318 Viper Woman

Li Fan locked the door and slept soundly.

With Li Fan's current skills, even a rope, he can sleep comfortably. After detoxification, I felt so transparent that my sleepiness struck in groups.

Li Fan had no dream this night, and when the sky was bright, there was a scent of fragrant heat in his ears.

Li Fan woke up instantly. He opened his eyes and saw that Murong Ai was wearing a clean white shirt, wearing only pure white underwear on his lower body, and standing with his hands on his back.

"what are you doing?"

Although women wear it this way, it is really harmful to men. However, Li Fan's heart was still. Although Murong Ai was beautiful, she was really sinister inside. If she hits her beauties, it will be herself.

Although Papapa is very happy, but Pap is about to die, it is too miserable. He is not a praying mantis, but he doesn't want to be eaten by the mother praying mantis on the wedding night.

"This is a kind wake-up service, husband-in-law."

Murong Ai said with a smile, "In this way, my husband and husband will be moved slowly, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with me."


Li Fan didn't speak, but just looked at Murong Ai, and Murong Ai looked hairy.

"Brother-in-law, why do you look at me like that? Is it too beautiful?"

"I'm just looking at a female praying mantis."

Li Fan said lightly, but did not expect that Murong Ai laughed instead.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law husband, science has proven that the female praying mantis eats his partner when they are newly married, but it is just nonsense. You must be the black sheriff who has seen more and left a shadow in her heart.


One sentence made Li Fan's speech mute, making him seem particularly ignorant.

Murong Sakura is erudite, so how can her sister Murong Ai be so smart. No, it should be every woman around me, how could she be so smart, so that she looks stupid!

"So, brother-in-law, don't be afraid that I can eat you! Let's have a deeper interaction, don't we say that the boys will be very excited in the morning?"

"That has nothing to do with you."

Li Fan said, with a push of his hand, a true energy acted on Murong Ai's body, pushed her body out, and landed at the door.

"Brother-in-law, how can you be so ruthless! People like you so much in your heart, but you ruthlessly reject them, ohh ..."

Said, Murong Ai also wiped tears.

Nima, this little devil, the acting is really excellent! The real acting school has far more strength than itself! However, although Li Fan is not as high as their IQ, he is not a fool, and will not believe in Murong Ai.

"If you want to cry, cry yourself. I'm going to school."

"Brother-in-law, someone made a loving breakfast for you!"

Murong Ai said quickly.

"I dare not eat your breakfast. I want to live a few more years."

"Brother-in-law, how can you think of others like this ... Where is there such a bad thing ..."

"It's not so bad, it's you!"

Li Fan glanced at Murong Ai, but Murong Ai said very grievously, "My brother-in-law's husband is prejudiced against others ..."

"Prejudice? Do I have to feel good about someone who wants to kill me every day?"

Li Fan sneered, but Murong Ai said, "Brother-in-law, death is actually just the beginning. And husband-in-law, after you have been drained by me, you have become one with you. So you are not death, but They are always together. They really like her husband and brother-in-law, so they want to be with her brother-in-law husband all the time. "


Li Fan looked at Murong Ai's smile and felt she was very sick!

"I'm a bit confused. You should have been a proud child since childhood. Your family and your sister have spoiled you. Why are you still so perverted?"

"Brother-in-law, it's too much talking ..."

Murong Ai cried and said, "The love they have for her husband-in-law is really real."

"I don't really want you, this psychologically distorted love."

"I've always loved my sister since I was a kid."

Murong Ai licked her lips. "And I like it, my sister will let it to me. So, my husband, you should be mine."

"It's too sick, it must have been spoiled by your sister!"

Li Fan thinks that Murong Ai's thoughts are very problematic. If she goes on like this, she will sooner or later become a terrible female demon!

"Brother-in-law, people like you, you should obey them."

Murong Ai looked at Li Fan and smiled like a flower. "Submit me, brother-in-law, husband. At the last moment, people will definitely make you feel real happiness."

"From now on, with my body as the axis, within two meters of the circle, you must not enter."

Li Fan said, facing the wall next to each other!


A slap print was immediately imprinted on the wall, which was very appalling.

"Otherwise, this wall!"

After speaking, Li Fan picked up his school uniform and turned downstairs.

"Brother-in-law, at least eat the loving breakfast made by others ..."

Murong Ai was holding a beautiful food box, and was unwilling to follow Li Fan behind him.

"What kind of loving breakfast can you make?"

Li Fan asked angrily.

"This is the result of hard work."

Murong Ai said, opened the food container, revealing the true content of breakfast inside.

"Deep fried scorpions, oily spiders, steamed white snakes. Brother-in-law, this breakfast is rich in protein and nutritious!"

Li Fan almost did not vomit blood!

"Then keep it for yourself! Goodbye!"

He didn't want to eat these things, all poisonous insects, eat a fart!

"Goodbye husband."

Murong Ai had to take Li Fan to the door and stood by the door. She didn't step out of the threshold. After all, she was wearing cooler clothes.

Li Fanmai, with his strong legs, worked hard all the way to the school. And Murong Ai stood in front of the door, and seemed to have some troubles.

At this moment, a courier passed by the door of Li Fan's house and saw Murong Ai, who was cool and dressed, couldn't help whistling.

Murong loved a smile and flung it away.

"Ahhhh! My eyes!"

The invisible toxins were scattered, colorless and tasteless. And the courier ran into his head and drove out for a distance, his eyes began to turn red, and then blood shed tears in the pain! He rolled down from the electric car, biting his eyes in pain, his body twitching. He didn't know what was happening at all, and there was only darkness in front of him, with the fatal pain!

The poison robbed his eyes, and Murong Ai closed the door casually.

"Brother-in-law, let's see you later."

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