My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 289: Yellow clothes

289 Huang Yi Group

With a click, the calf's calf was kicked off.

The surrounding oxen were all blown up. Li Fan raised his eyes. At least 30 or 40 people around him looked at Li Fan. Some even pulled out wrenches from their pockets, and some took out pipe wrenches. Everyone looked at it with horror, and the momentum was really amazing, scaring the people in the line around to run away.

"Good guy, there are a lot of oxen."

Li Fan sneered a few times, "It's no wonder that no one else can hang up. It turned out that you were all hung up by these bastards!"

"Boy, how dare you make trouble in my place!"

Among these crowds, a man in a gray bannero suit and a black sunglasses came out. The man was about thirty years old, with a deep face and a Yuxi cigarette in his mouth.

"I've been here for more than ten years, and I saw you for the first time. You are so tired. Go straight to the morgue. Don't run us to find death."

The doctors in the hospital also stood far away, and no one dared to control.

The oxen in this hospital are indeed nearing disaster, and their umbrellas are so strong that no one dares to offend them.

Some doctors could not help worrying about the young man. A nurse secretly took out his mobile phone, but was seen by the ox next to him, pointing at her with a pipe wrench.

"Grass mud horse, dare you call the police, I'll kill you!"

The little nurse was frightened and the phone dropped directly on the floor.

"You guys, maybe a little too crazy?"

Li Fan squeezed his fist gently. "This is a hospital. Where are you?"

"Of course this is a hospital, otherwise how can we make money."

The man in a suit smiled.

"You are not making money."

Li Fan's eyes were angry, "You are drinking the blood of the patients here!"

"Hahaha, so what?"

The man in the suit dismissed, "This is society, weak and strong, understand? And we are not letting them see a doctor, and want to see a doctor, just buy the oxen from our hands! Since coming out to see a doctor, is it still a little bit worse? It ’s better to spend money and see what kind of disease. ”


Li Fan almost gasped, "It's devil logic!"

"Not logic, rules!"

Man in suit holding a cigarette and pointing at Li Fan, "To survive in this place, we must understand the rules here! Who can master the rules, who can survive! And who can make the rules, who is the boss!"

"That's embarrassing."

Li Fan's fists were completely clenched, and he made a sound of clicking and clicking, "I, the most loved thing in life, is to break the rules of others!"

"Is it?"

The man in the suit received several registrations from other people. "I have several surgical and trauma accounts here. Do you want to hang your arm or your leg? Everyone has met, and I have a fate, I will give you Take a 20% off and sell you 800 yuan for one number. "

"I think you should keep it for yourself!"

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, he already appeared in front of the man in the suit, and at the same time he grabbed his hand on the Tianling cover of the man in the suit, and even grabbed the man in the suit with only one arm, holding him in the air.

Everyone around me was a little surprised at Li Fan's strength. This boy, who looks like a thin arm, how come such a great strength!

"Give you one last chance, take you guys who are not indifferent, get out of the hospital! Otherwise, I will let you run out of all oxen!"

"You, your dare to touch me?"

The man in the suit struggled twice and found that he couldn't break the palm of Li Fan at all. He stood like a tower, standing still.

"What about you?"

Li Fan sneered, "I'm going to see, is it your rules, or my fists!"

After speaking, Li Fan raised his right hand and raised his fist.

"I'm from Huang Yituan!"

The other party screamed, Li Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Huang Yi Tuan? Isn't that the organization in Liu Yannan's house? It is said that this organization is also hand-eye-connected and has a great influence in city A!

It is really bad for Li Fan to provoke such an organization. Even if Liu Yanan came forward to mediate, I am afraid there is no way to stop those people so easily. After all, Liu Yannan is not her father, not so majestic!

But Li Fan is not thinking about it. He has an idea about the scalpers in front of him.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid of hearing our name! I'm afraid I'm not obedient to kneel down and let me kick you out of the air! Even if you are a little stronger, you dare to oppose the Huangyi regiment ... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Fan's fist had fallen on his cheek.


The guy's body spun out and flew out. He fell out more than ten meters away, lay on the ground, and lost his teeth.

"I'll hit you, why?"

Li Fan said coldly, "Go back and tell your lord, save for future generations, get out of the hospital!"

"beat him!"

"So many of us, don't be afraid!"

A group of scalpers picked up the guys and planned to put Li Fan down by taking advantage of the crowds!

However, Li Fan raised his right foot high, gathered over his head, and chopped it on the ground by fiercely going to the next batch.

"Card crash!"

Layers of cracks cracked on the ground, and the marble under this foot was directly broken by Li Fan!

The ox parties who rushed over were all scared to kneel on the ground, and their weapons fell off.

They come fast and run fast. Almost instantly, I ran clean.

"Hey, you, you ... don't run ..."

The man in the suit began to leak, and he looked at the panic-stricken men, and the fear in his heart strengthened.

What is the origin of this boy, even the Huangyi regiment is not afraid! Damn it, **** it! Why is there such a person, he is just a mentally disabled, does he not know how terrible the Huang Yi group is?

"Brother, hurry, let's go ..."

An ox party was more moralistic. He squatted down and put a suit on his shoulder.

"Asshole! One day, Huang Yi Tuan will take revenge on you!"

"Okay, I'm waiting. I don't have too much debt."

Li Fan laughed, "I'm going to see how capable the so-called Huangyi regiment is!"

"You will regret this!"

Only the roar of the man in the suit was left in his ears, and Li Fan picked up a register for the traumatology department and then shouted to the people around him.

"Let's continue ranking, there are no oxen now."

"Brother, thank you."

"Thank you so much!"

The patients in the queue are all very excited, and now they can finally feel relieved to see a doctor.

"Doctor, this is Liao Wushuang's registration."

When Li Fan took the registration and went to the doctor, he found that Liao Wushuang's wound had been sutured. She was lying quietly on the bed, seemingly sleeping soundly.

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