My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 262: Fighting about values

262 The battle on values

"Teacher is here today, in addition to seeing your physical condition, I also need to make up for your English."

Liao Wushuang said, took out the handout from his purse, "You have missed a lot of English classes in the past two days, and you need to supplement it."

"This will not bother Teacher Liao."

Lin Yuexian, like a little hen protecting her cub, immediately said to Liao Wushuang vigilantly, "How can Teacher Liao be busy and make up for lessons?

"Oh? I know. Lin's English scores are really good."

Liao Wushuang praised, "Mr. Lin must be very smart, should IQ be high?"

"It's okay, just a hundred and four."

Although Lin Yuexian's mouth was modest, Li Fanxin said, if this girl has a tail, I'm afraid her tail is already up!

"But I don't quite agree with the way Lin learns."

But then, Liao Wushuang's words began to hit Lin Yuexian.

"Mr. Lin's method of learning is too rigid and more like studying for an exam. But this is not the case. Studying should be based on interest and should not deal with the exam.

"Mr. Liao is right!"

Lin Yuexian clapped her hands, feeling as if they were in favor of Liao Wushuang, "However, this set of Teacher Liao is only useful abroad. At home, it has no effect!"

"The sad education system in the country needs reform."

Liao Wushuang argued, "Mr. Lin, you should argue for reason. How can you give in?"

"Because I am in this sad system."

Lin Yuexian said without hesitation, "I'm just a student, I can't jump out. And Li Fan is also an ordinary student. Teacher Liao, please don't brainwash him by mistake. Now he is about to get out of reality! "

"How can you say that, Lin?"

Liao Wushuang frowned slightly, "Student Li himself has his own consciousness and thoughts, which I cannot control with a little English teacher. The teacher is not engaged in MLM organization. How can I brainwash others?"

"I don't know about it anyway, you have your way anyway! I have to say that these thoughts of the teacher are really dangerous!"

Lin Yuexian reminded Liao Wushuang, "If you can't change Huaxia's education system, please don't come to brainwash our students. After all, we still have to go to college."

"You might think that what I said is useless, I understand."

Liao Wushuang nodded, not angry, but said gently, "But if every student does not have such awareness, how can this deep-rooted wrong thought be changed?"

"That's not something I should consider."

Lin Yuexian shrugged. "I just need to take a good college entrance exam."

"Mr. Lin, you are very smart. There is no doubt about it."

Liao Wushuang sighed softly, "But you are a bit selfish."

"This is just the most normal idea of ​​a student! If you want to adapt to this society, you can only do so!"

"You give in too easily."

Liao Wushuang said, "It seems that you need to learn more with me."

"I'll forget it!"

Lin Yuexian shook her head again and again, "Ms. Liao will continue to teach everyone, so we can do it ourselves."

"My method is more suitable for Li Fan."

Liao Wushuang remained firm. "It was precisely because of my method that he could pass the first grade in English."


Li Fan was taken aback. "I took the first class?"

"Yes, even Deng Siwei has not tested you."

Liao Wushuang narrowed his eyes at Li Fan. "You are five points higher than him."

"I'm going ... so cow ..."

Li Fan was a little dreadful, and he felt that the paper that day was more familiar, and he answered well. Unexpectedly, took the class first?

"That's because of the type question I'm looking for!"

Lin Yuexian interrupted Liao Wushuang's words, "I found some types of papers on the day, and it turns out that the type of questions I predicted is still very accurate!"

Lin Yuexian's words made Liao Wushuang unacceptable. "This method of doing the questions will not help you at all! I developed Li Fan's interest in learning English, otherwise he would have no desire to learn at all! Nothing like that! It's just a learning machine, not a real person, you know? "

"Ms. Liao's long talk has always been very popular with students."

Lin Yuexian laughed, "But here, it has no effect. I have a firm ideal and firm conviction, and I will never be brainwashed by your teacher."

"How about we do a test?"

Liao Wushuang said suddenly.

"Test, what test?"

Lin Yuexian wondered.

"It's a simple quiz to see who's method is more effective for Li Fan."

"What's the point of this test?"

"Why are you afraid?"

"Hmm, what dare I! Come here!"

Lin Yuexian should come down immediately, but she was muttering in her heart, why, when she was facing Murong Ying, she could guide the other person to go. But in the face of Liao Wushuang, she was holding her footsteps instead?

This woman ... so terrible ...

"Two ... Should you respect my opinion ..."

Li Fan felt a little helpless. "After all, am I also the party?"

"You have no right to express your feelings about this matter!"

Lin Yuexian glared at Li Fan.

"After all, it's about the values ​​and reputation of the two of us."

Liao Wushuang also pushed his own glasses. Both women were extremely calm, as if they were fighting a battle without gunpowder.

"Well, why do I have the feeling of being a mouse ..."

Li Fan was a little hesitant, "What do you two want to do?"

"A small test."

Liao Wushuang said with a smile, "The next time, my classmates Lin and I can only speak to you in English and let you guess a few words. Look at the two of us, who do you guess more words and who The method is excellent. "

"I'm going, isn't that your gesture? I guess!"

Li Fan heard a general idea, "Are you sure this method really works?"

"It does work."

Lin Yuexian also agreed with this method. "Then compare it, Teacher Liao. Time is one minute. See who guesses the most words. My method is definitely the best!"

"Okay, I agree, who comes first?"

Liao Wushuang laughed, as if he already had a winning ticket. Her self-confidence made Lin Yuexian very upset.

Liao Wushuang is not happy now. This Lin Yuexian is so stereotyped, and has always been a self-proclaimed girlfriend of Li Fan!

If she doesn't teach her today, she won't know the sky is high!

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