No. 337

Ma Wenchang is really miserable these days!

After finally finding a local tyrant, I thought I could hug my thigh, but I didn't realize that he had just been a young boy for a while. The local tyrant failed to get revenge and drove himself away. Ma Wenchang was also aggrieved, and he could not think of the reason why he continued to miss!

The **** has studied the poisonous classics for hundreds of years. Why is it invalid? Ma Wenchang couldn't understand it, and he hasn't been able to think it through completely.

Without financial support, Ma Wenchang can only find Murong Ai by his own strength! Kung Fu lived up to his painstaking efforts, and eventually he found some clues. Following these clues, Ma Wenchang finally came to Murong Ai.

What annoyed him the most was that Murong Ai still practiced the five poison palms with enjoyment. The five poisonous palms are the most poisonous in the world. When they first practice, they will ulcerate because of toxins entering the blood. But the **** can use a unique method to gather these toxins without spreading them all over the body. In this way, it will not affect your own appearance.

Therefore, although Ma Wenchang was annoyed, he was also surprised. This Murong Ai should not know this secret technique, but why did she practice the five poison palms and still maintain her appearance?

"Well, I get it!"

Suddenly Ma Wenchang was happy again, "You little girl, I am afraid it is the legendary pure corpse! It is very good, I trained you into a good pot, and then absorbed your medicine, so I You can increase your skills for 30 years, hahaha! "

Ma Wenchang is terribly happy, this is a gift from God! With the skills of the three armors, he might break through the realm and enter the ranks of a great master! By that time, the position of the drug king Gu Guzhu will be his own!

Ma Wenchang was very excited, but when he came in, Murong Ai put on a coat, covering his great spring. Except for brother-in-law, other men want to see their body, it is impossible!

"Where did you get the old stuff? How dare you break into it? Don't you die?"

Murong looked fiercely at the opposite Ma Wenchang, turning the five poison palms into his right hand, becoming like Mo Yu.

"Little girl, you're dead, it's better to be obedient and serve me well. Maybe I'll show my kindness and save you a little life, let you stay alive for a few more years."

Ma Wenchang grinned.

"Brain is broken you!"

Murong Ai raised her right hand and showed her five poison palms, but caused Ma Wenchang to laugh.

"Hahaha, your five poisonous palms are a little bit practised. But compared to me, it is far worse!"

Speaking, Ma Wenchang sneered, and then performed one hand with one hand, both hands entered the state of the five poison palms! Those hands were as black as ink, like Shura's palm!

As soon as the connoisseur took the shot, he knew if it was there. Seeing the other's palm, Murong Ai was also trembling.

This guy ... is the master of Yawang's **** ...

"Five poison palms. I have been practicing for more than thirty years. Isn't it better than a little baby you just learned!"

"This uncle, I think there is something to discuss."

Murong Ai immediately asked, "I have nothing to do with your five poisonous palms."

"What else do you want to talk about?"

Ma Wenchang looked at Murong Ai with some vigilance.

"You're a sword now, and I'm a fish now. Can you be scared that I can't do the magic of your body?"

Murong Ai smiled bitterly, "I also saw that you are strong, and the accomplishments of the Five Poison Palms are far higher than me. I am a smart person, I don't want to die, so I promise you. You say, you want What do you want? "

"Count your acquaintance."

Ma Wenchang was relieved then, "Observe to return the poison classics, and follow me. I will feed you some poison every day. You can rest assured that although there is some pain, it will not save your life. After one year, you will After being trained into a good furnace, I and your fish and water will absorb the medicinal properties in your body, and you can add 30 years of power out of thin air! "

"Poison? Don't know what poison is?"

Murong Ai blinked and asked, "If it's too painful, I need to prepare in advance."

"Hehe, this formula is also written in the poison classics. I guess you haven't seen it yet. You have to study the five poison palms for a while."

Ma Wenchang is very proud, he is a true expert for poison classics. This little girl, do not want to follow something in front of yourself!

"Well, go with me."

"Well, then you wait for me to get the poison."

Murong Ai said, walking towards Ma Wenchang, and opened a drawer beside him. Ma Wenchang's eyes fell on the poisonous classics inside, which is indeed a genuine poisonous classics, a tome of the vulva.

But at the moment when his eyes moved to the poison classics, Murong Ai suddenly shot!

Although Ma Wenchang noticed Murong Ai's movements, he did not look at the other side. This little girl ’s five poison palms are not ready to hurt, they ca n’t hurt themselves at all!

However, Ma Wenchang did not expect that Murong Ai's palm was not black at all, but white as jade, so he stuck it on his lower abdomen.


Ma Wenchang spit out blood, his face turned pale, a thin layer of frost formed on the skin, and the whole person's movement became a little slow!

"Cold ... ice ... palm ..."

With shock and anger in Ma Wenchang's eyes, he stabilized his body and stared at Murong Ai in front of him.

"Sorry this uncle."

Murong Ai laughed. It looked exactly the same as before, just like her before, just an illusion. "As for me, I don't like to deal with uncles. Especially your stinky old man who studies poisonous classics every day. I also want to have the joy of fish and water with my girl! Hey, I will reward you with a cold palm, so that you are sober and sober! "

"Zhan Bingzhang ... thought you could cure me ..."

Unexpectedly, Ma Wenchang took a deep breath, and then his body slowly returned to its original color, apparently suppressing the cold poison of the Ice Palm!


Only then did Murong Ai feel a little bad, as if it was a little bad.

"Little girl, this is your choice."

Ma Wenchang sneered, "You do n’t go if there is a way in heaven, but you break in without a gate in hell!"

Then, Ma Wenchang stretched out his right hand and grabbed at Murong Ai. He is so strong and aggressive, and Murong Ai feels like he is trying to escape.

She shouted almost subconsciously, "Brother, help!"

But after shouting, she was even more desperate.

I lied to my brother-in-law countless times, and my brother-in-law would definitely not believe in myself. This time, she was really trying to escape ...

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