My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 390: Are you afraid

390 Are you afraid

Yin Wuchao seemed to be fierce, and Li Fan resisted slightly, and the bright moon knife was getting closer to Li Fan's nose!

Just then, Miss Yin, who was standing on the stage, suddenly lifted her hijab, shook a pearl of her head, and shouted at her father.

"Enough! Stop it!"

When Li Fan heard this voice, he immediately felt familiar. When he turned his head, his scalp became numb.

Nima ... Isn't this Yin Xiaoru!

Shit, co-author Yin Xiaoru is Miss Yin? Miss Yin is Yin Xiaoru? Li Fan felt that his mind was not enough for a while, but everything seemed reasonable. This Yin Xiaoru was originally a flying cat, flexible and changeable. It is also very likely that she will disguise herself as Miss Yin.

And everyone around saw that the young lady of Yin's family was indeed a national beauty.

"Dad, don't fight, let us go."

Yin Xiaoru begged.

"Xiaoru, there's nothing for you to talk about!"

The seemingly easy-going Yin Wu dynasty, at this time, took on a force of arrogance and treated his daughter very severely!

"Dad, I really don't want to marry someone, do you have to force me?"

"Matchwords, parents' orders!"

Yin Wuchao was really powerful enough to talk to his daughter freely while consuming internal force with Li Fan, "what the old man said, listen!"

"I'm not your puppet again!"

Yin Xiaoru justified, "I have the final say in my life, don't you arrange it!"

"Oh, what a big breath! Really stiff wings!"

Yin Wuchao stared coldly at his daughter, "So you brought this boy, thinking he could protect you out? Isn't you too underestimated your father?"

"Anyway, I won't stay! You let us go!"

"Xiao Ru, it seems that you still have fantasies about this kid."

Yin Wuchao sneered, "Although the boy is good, he is still decades away from the old man! What's more, this breaks your mind!"

Speaking of it, Yin Wuchao suddenly lifted his leg and struck Li Fan's abdomen directly. Li Fan flew out and fell **** the edge of the ring. He spit out blood in a big mouth, obviously not bad.

"The old man killed him now, let you stop thinking about it, obediently stay here to marry!"

Yin Wuchao said, holding his own moon knife, and walked towards Li Fan.

"Dad, you, are you crazy! Kill him, the people of Murong Villa will not let go of Golden Eagle Fort!"

"Who was I afraid of Golden Eagle Fort!"

Yin Wuchao said in a loud voice, "What's more, this boy has family affairs to marry you. I killed him, it can be considered as a curse for Murong Village!"

"Don't think!"


Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai didn't dare to delay, both of them stepped on the light work and rose into the air. One person held the Yueyue sword, the other pulled out the sword in the waist and attacked toward Yin Wuchao!

And Yin Wuchao sneered, "You can't help it!"

He waved two knives and knocked them both. At the same time, Yin Wuchao reversed his knife edge and was ready to pierce Li Fan's heart.

"Dad, don't kill him ..."

Just then, Yin Xiaoru thumped and knelt down towards Yin Wuchao.

"Don't you want to kill him ... daughter ... if you don't leave ..."


Yin Wuchao was a stunner, and then came to understand.

"I didn't expect to be a father. You have a certain friendship with this boy."

"Dad, you don't have to kill him. You can let your daughter marry anyone."

Yin Xiaoru begged hard, Yin Wuchao did not embarrass her, and nodded.

"Okay, since you asked for it, then it will be in your face for your father and save him. You will marry Huashan for a lucky day!"

With a big wave of Yin Wuchao's hand, it seems that this determines Yin Xiaoru's future.


Yin Xiaoru knelt there, tears streaming down.

"Go and get the lady back."


Several Golden Eagle fortresses were about to move, but Li Fan growled.

"Old pass, Yan Kai, protect Miss Yin!"


The two got up from the ground, stepped on Qing Gong, returned to Yin Xiaoru's side, and repelled the guards.

"You, you guys?"

Yin Xiaoru was startled and wiped a tear.

"Your boy, you really are dead!"

Yin Wuchao raised his own moon knife and aimed at Li Fan.

"The eldest husband was born in the world.

Li Fan slowly got up, and half-knelt on the ground, "I promised to protect Miss Yin from this Golden Eagle Fort!"

"Are you a fool! For one sentence, as for your life?"

Yin Xiaoru shouted at Li Fan.

"What do you ladies know!"

Li Fan laughed, "If I can't protect you, what's the point of my Li Fan alive! Come here, Lord Yinbao, just warm up just now, let me teach you some more!"

"You're so boney!"

Yin Wuchao handed the long sword to a guard next to him and raised his fists. "It's too cheap to chop you. The old man is going to smash your whole bones and punches, and let your boy finally ask the old man to kill you!"

With that said, Yin Wuchao walked over and fought with Li Fan again. Li Fan suffered internal injuries, and his internal strength was not as good as Yin Wuchao. After all, he was still defeated and was defeated quickly.

"I thought that if I learned a little bit, would the world be invincible? It was a joke!"

Yin Wuchao said, smashing Li Fan's right arm with a punch, "Break your right arm first, this is a punishment for nobody in your eyes, dare to make trouble in Golden Eagle Fort!"

Then, Yin Wuchao interrupted Li Fan's left arm with another punch, "Break your left hand again, and warn you how to deceive your husband!"

Later, Yin Wuchao severed Li Fan's left leg again. Li Fan gritted his teeth and stood there against his right leg.

"Broken your left leg is to let you know that there are people outside, there is sky outside!"

Yin Wuchao finally broke Li Fan's right leg, and Li Fan finally made a splash and fell to the ground.

"Fold your right leg again, and let you fear from now on, and understand the horror of the old man!"

Yin Wuchao squatted on the ground, dragging Li Fan's hair and pulling his head up.

"Boy, are you afraid?"

"Hurry up, save him!"

Yin Xiaoru asked Guan Wenbao, who was still guarding himself, and ganged up with the guards of the Golden Eagle Fortress.

"Grace orders me to protect you here."

Guan Wenbao said without hesitation.

"Smelly girl, don't talk nonsense!"

Yan Kai was also impatient. "The kid is deadly! What he decides, since he is a brother, should be supported by his life!"

Yin Xiaoru felt that these people were really crazy!

"My husband asks you, are you afraid?"

Yin Wuchao snarled at Li Fan, "The old man has a kind heart, and now if you admit it, the old man will let you go!"

"Since you have a kind heart, can you let me leave with my customers?"

Li Fan asked with a smile with a fishy smell.

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