My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 306: Offended in many ways

Chapter 306: Offending in Many Ways

"Do you look at me like you're joking?"

Liu Yanan looked at Li Fan very seriously, Li Fan almost did not anger her in a word.


"Like your sister!"

Liu Yanan gave Li Fan a fierce look, Li Fan felt that she was very angry.

"Come on, you're Miss Qianjin."

Li Fan reminded Liu Yannan, "Don't make fun of this joke. What should I do if I take it seriously?"

"How do you know I'm not serious?"

Liu Yannan's eyes rolled, "Do you think I don't deserve you?"

"I wipe, why are you so smart, you guessed it in a second!"

Li Fan slaps and said excitedly, "It's really impressive! Your heart is so broken, how can you compare with my pure and kind brother!"


Liu Yanan took a sip hard, and believes that Li Fan has a ghost!

"I don't care, you're going to see my dad with me anyway!"

"I wipe, what do you want to see your father do?"

Li Fanke is not interested in the old man, and even less interested in seeing an old man!

"I told my dad, you are my boyfriend. He asked me to take you home for a two-day meal together."

Liu Yanan said carelessly while fixing his fingernails.

"I rub, what do you say?"

Li Fan almost jumped up, "You didn't tease me?"

"Good, I am teasing you for what I am not talking about cross talk."

Liu Yannan rolled his eyes fiercely and expressed dissatisfaction with Li Fan's attitude. "I am Liu Yannan, what is a sister in city A? Anyone who chased Miss Ben can line up to the next town! You are not starting, But it's too late! Tell you, after this village, there will be no shop! "

"I'm not a ghost, I won't enter the village."

Li Fan shook his head and said, "So, you can't threaten me."

"Li Fan, everyone is a business partner. Do you want to see me?"

Liu Yanan was anxious.

"You wouldn't be finished if you said so!"

Li Fan then clapped his hands, "It's not about posing as a boyfriend. I didn't pretend to help you! Last time, I was a shy guy, is this the same?"

"Like your sister, this time is my dad, you have to hit my dad, I can fight with you!"

When Liu Yannan talked about his father, only a little tenderness appeared in his eyes. "My dad has hurt me particularly since he was a child. Now that he is in trouble, it is time for me to honor him."

Li Fan thought to himself, if you don't go out and get angry, your father will burn incense and worship the Buddha!

The girl Liu Yannan ... is obviously a girl, but she doesn't look like a girl! A word of arrogance, narcissism, lady is a fantasy to her!

"So, my dad now wants to find an in-law son-in-law. You are well qualified."

"Please, I'm not going to be your son-in-law!"

Li Fan repeatedly emphasized, "I have a name and a surname, and I rely on my hands and feet to eat. Why should I be a son-in-law?"

"But you made my marriage a mess!"

Liu Yanan stared at a pair of beautiful eyes and looked at Li Fan, "You must be responsible!"

"I wipe!"

Li Fan felt that it was an injustice!

"Is it good that you let me punch him?"

"I don't care about it. I just let you punch him. I didn't let you mess us up."

Liu Yanan shrugged his shoulders and said very rudely, "In short, you must be responsible for everything you do, otherwise you will not have children in the future."

"Our day ..."

Li Fan really served this Liu Yannan, she is just a female demon! Run out to squeeze your own residual value!

"You're responsible for your son's misbehavior, my dear."

Liu Yingnan said, forcing a command to Li Fan, "I will send a car to your house to pick you up tomorrow evening, remember to look better."

"Are you going to take a marriage?"

"Similarly, I can send you a gift."

Liu Yingnan said, picking up his handbag and standing up, a pair of long legs became more eye-catching.

"Then we will see you tomorrow, bye!"

Speaking, Liu Yingnan waved at Li Fan, then walked out of the store with a pair of long legs. Outside the two bodyguards waited there, opened the shop door for Liu Yannan, and then pulled the car door.

Li Fan looked a little greedily at Liu Yanan's hips. This woman sometimes feels like she's a blind drug!

Does this woman feel about herself? Seriously, Li Fan didn't believe it! She Liu Yannan has been mixing on the road for so many years. What man hasn't seen? She would be interested in a hairy boy, Li Fan asked a big question.

But she has undoubtedly been trying to attack herself, which made Li Fan feel a little bit sore. Especially, she will run home to pick herself up again tomorrow! I rely, isn't that waiting to fight Murong Ying!

And Murong Ying is a woman who sticks to rules, her rules are that she can't take the initiative to ordinary people! Liu Yanan didn't understand the martial arts at all, and Murong Ying would definitely not use her at all! In this way, the disadvantage is like Murong Ying!

Well, tomorrow is another good show! However, Liu Yanan's **** is really beautiful ...

"It's the hardest thing for a woman or something, isn't it?"


Li Fan stood up and raised his fists, which was almost his subconscious reaction!

The pitiful sword Yu Xi, dressed in black, sat across from him. Yu Xi's dress has always been the same. It is the uniform of the black robe and black robe with gold gilt and gilt rims.

"when did you come!"

How come this woman has always been a ghost!

"It's been a while."

Yu Xi gently lifted the tea cup with one finger, as if playing.

"It's just that you patronize your ass."


Li Fan was very speechless, and he could not refute this statement.

"In the final analysis, you are also an ordinary man."

Yu Xi smiled, "I still feel that you are so different because of your differences. Your nature is still the same!"

"This is the true nature of a man!"

Li Fan held his arms and put his feet on the sofa beside Yu Xi. "A man of my own nature, what do you come to me for? I figured out, would you come to kill me?"

"You, why do you always think so badly of others?"

"You did too much."

Li Fan felt so annoyed when he remembered, "Shoot against an ordinary woman, I am definitely reporting this hatred!"

"I don't know about this, and most of what I want to do, I can't control it."

Yu Xi shrugged his shoulders, "You have irritated him, he will not let you go. And as far as I know, you offend not just a Jinyiwei."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"The infamous Storm mercenary is already eyeing you."

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