283 toast you a drink

This nasty sound, but very familiar!

Li Fan looked up, and sure enough, it was Yang Yang's eldest son, Yang Ruining! He was followed by the cold iron female bodyguard, Shen Mengjie.

Li Fan is particularly curious. What does Shen Mengjie look like? Those who like to cover their faces with masks are either particularly beautiful or ugly. And which Shen Mengjie belongs to?

But no matter what, she and Yang Ruining are all ugly.

"Eating in such a place, Li Fan, have you read the price list wrong?"

In this place, Yang Ruining came up with a sense of superiority. "Or did the group buy the wrong ticket?"

Yang Ruining was planning to ridicule Li Fan again, and his eyes suddenly fell on Liao Wushuang! Yang Ruining's eyes were a little straight. Is there anything wrong, but I am Yang Ruining, the grand master of the Yang family and the young pioneers! My Yang Ruining reads countless women, changing my girlfriend every day is more frequent than changing clothes! But why haven't I encountered such a great beauty, always being the first kid to come first?

He's a feather, isn't he going to work hard, or a little white face to be protected by a woman! Why are there so many beautiful women around him, taking out every day?

Is this kid really a little white face? But he is not handsome!

Even if you are a little white face, you still have to look at it! The evil gate is really evil!

Looking at Liao Wushuang's impeccable figure, Yang Ruining couldn't help but want to drool. No, he is a well-informed and well-educated young master who can't do anything extraordinary and impolite! In front of this devil-shaped woman, she should belong to herself.

It would be wonderful if she galloped on her ...

Thinking of this, Yang Ruining couldn't help itching again! That Murong Sakura is a martial arts leader, and she can't get on her own. But the last ordinary beautiful woman should be fine!

Thinking of this, Yang Ruining tidy up his hair, then put one hand on the table, staring at Liao Wushuang deeply.

"This beauty, my name is Yang Ruining, can I invite you to dinner?"

Li Fan almost laughed and sprayed, I wipe, this spring is still far away, why can't the young master of the Yang family run out of heat? If Liu Yanan is to know, he must laugh to death! But more should be annoyed, even want to match such a scum male fiance.

Li Fan even started to feel sorry for this vicious woman Liu Yanan, showing how much he hated Yang Ruining.

Yang Ruining seemed very confident in his electric eyes, especially his famous clothes, the rich and the young at a glance, would certainly arouse the interest of this woman, maybe she was already wet.

"Li Fan, do you know this person?"

Unexpectedly, Liao Wushuang was not Yang Ruining at all, but looked at Li Fan strangely and asked.

"I don't know, it may be a liar."

Li Fan was too lazy to pay attention to Yang Ruining and beckoned. "Waitress, there is a liar, please trouble him."


The waiter saw Yang Ruining, but stayed a bit, "Master Yang ..."

"Li Fan, you are so ignorant."

Yang Ruining grinned, "This hot pot restaurant is my home, but I have the final say here."

Li Fan felt less and less appetite, but Liao Wushuang suddenly smiled and said to Yang Ruining.

"That being the case, how about Yang Gongzi to sit down and eat together?"

She squinted at Yang Ruining. "To me today is a special day. After all, it only happens once a year."

"I see, it's the beauty's birthday!"

Yang Ruining sat down with a rump, "I'll ask for this meal!"

"Okay, let's just let go of eating, Yang Yang won't feel bad?"


Yang Ruining laughed loudly, "As long as you have that appetite, you can shut me down here!"

"Then I will not be polite with Yang Gongzi, so I will put all the best meat and seafood on the same plate."

Liao Wushuang made Yang Ruining blink.

"Ten, ten servings ... can you eat them?"

"Why, is Yang Yang distressed?"

Liao Wushuang smiled very sincerely, Yang Ruining immediately waved his hand, "How come, just eat! Come and come, ten servings! Come on!"

Liao Wushuang secretly squeezed his eyes at Li Fan, the meaning is obvious, let go of eating!

Li Fan knew in his heart that if he did not eat a hundred and twenty thousand Yang Ruining today, he would not be named Li!

Don't look at eating Liao Wushuang's cheeky face, but eat Yang Ruining's, and ensure that there is no residue left!

The kitchen moves quickly, and the ingredients come up immediately. Li Fanlai eats the same, and makes one plate at a time. Except for giving Liao Wushuang a pinch of meat, he doesn't give anyone a little bit of space! Soon, he piled tall plates next to him. He didn't know how much he had eaten, and he continued to eat, like a bottomless pit.

Shen Mengjie picked up the chopsticks, preparing to pinch the meat, but Li Fan blocked them with chopsticks.

Shen Mengjie frowned and glanced at Li Fan.

"Shen Xianzi, you are a highly respected heroine in China. You have to take care of your body. How can you eat such a high-calorie thing!"

Li Fan grinned, "Jiang and juniors like me will do the Shen Xianzi's work."

With that said, it is necessary to take away the piece of meat under Shen Mengjie's chopsticks!

How could Shen Mengjie admit defeat, she immediately used her qi, chopsticks, picked up the meat, and avoided Li Fan's chopsticks.

Li Fan's chopsticks chased after them, and the two of them fought briefly on the hot pot with one-handed chopsticks.

Li Fan didn't panic, he suddenly stretched out his other hand and patted him on the table!

The wine glass in front of Shen Mengjie's table suddenly jumped, and the wine inside spilled out! Shen Mengjie sat on the chair and slid out two meters away, avoiding the drink.

But her chopsticks also had to leave the battlefield and watched the meat stuffed into Li Meng's mouth.

"Shen Xianzi, one is old, so don't grab it from our juniors."

This remark came to Shen Mengjie with a strong sense of ridicule! She frowned deeply, and Yang Ruining couldn't help but intervene.

"Brother Li, this is not the first time we have met. Fate, I respect you."

Then, holding up the glass, he threw the glass towards Li Fan. And Shen Mengjie stretched out his hand behind him, holding the wine glass from the air, and let the wine glass and the wine inside hit the door of Li Fan together!

But Li Fan also stretched out his right hand and stopped the glass!

The two people's infuriation act on the wine glass at the same time, making the wine glass freeze in the air!

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