My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 324: Sinister trick

Chapter 324: Yin Yin's Trick

Li Fan's smile is not like the smile of a good person!

Even Murong Ai felt terrible! But when she heard Li Fan's words, she suddenly remembered something and shouted.

"If you dare to touch me, my dad, and my sister will not let you go!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan laughed, "I can kill you quietly and then chop you into dumpling stuffing and make dinner. When your sister comes back, we will eat you together. And I can say you go back by yourself Home is gone, and when you disappear, I am afraid it will go to those who avenge your Murong family? "

Li Fan's words made Murong Ai twitch!

Too terrible ... how could he think of such terrible thoughts ...

"Woohoo, I'm wrong, I don't want to die ... brother-in-law, let me go, people will never dare to mess around again ..."

Murong Ai was crying by Li Fan, but Li Fan saw a hint of slyness in her eyes.

This little girl is probably still thinking about it.

"Oh, don't teach you something, it seems you won't understand."

Li Fan said, with the palm of his hand, Murong Ai's body turned over immediately, lying on the wall, but his buttocks were raised high.

"Brother-in-law ... you, what are you doing?"

"I'll supplement you with education you haven't received."

Li Fan said, raising his right hand, the aliens!

His arm became a lot thicker, like a strong man's arm, and slap it on Murong's ass!


That crisp sound was like setting off firecrackers, it was a pleasant ear!

Murong loved a painful exclamation, and at the same time her body shook!

Oh my God ... I was beaten?

I have never been beaten, but I was spanked? From childhood to age, Murong Ai has been spoiled, and his father has never touched a cold hair!

But this Li Fan ... he hit himself!

Who does he think he is!

"Li Fan, you beast, you dare to touch me! I won't let you go!"

"Oh, no brother-in-law now?"

Li Fan smiled, "I don't understand politeness all of a sudden, boy."

"Li Fan! I'm the second lady of Murong's family! If you do something to me, my family will not let you go! My sister is the leader of Wulin, and my father is the Supreme of Wulin!"

"They are all amazing."

Li Fan nodded and slap Murong Ai again, feeling good. This little girl, except her breasts, is developing very well.

"What about you? What the **** are you? A young lady who is bullying?"

"I don't have one! You jerk!"

Murong Ai shouted, "When I absorb you, I will be the best in the world! At that time, even my sister, give me a high look!"

"What power is plundered!"

Li Fan slaps Murong Ai again, "But it's just a little conspiracy and shouting! A little fart girl, don't learn anything, think about sitting and enjoying it every day! What you want is beautiful, even me, how much Only at this critical moment of life and death has it become the current level! How could this kind of desperate effort be handed to you, girl! "

Talking, Li Fan gave Murong Ai another slap!

These slaps of Murong love annoyed, **** Li Fan, when will he hit! When you return to freedom, you must kill him!

"I'm standing here, pure sun body, you come to get it!"

Murong Ai heard Li Fan's voice, and her trembling body trembled.

The buttocks were swollen and painful, as if they were burning, making Murong Ai not only physical, but also psychologically extreme!

"When are you going to hit, asshole!"

"Let it be dawn tomorrow."

"Asshole, aren't you going to class?"

"How can class be more fun than spanking you?"

Li Fan grinned, "It's every day in class, but spanking is not always a pleasure."

"Li Fan, I fight with you ... Ah!"

Every time Murong Ai shouted, he would be slapped by Li Fan!

Every time I yell and scream, it will make myself more painful!

In the end, Li Fan suddenly stopped playing Murong Ai, but carried her up and carried him out of the bedroom.

"You, what are you doing?"

Murong Ai's body was sealed by Li Fan with aura, and he couldn't move.

And she was thrown into the yard by Li Fan, lying on the cold ground.

Li Fan picked up a shovel, dug the ground next to it, and slowly dug a deep hole.

"You, what are you doing?"

Although my body can't move, my mouth can still talk.

Looking at Li Fan's movements, Murong's uncomfortable feeling became heavier and heavier!

"Build a new home for you."

Li Fan pointed to the hole he was digging. "I think that you should be able to eat such a character below."

"You're crazy!"

"You asked for it."

Li Fan began to sneer again, "Do you know how to bury it alive? Just throw you into this hole and bury you with sand. You can't move, you can't shout, you can only wait slowly in darkness and despair dead."

"no, do not want……"

Li Fan's words really scared Murong this time.

"Brother-in-law, I really know that I'm wrong, brother-in-law. Let me go."

"It's useless for you to be offensive."

Li Fan showed no mercy, "You are just a trouble to me! Keeping you, the endless troubles! Killing you, I can live very well!"

"Woohoo, brother-in-law, don't kill me, I will listen to you in the future!"


Li Fan raised an eyebrow.

"Really, I, I can be your slave, as long as you let me go!"

Murong Ai nodded again and again, and Li Fan was distrustful of her words.

"Exactly, try this."

Li Fan rounded his hands, a group of true energy gathered in front of him!

This aura of power surprised Murong Ai, where is this human power! I am afraid that the degree of compression is really a level with his father!

Lifan, how can all this be done?

And Li Fan's anger was suddenly darkened, as if infected by some virus!

"what is this?"

Without waiting for Murong Ai to understand, Li Fan suddenly reached out and patted the ball into her body!

That qi was like a little bug, along the meridian of Murong Ai, lurking into the position of her heart instantly!

This is a new move created by Li Fan based on the last poisoning situation, very vicious!

As long as his anger reaches the position of the heart, he can kill the other person at any time like the toxin! Murong Ai clearly felt the pressure, and her face was pale.

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