My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 374: Wudang Inner Fight

Chapter 374: Wudang Inner Fight

In Tang Wei's heart, it felt like Li Fan was dead.

"Don't worry, our game is next."

Li Fan and Tang Wei played in the second game. The first game was Lu Yishan against Yan Kai.

Yan Kai is still the kind of dangling man, standing on the ring platform and not forgetting to wave to the female audience below.

"I said, Lord Yinbao. This is a matchmaking move, why don't you let your girl come out to make a face."

Yan Kai shouted to the side of Yin Wuchao, "No sister paper, no motivation."


Yin Wuchao is also very speechless, really enough!


Lu Yishan scolded, "People like you have practiced in Wudang Mountain, it is a shame for Wudang Mountain! Today, I will replace the gate and clean up the portal!"


Yan Kai pressed his forehead. "Why is Wudang Mountain always showing you such an idiot, and I am a shame with you. Come here and let me see your Longyang Taiji hand."

"You don't deserve it! Eat me a Taichi Palm first!"

Lu Yishan said, his body had already reached Yan Kai in an instant, and he slaped his head towards Yan Kai's forehead!

The Taiji Palm is not soft, but very firm! A slap of gold and jade is possible! Yan Kai apparently knew this, but he did not dodge, but let the slap fall to his own head.


Lu Yishan's Taiji palm tilted aside and Yan Kai released his strength.

Lu Yishan was very surprised. Although he heard that Yan Kai's work was great, shouldn't his internal strength be abolished! Why is his inner Tai Chi still able to block his strong Tai Chi palm?

In Lu Yishan's mind, Yan Kai should have been half-futile!

"Yu Yishan, right, you are a bit talented."

Yan Kai put his hands behind his back and looked at the former classmate in front of him. "Wu was elected to come out of you, it may indeed make some sense. However, compared to Dao, you are far worse."

Yan Kai's Tai Chi Kung Fu practice is amazing. Although he is not very concerned about the practice of practice, after all, his talent is here. Among the extraordinary darts, Yan Kai is the highest in terms of pure martial arts talent. Li Fan just occupied the advantage of pure Yang body, while Guan Wenbao had no talent, relying on his own efforts.

Yan Kai's words made Lu Yishan very unconvinced. When he went down the mountain, Master once looked after himself. If you meet Yan Kai in the arena, try your best to avoid him. Don't meet, don't argue.

On what basis! Isn't he a successor to Wudang Mountain, is it better than a traitor!

In Wudang Mountain, I can always hear others compare him to Yan Kai! How can he be so honorable as a traitor! This time Lu Yishan met Yan Kai, and he made a decision on the fly, which was to clear the portal so that no one like Yan Kai would be on the river!

"Yan Kai, today is your death!"

Lu Yishan said, as soon as he stepped on the ground, the stone bricks on the platform were stepped on by him, and the tremor flew up.

Lu Yishan runs qigong and hands together, these stone bricks immediately spin up, compress into a ball in front of him, and spin around.

"Yan Kai! Pick me up!"

Lu Yishan said, roaring, and pushed out the stone ball with both hands! The stone ball flew against the ground, and the floor was ripped apart by the force above it.

"The boy's internal strength must be seven or eight."

Yin Wuchao sat on his head, looking at the ball of stone, couldn't help but praise it. It is said that Wudangshan is full of talents. Seeing it today is worthy of the name.

But Yan Kai still stretched out one hand, patted against the stone ball, and then around.

The stone ball fell into his arms and turned in front of him, as if it had become a toy, his lethality was gone.


Lu Yishan was taken aback. He did not expect that his skill would not hurt Yan Kai at all!

"Yin and Yang have two forces, Fang is Tai Chi."

Yan Kai said slowly, as if teaching the same colleague in front of him, "Although your internal skills are good, but Tai Chi is not good enough."

With that, he also stretched out his other hand, and dialed the stone ball with both hands!


The earth seemed to tremble a bit, all the floor tiles of this platform were attracted by the power on the stone ball, desperately gathered towards the stone ball! In the blink of an eye, the stone ball sucked an unknown number of stone bricks, expanded ten times in size, and hovered above Yan Kai's head. Li Fan felt that this girl seemed to be able to let go.

"Your Tai Chi Gong is far from good!"

Yan Kai satirically satirically, "Next time I want to clamor, I will practice my kung fu first, then I will talk!"

Lu Yishan just stayed a little bit, but his eyes suddenly became fierce.

This Lu Yishan has a good body style. At the foot of his foot, the whole person immediately arrived in front of Yan Kai. It seemed that he wanted to make a fast break before Yan Kai had not done anything!

He patted his head towards Yan Kai's chest, Yan Kai believed in his Taiji power, and let Lu Yishan slap him on his chest!

"Longyang Taiji Hands!"

But this time, Lu Yishan laughed!

Yan Kai felt that Lu Yishan's inner strength was on his chest. His Taiji power guided this force and was ready to return to Lu Yishan. But Lu Yishan's strength pressed the anger, turned into double, and returned to Yan Kai's chest!


Yan Kai seemed to be hit by a big car head-on. He flew out like a kite with a broken line and fell on the edge of the ring. The gravel above his head fell off and hit the platform.


Even Yan Kai spit out blood. He was slightly stingy, apparently receiving minor internal injuries.

Longyang Taiji hands even turned retroactively on Qi! Yinqi and Yangqi, the power of Taiji, the Taiji they learned are the true qi that guides each other according to the laws of nature, and everything must conform to the will of God! The Longyang Taiji Hand is a retrograde application, forcing the reverse control of Qi, which hurts others!

Looking at Lu Yishan again, there was blood on the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he did not hurt himself very much!

No wonder it was hidden in the snow, this is indeed a wicked move!

But Lu Yishan didn't think so. While taking advantage of Yan Kai's weakness, he jumped to Yan Kai's side, and at the same time slap him down to Yan Kai's Tian Ling Gai.

"The chief of Wudang! It's mine!"

Yan Kai saw a trace of obsession in Lu Yishan's eyes!

I don't know why, Yan Kai was there. Looking at Lu Yishan, he seemed to see that stubborn self.

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