330 hands-on

Speaking, Ren Qiang blew a whistle, and the crowd suddenly squeezed out almost a hundred hoops, blocking the crowd directly, forming a wall of people, and separating Li Fan and their stalls.

"I'm very reasonable."

Ren Qiang took a puff of cigarette and said slowly, "I don't hit anyone, I hit someone to break the law. But, I will consume you to the end, making your business impossible!"

Using a little brother with more than a hundred to harm a small vendor, the Huang Yi Tuan is really big enough!

"You spend so much with me every day, can you afford it?"

Li Fan was not afraid, he took Lin Yuexian's cold little hand and asked with a smile.

"Brother, look down on brother, don't you?"

Ren Qiang laughed, "I still have this economic strength. I don't believe we can try it and see who can't handle it first."


Li Fan also laughed, "I still have a little business in other places. I use other income to feed my pancake stall! I'd like to see if I can resist it alone, or if you can carry it for more than a hundred! "

Ren Qiang was slightly moved. Since Li Fan's economic strength knew Liu Yanan, it should not be bad! And if there is a red dragon behind it, it will intervene? If Liu Yannan intentionally opened up with him, and then dragged down Ren Renqiang, wouldn't he be a victim?

Ren Qiang is not stupid. At that moment, he thought about it a lot, and finally decided to slow down the matter first.

Breathing with Li Fan is really a bit off the mark. One hundred people played with him at a pancake stall, which was a bit inappropriate. Ren Qiang decided to talk to Li Fan in another way.

"Li Fan, let's talk?"

"What to talk?"

Li Fan felt it, and Ren Qiang persuaded him. But he may not be afraid of himself, but Liu Yannan behind him. After all, even if he has some fame, he is just a person and a high school student. Now the mixed path is different from before. In the mixed path, what is needed is to dare to kill. And now, all fight is background, contacts!

You are like Su Chen. This guy has no ability. He is in charge of a black boxing ring, but he is weak. But he is well-connected and has a hard background, which can cover such a large underground black boxing ring.

"Li Fan, your pancake stall has broken the rules of our entire market."

Ren Qiang handled it as softly as possible. "Everyone is a face-saving person. I'll give you a compromise. What do you think?"

"A compromise? What is a compromise?"

"In this way, you still have to come to us to buy the raw materials, but I can give you some discounts to ensure that they are cheaper than the raw materials you bought before, and you will not lose. My rules have not been broken. What do you think?


Unexpectedly, Yuan Chunli refused flatly.

"Although Yuan Chunli is a small business, I can't do things that hurt people."

She had a firm look. "The ingredients you sell are nothing but people's stuff. Last time I bought some eggs from you, I found that they smelled bad! The pancakes made with this kind of material are for people to eat, but not for people broken?"

"Don't do it clean, you haven't gotten sick. How much clean are there on the market now?"

Ren Qiang said, "The whole market sells all our ingredients. Who do you think is bad?"

"Anyway, I won't sell!"

Yuan Chunli will never give in to this point. Her husband also stimulated his nerves after drinking fake wine. Now he is finished like this!

"Since my aunt persists, I will accompany her to the end."

Li Fan took a look at the surrounding people, and then glanced at Ren Qiang. "From today on, you can leave this market alone."

"It's really loud!"

Ren Qiang was a little annoyed. For the first time, he said soft words, but the other party didn't give himself face!

"It seems that you must break the rules of my Huangyi regimen today! Li Fan, it's Liu Yannan who made you do this, right? I want to use Ren Qiang, I'm not so bullying! Brothers, give me Their stand was smashed, and the girl's legs were discounted to me! It's a big deal to lose money, let them roll to the hospital, don't break the rules of my market! "

Ren Qiang made fierce, this is the last resort.

I am the boss of this market. Today, I do n’t kill chickens and tamarins. Who else can serve me!

With a strong order from Ren Qiang, all the gangsters turned around, holding picks in their hands, iron bars or whatever, and they came towards Li Fan.

The Yellow Yituan is different from other gangs. As one of the three major forces in city A, the Yellow Yituan has been vigorously developing the bottom members of the gang. So they have a lot of gangs, but they are also mixed!

If you can take out so much foolishness at one time, you can do it with the Huang Yi Tuan. The Red Dragon Club and the Vanguard Army are taking the more elite line. The number of people in the lower ranks is not many, but they have raised a lot of professional thugs!

After so many roundabouts, Yuan Chunli's face turned white. Looking at Lin Yuexian, she seemed to be calm.

"Yuexian ... you, aren't you afraid?"

Yuan Chunli couldn't help asking.

"Not afraid. Li Fan is here."

"Even if he can punch ... can he hit a hundred by himself ..."

"Mom, believe him."

Lin Yuexian has a kind of blind self-confidence in Li Fan, but it is also limited to fighting!

"It wouldn't be a problem if it had been this way."

Li Fan laughed, stretched out his hand, and ran to the boss' sugarcane stand from the side. He picked up a sugarcane, held it in his hand, and waved twice.


Ren Qiang couldn't help laughing at him, "Do you think you are Sun Wukong, hit us a hundred by yourself?"

"If I were Sun Wukong, you would be just some little monsters."

Li Fan said, drawing a circle around the booth, "Auntie, Yuexian, you stand in this circle, I will keep you safe."

"It's so funny, I really use myself as a grandchild!"

Ren Qiang felt that Li Fan was very childish. He re-lighted the pipe, looked like a play, and prepared to see how Li Fan was beaten by his own people for mercy!

Sooner or later, the Huang Yi Tuan and Chi Long will start the fight, so let's start this first shot. Anyway, it's also that Chilong will mess with us first. Even if we ask it, we still have our own words.

"Brothers, whoever knocked this kid down, I will give a 100,000 yuan bonus."

Ren Qiang dropped a word, those little **** eyes were all red, looking at Li Fan was like watching a moving golden mountain.

They scrambled, as if the pigs were out of the cage, scrambling for food! Li Fan, holding the sugar cane in his hand, stood on the edge of the circle, and still had a faint smile on his face. It didn't seem to put these people in his eyes.

"Kill him!"

A few little punks have rushed to Li Fan's presence, and can't wait to swallow him alive!

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