270 I oppose

The reporter handed the microphone to a student who froze for a moment and said quickly, "Yes, it's good ..."

The other teachers gave their students a look, and all the students followed.

"It's fine ..."

"I did improve ..."

"You all see it, I'm right."

The principal's voice rose eight degrees, "Everything I do is for my students, for my school! I am a democratic principal, and I am asking here now, is there any objection to this policy?"

All the students were silent and no one snored.

Just as the headmaster was about to take the next order, Li Fan suddenly stepped out of the crowd and stepped forward.

"I object!"

The headmaster's scalp is going to blow up! Nima! I forgot this bastard! A conference that was supposed to bring the situation back. It won't be ruined by this thorn! The headmaster hurriedly gave Chang Chunxi a look.

Chang Chunxi understood the principal's meaning and immediately stepped forward to block Li Fan.

"Li Fan, this is not where you make trouble!"

Changchun scolded, "Hurry back to your class!"

"That's not right."

Li Fan saw all the reporters pointed the camera at themselves, raised his head, and his voice was eight degrees higher.

"It was just the principal who asked who was opposed, why did I come out against it, and you rushed me back? The so-called democracy in the principal's mouth is just a empty talk? Or is it just a beautiful word that is used to trick the leadership of the Education Bureau of?"

"Li Fan, what's the matter! Pay attention to your wording!"

Hearing Li Fan's words, Changchun's heart beat quickly, and she hurriedly scolded!

"Can I continue to speak?"

Li Fan asked.

"This classmate ... Anything, you can just say ..."

The principal clenched his teeth and almost squeezed the words out of his teeth.

"Dear principal, if you say your high-pressure policy is correct and perfect, then I have a question for you."

Li Fan took out a transcript that had been prepared for a long time. "Why is the last Hua Dehong student on this transcript not being fired, but Liu Quan, who is the second to last?"

The principal looked tight, saying that he had come!

He couldn't speak, but Chang Chunxi explained for him.

"Li Fan, don't make a fool of yourself! This Hua Dehong was injured. After staying in the hospital for a while, the learning progress naturally did not keep up. Even if it is a high-pressure policy, it must be humanitarian."

"Oh, that would be fun."

Li Fan grinned, "Why did the school still send my teacher to the hospital to set up the examination room for me when I was in the hospital? And threatened me to say that if my grades fall into the bottom ten, I will be fired? This humane Why is it only open to special people? Principal, Teacher Chang, can you explain it? "

"Li Fan ... you, you're insane!"

Chang Chunxi immediately said, "You have only been hospitalized for a few days. Hua Dehong has been hospitalized for a long time!"

"Is this the real reason? I'm afraid the real reason is Hua Dehong's identity? After all, this Chinese classmate, but the head son of our principal Hua."

As soon as this statement was made, there was an uproar all around! Reporters and people from the Education Bureau talked. Li Fan's words were tantamount to lighting a bombshell! Was the principal's son exempted from the school's repressive policies and chose a scapegoat?

When Liu Quan's mother heard it, she was more distressed.

"Killer, you murderer!"

"Please calm down the students' families! Also ask others not to make noise!"

The principal's heartbeat was also fast. On this occasion, he was a little panicked. But after all, he was so scheming and taking a deep breath to calm his emotions. In this case, there must be no omissions! How can I say that I am also an old teacher who has been teaching for decades, how can I lose to such a scum student!

"Li Fan, Hua Dehong has been in hospital for more than a month, and is severely decoupled from the course, and his grades are unavoidable. He is not the same as yours. In order to improve your grades, I have specially arranged a teacher to give you tuition, no ?"

Li Fan clenched his fists. The headmaster, Pharaoh Ba, was really brazen! Obviously Mr. Liao was going by himself. He just said it was sent by the school! Man, do n’t look so bad! You can't be too principal, Mad!

But those words that Li Fan said were useless and there was no evidence. He wouldn't believe anyone when he said it.

What should have been the major crisis of the principal was overwhelmed by him in one sentence! This dead old fox is really cunning enough!

Li Fan scolded his mother again and again, and he glanced at the crying heartbroken mother Liu Quan, who couldn't help but got a little annoyed.

If it's normal, the shame of the principal will be fine! But now, because of his shame, his selfishness has killed an innocent student and destroyed a happy family!

Even so, he still didn't have any regrets, and insisted that he was not at fault!

Does such a power really really always rest on the students' heads? Now that there is a victim, what about the future? If this continues, I am afraid there will be more and more victims!

If you don't stand up again, I am afraid that the future private second middle school will become a real spiritual hall!

"I'm a student, a private secondary school student! I strongly oppose the so-called high-pressure policy!"

Li Fan shouted loudly, he was shocked, not loud, but filled the audience!

"We have more than a thousand people here, but only I dare to stand up and say no to this person? What is your courage and your voice?"

Li Fan looked at the indifferent students behind him. "Do n’t you worry about being fired? If it's not Liu Quan who died today, but you? If it's not the aunt who is crying here today, It ’s your mother, what do you think? The high-pressure policy, a high-pressure policy, has made you yield? We are 18 years old, we are standing here this year, and we are facing life choices this year! Tell us loudly, your What's the future, is this kind of survival with a throat choked? "

Li Fan said loudly, "I, Li Fan, is just an ordinary student! But, I do not want to be a victim of high-pressure policy! I am a student, I defend my human rights! Do you guys choose to die here or choose to follow I resist? If you want to resist, please stand up bravely and say to me with this person, I'm against! "

"I object!"

Bai Linluo stood up, raised his right hand high, and shouted to the principal.



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