recipe."

There is only one in it and I don't know what it is. This thing is bad, it is a poison. But Li Fan secretly made a bet with himself. If it was poison, he would admit it!

Yu Xi didn't seem to be the kind of girl who cheated. Li Fan swallowed this bone-assistant. Jin Yiwei is an organization supported by the government, and it must have a lot of money. This panacea for burning money is naturally not a minority. After Li Fan served the bone-relief Dan, he felt that the power of Dantian in his body seemed to be guided and began to spread out to the surrounding meridians.

This true energy converged on the bones that he disconnected, forming a kind of nutrients, which even made the bones repair faster.

Li Fan's body was recovering faster than ordinary people. Now with Xinggu Dan, the recovery is much stronger. Li Fan sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at his nose and heart, and entered the inner view mode.

His eyes looked at his bones and bones, constantly repairing. At the same time, he turned on the state of swallowing toads, making it easier to run his own qi.

The deformed, Li Fan let his true energy condense into the appearance of ribs, and attached to his broken bone. In this case, even if the bones have not recovered, he can still move freely with the bones that are really made of qi.

This method is very convenient ...

Different from Murong Sakura's transformation of reality, Li Fan's alien bone replacement can allow Zhen Qi to function freely in the body and strengthen his physical body at will!

The existence of Zhen Qi is scientifically impossible to prove, and it is very amazing.

Li Fan tried it, then let out the true qi in his body, and lay back to bed quietly.

The melodious flute sounded in my ear, as if taking Li Fan into another world, very at ease.

Yu Xi stood on the roof of the hospital, playing the flute.

"Unexpectedly, the black guard who did not blink could kill the flute.

Yan Kai stood on one side, wiping his hand on his belt, and seemed to enter the fighting state at any time.

"Yan Kai, your light work is too bad."

Yu Xi put down the flute and looked at Yan Kai, "Wudang's number one flute is not worthy of the name."

"Industry specializing in surgery!"

Yan Kai justified immediately, "Besides, using Ti Yun to do such light work, it's time to stain my Joe 12!"

"Controlled by foreign objects, this is not the mentality that a warrior should have."

Yu Xi learned.

"Grandma, a bear, was actually taught by a girl."

Yan Kai is very uncomfortable. Since his strength has fallen back, it seems that anyone can bully him.

"The day you wait for Dao to practice your skills, you will be served by Dao!"

"Then wait until that day."

Yu Xi took back his flute, "Since you are here, protect him for me."

"It's weird. You are Jin Yiwei, why did you protect Li Fan?"

Yan Kai couldn't help asking.

"All this has nothing to do with Jin Yiwei, it's all out of my own will."

Yu Xi looked at the crescent moon above his head, "I can't understand it myself ..."

Before she could finish speaking, she turned her head and glanced, "Some little mouse is here, and I will leave it to you."

After that, she jumped into shape and disappeared in front of Yan Kai.

"I rub ... this woman really likes to be a ghost."

Yan Kai is particularly impatient with women's affairs, and he is too lazy to bother Yuxi because two black figures have appeared downstairs in the hospital.

The inpatient department late at night, the patients also rested, very quiet.

"This time, I want to take revenge on my dad!"

Zhai Yao's son Zhai Gang came hurriedly wearing a mask. He is beside his helper, his name is Cheng Yijie. Although the two were not Jin Yiwei's, they had fierce enemies against Li Fan! This Li Fan killed Zhai Gang's father, Zhai Gang naturally wanted to attack his own enemy!

"This kid lives in the fifth-floor ward."

Cheng Yijie had already inquired about Li Fan's residence, reached out and pressed the elevator to the fifth floor.

"Stupid, what elevator!"

Zhai Gang grabbed Cheng Yijie. "In the TV series, taking the elevator is a must-determined one! Take the stairs!"

"Brother, are you too cautious ..."

"Be cautious! Hurry up and kill Li Fan, not only can you get revenge, but you can also leave you and me in the rivers and lakes!"



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