My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 340: Unexpected situation

340 Emergency

But the other party didn't care about himself, and Li Fan also became vigilant and felt a little bit bad.

If it is conspiracy, why is the room door open? Why is he alone?

Li Fan suddenly understood something, bad, isn't that Lin Chong strayed into Baihutang by mistake?

Li Fan turned around almost subconsciously and was about to leave! But at this time, a group of policemen had rushed downstairs and blocked Li Fan.

"Take him down!"

"Do not move! Raise your hands!"

The three policemen approached, Li Fan did not dare to neglect and raised his hands.

"I am innocent."

There was a moment of panic in Li Fan's heart, but he quickly stabilized. He didn't kill anyone, it was a scam. Fu Fan, this dog thing, unloaded and killed the donkey, and played a trick on himself! If you turn your head and run at this time, I am afraid that the case will basically be confirmed.

Can only wait for Liu Yanan to hear about it, rely on her to fish out.

This was what Li Fan thought of in an instant, so he raised his hand, kneeled on the ground as required by the police, and waited for a policeman to step forward, press him to the ground, and handcuff him.

"I was framed."

Li Fan was crushed to the ground and still said loudly, "Please investigate clearly."

"We're just wrong with a good guy, and we won't let a bad guy go!"

The police were upright. The police blocked the scene, then detained Li Fan, locked him in a police car, and took him all the way to the police station.

In the police car, the policeman didn't say a word, went to the police station, and started to interrogate Li Fan.

Two policemen sat opposite Li Fan, one old and one young. The young policeman seemed to have a strong temper, pulled the lights directly and hit Li Fan's face. This dazzling light was still a bit scorching, and Li Fan subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"Li Fan, you are now listed as an important suspect in the 11.2 homicide case! There is only one way in front of you, be frank and be strict!"

"Uncle police, what age is it, why do you still play this set?"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Look at the TV show too much."

"Don't fret, just tell!"

The young policeman was a little breathless, while the old policeman patted him on the shoulder and then removed the light from Li Fan's face.

"Do you smoke?"

The old policeman pulled out a red panda to hand it to Li Fan, but Li Fan refused.

"Sorry, I don't smoke."

"Good habits."

The old police officer nodded, nodded to himself, and said slowly, "Little brother, I see quite a lot of people like you. It's not worth it to take risks to save money.

"Everything you say is baseless speculation until it is finalized."

Li Fan is very calm at this moment. He knows that only calm can save himself now.

"I just got there at the wrong time, and I was arrested by you, so it was all framed and stolen. I am innocent."

"Still in denial, I don't think you hit the south wall or look back!"

The young policeman's temper rose again, and the old policeman suppressed him again.

"Don't worry, take your time."

His eyes fell on Li Fan. He felt that the young man in front of him was not panic. Either he was really framed innocent, or he was a downright, wicked criminal. Whichever one is, it shows that he is not very ordinary.

This boy is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Then I ask you, where are you between 7:15 and 8:15 in the evening?"

"On a van."

Li Fan said.

"What van, what model, what color, what license plate?"

The young police questioned.

"The black van, the brand is Honda, I don't know the model."

Li Fan recalled it, "I also forgot the license plate number, I didn't pay attention to these."

"Where do you start?"

"From home, the old town."

"It only takes ten minutes to reach the Telford restaurant in the old town, and there was no traffic jam at the time. Why did you sit for an hour?"

"You have to ask the driver."

"Then what do you do to Telford Restaurant?"

Li Fan froze for a moment. Naturally, his original purpose could not be explained. He couldn't tell the two policemen that he was a black worker hired by Fu Fan, right? I have done a few dark jobs myself, and any one of them is exposed enough to sit on my own!

Li Fan felt that this time he was pitted so badly that he was almost in a dead end!

Explain that he was a dead man. If you don't explain it, you are a dead man.

No matter what else, it can't be explained now.

"Someone asked me to get something there."

Li Fan turned his mind and said, "After I went up, I found that someone was dead. And your hind legs followed, it was a coincidence, don't you think?"

"If you don't know, you don't know what to do."

The young policeman scolded, "If you have done bad things and you don't want others to know, what you think is good!"

"Anyway, I didn't kill him. I have no injustice with him. What did he do to kill him?"

Li Fan said.

"We will find out your motives for killing."

The young policeman continued to stare at Li Fan. "Also, we have your information!"

The old policeman looked at the computer screen with a slightly deeper look.

"Young man, it's very good. At a young age, there are already two companies."

The old policeman said with a smile, "A billiard hall, a security company. It seems that your family is not very good, but recently your parents have money to travel abroad. I am curious, boy, where did you get the money? What about? "

"My parents' money to go abroad was given by my fiancée. I made and sold the money myself."

There is nothing to hide from Li Fan. "If you can check this in detail, you should know the identity of my fiancee."

"Your fiancee is from Murong Consortium and we have investigated."

The young policeman said rudely, "But no matter how hard your background and how big the backstage is, this is the police station. If you commit a crime, you must all go to justice! Before the law, everyone is equal!"

"Of course, I want to applaud.

Li Fan motioned for the handcuffs on his wrist. "Unfortunately it is not convenient to clap your hands now."

"Don't skimp! You continue to explain your case!"

"I have no case to explain. I was just called there."

Li Fan said blandly, "Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. I am innocent, and I hope you will investigate clearly."

"We will definitely investigate!"

The old policeman looked at Li Fan a few more times, and he slowly said, "I hope you also think about it, if you have a case in hand, it is good for you to explain it as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much."

Li Fan said with a smile to the old policeman.

Both policemen started to have headaches.


Sorry, I will pick up my mother first after returning from fitness, I am late ~

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