My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 396: Good and evil can't be separated

Volume 396

Brother-in-law's business does not like to let others pay. With this temper, Murong Ai is hard to say anything. In fact, she especially wanted to help her brother-in-law. Isn't it a matter of money? A security company, a small model, doesn't cost much.

"But that 200,000 is only enough for two months."

Lin Yuexian said, "If no more income is generated, after two months, everyone will drink Northwest wind. We now have a lot of security personnel, only to protect one market, more than enough."

"I know what you mean, it should be arranged for them to do some other work."

Li Fan nodded. It is true that the people of the security company should do other projects to protect only one market. This income is not enough.

"I'll let Lingtian arrange the business for us."

Li Fan thought for a while, and then laughed again, "This guy's business network is very wide. Let him handle it, there should be no problem."

"Hope this legal counsel you are looking for is useful."

Lin Yuexian couldn't help but whispered **, "I'm drunk too. There is even a legal consultant for such a small company ... it's another useless expense ..."

"This is not useless overhead!"

Li Fan immediately pleaded, "Because of Ling Tian, ​​I can smoothly get out of the prison! And he is very important to us. Starting a company, especially this kind of company, we can't do it without a legal adviser."

"Yes, you always make sense!"

Lin Yuexian said nothing to Li Fan's excuses. This guy always has a bunch of excuses waiting for himself!


Li Fan took out his mobile phone and dialed it directly to Ling Tian.

After a few minutes, he hung up.

"That's it. There is a newly opened night club. A group of people will go there for security tomorrow."

Li Fan squinted his eyes at Lin Yuexian. "It's been negotiated. You should talk to Ling Tian more."

"Talk to your sister."

Lin Yuexian gave Li Fan a hard look and then said, "Well, I will talk to him more."

Since it is for the company that everyone created together, Lin Yuexian can only bear it.

"However, you talked to Ling Tian about the market."

Lin Yuexian couldn't help asking, "Do you want him to solve this problem?"

"This kind of thing that needs an idea, either talk to Bai Linluo or talk to Ling Tian."

Li Fan gave Lin Yuexian an idea. "But it ’s good to have Bai Linluo do the right thing. If this is a social thing, Ling Tian's method will be more effective."

"I see, co-authoring you is just throwing your hand at the shopkeeper."

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes, and Li Fan laughed, "I have something else to do. I am more like the spiritual leader of this group! And the company's banner will be louder with me."

Li Fan is the owner of this company, more like the company's spokesperson.

"Okay, that's all for now."

Lin Yuexian suddenly hesitated.

"What's wrong, does the company have any other questions?"

"It's not ... the company's problem."

Lin Yuexian was still a little bit contorted, and Murong Ai poked aside, "Where has the fierce look just gone, this will start to tremble again!"

"Your little sister-in-law should have two classes on parenting."

"Do you want to fight?"

Murong Ai appeared cold in her left hand and became very white. And Li Fan held her left hand, and resolved her infuriating icy palm.


Lin Yuexian said with irony, "Did you practice martial arts to attack ordinary people?"

"Of course not, don't worry about Xiao Ai, she just has a bad temper, and I will discipline her well."


Murong Ai grimaced at Lin Yuexian and looked unconvinced.

"Well, in the first year, can I worship my uncle and aunt for a year ..."

When Lin Yuexian said this, her face was already ashamed.

"This is a bit difficult."

Li Fan is very embarrassed.

"Why don't you be able to worship for a year! You are too stingy! Li Fan, classmate Li, what do you think of me, a pretty little girl? A free intelligent labor?"

Lin Yuexian seemed to be furious, and came up with a series of growls that scared everyone else in the noodle shop.

It is rare for a beautiful girl to make such a big fire! Even Li Fan was startled. How long has Lin Yuexian been suppressed?

"It's not what you think……"

Li Fan explained, "It's not just you, it's impossible for me to give my parents a Happy New Year."

"Ah, did uncle and aunt die ... I don't know, sorry ..."

Lin Yuexian was taken aback, Li Fan was even crying.

"I'm sorry, these two did not die, but went on vacation. Tiannanhaibei, I don't know where they are. I only received the information from my mother two days ago, telling them that they are abroad A year later. "


Hearing Li Fan's explanation, Lin Yuexian was also speechless. This pair of parents is a bit too unreliable ...

"So, it's not that I don't want you to pay New Year. It's really a bit impossible ..."

"Okay, it's my fault. I shouldn't be so angry, sorry."

Lin Yuexian even apologized to Li Fan, Li Fan even suspected that he heard it wrong!

"If you have the chance, I will let you see my parents ... if they remember my son ..."

"Any parents who don't care about their children, they will definitely come back."

"Hopefully, anyway, I am doing fine myself now."

Li Fan shrugged.

"All right ... that's all for today ... I, I'm leaving ... the company still has some accounts to deal with, if there is time in the evening, come to the company.


Years ago, there was always some account processing, Li Fan could understand.

"See you that night."

"See you tonight."

When Li Fan and Lin Yuexian and Murong Ai got along, Ling Tian was sitting in his office and called someone.

"Yes, when the news is released, it is said that the old bazaar, extraordinary security has been temporarily withdrawn."

Ling Tian put down the phone and called Li Fan again.

"Within three days, the remaining users will obediently pay."

"Okay, I know."

Li Fan put down the phone, and he had already returned home with Murong Ai at this time. The house was clean, and there were large boxes in the living room. Iron pillars were sorting out some clothes.

"Aunt, you are back, we should go."

"Go back on your own, I will be in New Year A."

With a word, Li Fan choked Tie Zhu. And Murong Ai shrugged his shoulders, meaning I had persuaded him.

"what did you say?"

Murong Ying, wearing a violet cheongsam, slowly walked down the stairs.

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