My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 368: Nutritious breakfast

368 Nutritional Breakfast

With a loud scream of Li Fan, the dungeon started to shake again, and the rubble continued to fall.

Li Fan was standing among the gravels, but these gravels fell near his body and would be crushed by his true energy!

He sat cross-legged on the ground, resisted his pain, and devoted all his energy to cultivation, controlled the qi in his body, and began to impact the seventh acupuncture point!

This kind of impact is almost out of Li Fan's control, because driven by Wang Sen's power, he madly hits the seventh acupoint!

Li Fan felt like he was hit by a sledgehammer again and again, and every time he was with the pain of cracked bone!

Hold on ... if you can't hold on, you're done! From light to power, to death, to death!

The defense gate of the seventh acupuncture point is very strong, just like a solid city! No matter how the two angers collide, they will not be moved!

Li Fan didn't think it seemed like a solution. Suddenly he had a clever idea and endured the pain. The two breaths of energy were entangled into a drill-like shape, and then hit the seventh acupoint!

Just like a drill, a crack appeared in the defense of the seventh acupoint!

But the pain on Li Fan's body was also reaching the limit, and he couldn't hold on!

There was no way, Li Fan had no choice but to send this Wang Sen's power to the supernatural vein. There is a very hidden place in this vein. I don't know what it is usually used for, but at this time it is better to store the true energy.

Li Fan saved the internal force absorbed from Wang Sen for the time being, and his body relaxed a lot. He was lying in the cold water himself, feeling that he would have to take a bath again ...

In the face of this kind of thing ... I don't know if it is unlucky or lucky. In short, Yin Wuchao should not be allowed to find himself here. He kept Wang Sen, and naturally it was useful. Now that Wang Sen is dead, he might be furious.

Before she could rescue Miss Yin's family, she could not fight against the snake.

Li Fan was about to leave, and suddenly found that Wang Sen's body was in a strange position. He was lying there clearly, but his fingers seemed to point away, as if to tell Li Fan something.

Li Fan looked down his fingers and found that he was pointing at a wall in the dungeon.

This dungeon is quite elegant, with reliefs on the surrounding walls. The statues looked like several kings of the Ming Dynasty, one by one, and looked more like Shura.

Wang Sen pointed to one of the statues of King Ming with his hands raised, and Li Fan walked over and looked at the statue carefully. He felt that the statue's eyes were different from others, and there seemed to be a gap.

Li Fan is also smart. He reached out his hand and clicked on the gap. With a click, the cracked eyeball was immediately pressed by him.

The embossed mouth suddenly opened, spit out a piece of parchment paper, and fell into Li Fan's palm.


Li Fan raised the torch that he had set aside before and took a closer look at the parchment.

The above picture is very familiar. It is still a monk-like pattern, but the posture is slightly different. The previous monk's pattern was cross-legged meditation, but this one is a golden rooster independent. It also has acupoint maps, and like the previous acupoint map of Li Fan, it is retrograde!

"What a picture like this ..."

Li Fan is very puzzled. There must be any connection between the two pictures, but what kind of effort is it that will be practiced in this retrograde way?

Li Fan couldn't figure it out, and now is not the time to study these. It was getting late, and he had to return to the room quickly, so as not to be noticed.

He shoved parchment paper into his ragged clothes, and walked down the aisle to get out of the cave. The precipice outside is hard to beat Li Fan. He climbed up three or two times and returned to the other house by moonlight.

The lights in the cottage in front of the other courtyard went out, and apparently the maid Xiaowu also fell asleep. Li Fan sneaked back to his room and closed the door of the room.

He briefly rushed and lay on the big bed in the room.

This night is exciting enough, I don't know if it will be more exciting tomorrow. Forget about tomorrow's business, think again tomorrow. Li Fan turned off the light, closed his eyes, and was drowsy. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

Wu Doujia ’s sleep quality is generally better. Li Fan fell asleep until dawn and was called by Murong Ai.

To be precise, it is not called, but "made".

Li Fan opened his eyes and saw the quilt bulging, apparently hiding a person between his legs.

Murong Ai's little buttocks were still outside, dangling.

And the rare sense of refreshment also proves what happened ... my little aunt ... actually used this way ... to wake myself up ...

Oh my **** ... aren't these plots supposed to happen in a dream ...

Li Fan slaps his own face hard, it hurts, not a dream!

Feeling Li Fan's movements, Murong Ai dug his face out of the quilt in front of Li Fan's chest and said with a smile, "Master, you wake up ... the master in the morning, the fighting power is so strong ..."

"Murong Ai ... you are wrong ..."

"But is he hungry ... and didn't eat it, he can only find something to eat by himself ..."

"That thing ... can't eat it either ..."

"But the host's delicious ... Since the host doesn't like it, that person doesn't eat."

Murong Ai licked her lips as if to leave. Li Fan held her head subconsciously and said, "Since it is auntie, it should be a pain for you ... don't be hungry, eat it ..."

"Hee hee, thank you host ..."

Watching Murong Ai dug her head back into the quilt, Li Fan felt that she seemed like ... this time she was really occupied ...

If you let Murong Ying know ... I'm afraid I'm not safe ...

Could this be considered ... first time taken away by my aunt?

It seems not. Before, Murong Ai used a ** method to send herself a shot ... his head was chaotic ... and before that, the island girl of the island country also served herself in the same way.

Li Fan was in a deep struggle, and he felt a little confused.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Li, the breakfast is ready. Would you like to bring it in?"

Murong Ai was startled and stopped the original movement.

And Li Fan also woke up and said loudly, "No need, just help me by the door."

The voice was the maid's little dance, and Li Fan's heartbeat speeded up. Although improper things are exciting, they are too dangerous.

"Master ... hasn't eaten enough ..."

Seeing Li Fan put on his pants, Murong Ai was slightly wronged.

"Little love, breakfast is here, let's have something normal."

"But ... the most nutritious, they haven't eaten yet ..."

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