My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 352: Find another boyfriend

352 Find Another Boyfriend

Just when Li Fan was going to learn more about the geological structure of the mountain peaks, the door of the room was suddenly smashed.

Li Fan and Murong Ying were taken aback at the same time, and then Murongai shouted from outside.

"Sister, I'm afraid, let me in!"

Murong Ying didn't hesitate and kicked Li Fan directly to the ground.

Li Fan couldn't help it, knowing that Murong Ying was still thin. He scolded Murong for bad things. He had the chance to have a real husband and wife life with Murong Ying, but he encountered such a ghost!

Woollen thunder? And Murong Ai, all such big girls, afraid of a thunder! She's done too much at heart!

Li Fan rolled and hid under the bed, and Murong Ying had already got out of bed and opened the door.

"Sister, it's scary!"

Murong Ai seemed really afraid of thunder. As soon as she entered, she rushed into her sister's arms.

Li Fan is envious enough, when can he and Murong Ying get so close! It's a pity that both of them have thin skins and can't accept this kind of thing.

"It's so big, and afraid of thunder."

Murong Ying reached out and scratched her sister's nose.

"I'm just afraid ... my sister is sleeping with me ..."

Murong loves all kinds of coquettishness, and provokes her sister's pity.

"Okay, that elder sister slapped you to sleep."

I rub! Why did you agree so soon! Li Fan almost vomited blood. How could this work? You fell asleep with her. What should I do?

Li Fan especially wants to kill!

"Hee hey, why didn't your sister sleep with your brother-in-law?"

Murong Ai jumped onto her sister's bed, and next to Murong Ying, she asked softly.

"He didn't do well, so I don't want to sleep with him."

Murong Ying coughed slightly, slightly awkwardly. This question from Murong Ai ... is really a little bit hit ...

"Sister, what's wrong with your husband? I think he's pretty good, he's very good, and he's also professional. The book says that such men are the most popular and the most sought-after."

"What books are you reading?"

Murong Ying smiled bitterly, "He is indeed very ambitious, but my Murong family is a martial art clan after all, and it has been passed down for hundreds of years. To your generation, I am a daughter and need males to inherit the family business. He must change his surname to Murong. "

"My brother-in-law's character, maybe I won't agree?"

Murong Ai has a good grasp of Li Fan's character.

"Indeed ... he's too shy."

When the two sisters talked about Li Fanlai, he hid under the bed and began overhearing the conversation between the two.

Sister Murong talked to each other. He was rare to hear it once.

"Every time he talks about this, he is very tough."

Murong Ying explained, "So I can only go second and decide to let my future children and Murong's family name."

"Brother-in-law won't agree, right?"

"Two babies."

Murong Ying's answer is impeccable, "Live people can make urine dying."

"Didn't that sister ever think of changing a fiance?"

Murong Ai suddenly asked the topic, "There are so many young talents on the rivers and lakes, why don't you find a good one out of it and follow your heart?"

"Choosing your husband-in-law is like buying a lottery ticket."

Murong Ying made a metaphor, "You need luck to meet a winning one."

"That sister means, Li Fan is already very good for you?"

"Well, what's wrong with him?"

"Also, my brother-in-law probably doesn't have any advantages. Then my sister chooses another one."

Murong Ai seems to be inducing her sister.

"Not all faults ... at least ... he works very hard ... in short, I don't want to find other boys for the time being, they can't get into my law."

"What does that sister mean is that your brother-in-law can get into your eyes?"

"He ... barely ..."

"But my sister and brother-in-law haven't been happy. They don't look like husband and wife."

Murong Ai continued to make some kind of attempts. "I know some young talents. I might as well help my sister choose another good husband and find a suitable one."

"Go to you, little girl, know what love is."

"Oh, sister, isn't that young!"

Murong Ai is a little unwilling. "I don't watch a TV show a lot. Isn't love the same thing! I don't understand what specific love is. But I look at my sister and husband every day and I feel you There is no such love between husband and wife. "

"You're too young ..."

"I'm not too young! This is going to be the past, I'm the mother of several children!"

"You, don't always think about it. It's useless to go out with your brother-in-law this time and study hard. Although he has a bad temper, he has his unique personality charm. If you follow him, you should learn more from him. Only. "

"Hehe, rest assured, sister, I will help you stare at him forever, so that he won't be fooled!"

"Hum, he dares!"

The two sisters talked about some trivial matters, and Murong Ying lifted her legs slightly, her heels were on the bed, and the qi spread out and passed under the bed, shocking Li Fan.

Li Fan understands that this is driving him away! Damn, I was just able to sleep on a hot quilt, did I get rid of myself!

It ’s really unfair ... What the **** do you do, God, how can you let me be wise and keep this kind of living?

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears. He pinpointed an empty body, and shot his hands under his body. The whole person immediately rushed forward very far, almost like a shadow, rubbing the open door, and thus left Murong Sakura's room.

Once he slept on the bed, Li Fan really didn't want to sleep on the rope anymore. He simply jumped upstairs to the sofa in the living room, and the whole man was lying on the soft sofa. Although Murong Ying doesn't like the display of music like Liu Yannan, she is also very elegant.

These sofas are all brand-name, and it's more comfortable to lie down than to lie on a bed.

Li Fan was also tired, closed his eyes, and slept to death before long.

A day later, Li Fan set out with Murong Ai.

"Why take the train?"

Murong Ai is wearing a beautiful dress, she seems to like this type of clothes very much. And this kind of clothes is more suitable for her. From a distance, she looks like a porcelain doll.

Li Fan followed her, carrying two large suitcases in her hand. Thinking of going out in the morning, he couldn't help but be afraid. Tie Zhu even stuffed the dumbbells into the trunk, saying it was to exercise his body outside ... Nima, if not for martial arts, two dumbbells would make Li Fan tired of breaking his arm!

"Miss, how can I have money to fly!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "It would be nice not to let you walk!"


A friend wanted to open a shop and ran with him for a day. He could have come back to update earlier. As a result, he was scratched with an Audi a6l on the road. The other party changed his responsibilities, but he did n’t believe he was in full responsibility and went to the traffic police team. I set the responsibilities, and finally waited for her insurance company to come over to deal with it, tossing to the evening ... don't say, I went to code, I wish you all a happy mood, and happy birthday to Liao Wushuang.

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