My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 401: Back to her family

Episode 401

"No matter what you expect of me, I am me."

Li Fan stubbornly said, "Sooner or later, one day, I will beat you together, lady!"

"Okay, I look forward to that day."

Murong Ying said, "I hope it won't be long, because you are still far behind!"

"Catch up soon, you have to work hard."

Li Fan can now run two forms at the same time, which greatly improves his combat effectiveness. Therefore, Li Fan's self-confidence is now relatively high. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that his return was stuck on the bottleneck. Without breaking through this bottleneck, his internal strength could not be improved.

"Your current strength is the power of the five dragons."

Murong Ying crossed her hands, with a proud smile, "I am now the force of the four tigers in Kowloon, a generation of masters, and I am only one step away."


Li Fanqi wanted to scold his mother. This Murong Ying didn't know where the monster came from, and her ability to practice was too strong! She is only 20 years old. Is she about to break through a generation of masters?

If Murong Ying knew Li Fan's thoughts, she would probably be depressed enough. After all, Murong Ying learned martial arts at the age of 3 and has been studying for 17 years to achieve today's achievements!

How long does Li Fancai practice martial arts? One year! It's just one year!

In this year, he turned from a high school student who did not know any boxing skills to a master of martial arts who reached the peak! Who can do it? Even Liu Jinchen, the Confederate ally of the time, was not so talented!


Murong Ying suddenly remembered, as if Liu Jinchan was also a master of pure Yang body!

And he seemed to have several extreme beauties around him, martial arts high strength. hateful! How good it would be if you also had a pure yang body!

God is really unfair, why give a pure Yang body to a man!

"I'm looking forward to when you will let me fight all out."

Murong Ying started provoking Li Fan, after all, she was somewhat unconvinced.

"I won't let you wait too long ... and there is one thing I need to explain."

Li Fan decided to explain something first.

"Oh? Tell me?"

Murong Ying exchanged her legs so that Li Fan couldn't help lowering her eyes.

"Look at it again, and dug your eyes."

"The scenery is good, why can't you see it?"

"You **** die!"

"Then you kill me."

Li Fan played a rogue look, making Murong Ying really love and hate!

"Say your business first! Just leave it alone!"

"Oh yes, I just patronized the scenery and almost forgot to say the business."

"You're bullshit!"

"Look at you, talk about business, why are you off topic again."


Murong Ying shattered the door and shook hands.

"You should drive a tank next time ..."

Li Fan is very speechless. This woman always likes to get good things out.

"Come on! Otherwise there will be no chance!"

"Okay, then I can say that."

Li Fan said, "It is still the third chapter of our law, just as Tie Zhu said. When I arrive at Murong's house, I will give you enough face. However, if the old man in your family is too provocative ... ! "

"You better stand it."

Murong Ying reminded, "He's the real generation of masters ... the extent to which they can't be imagined."

"How strong is a generation master?"

"You can't imagine ... until you reach this height."

When Murong Ying said it, she spoke with awe. What makes this proud martial arts leader awesome ... must be the kind of power at the top!

"In the rivers and lakes, a generation of grand masters is very rare. The masters of each generation can be said to be national treasures! Most of the previous Jin Yiwei's uniforms broke through the last prohibition with evil attacks and became a generation. Grandmaster. Didn't you see his power? "

"Seeing it is quite strong."

"Oh, that's just that he has just entered a generation of Grand Masters, and he hasn't understood it yet."

Murong Ying's words surprised Li Fan, "He showed only one-tenth of the power."

"A grand master is so strong?"

"Have I lied?"

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a white look. "Every generation of old masters in the rivers and lakes are national treasures. There are rules in the rivers and lakes, and they are not easy to shoot. Because once they shoot, the rules of the rivers and lakes ... It will be changed. "

"What about the leaders of the four alliances? What are their strengths?"

"They are far behind."

Murong Ying smiled disdainfully, "Several children who have reached the top of the mountain, dare to call the leader."

Murong Ying is the leader of the martial arts, and they are the leaders of their own alliance. Although this weight is not the same, Murong Ying still feels a little bit upset.

"Their ambitions far exceed their strength."

Murong Ying only left such a comment, "In short, you have to be careful about them."

"Okay, basically we won't have a chance to meet."

"Are you sure?"

Murong Ying smiled sweetly, "Every year, the four so-called allies, all come to worship for a year."

"Wipe, is your house so lively?"

"It's more lively than you think."

Murong Ying first gave Li Fan a shot, "Murong's family is quite a lot. Don't be too surprised then."

"Last time I went ... not much!"

"Not all of them live in Murong's house, but they will return when the New Year."

Murong Ying introduced, "My father has three brothers, and each of them gave birth to many children, plus some of my father's cousins, cousins, etc ... various branches ... to be honest, even me Until now, I haven't remembered how many identical or different sisters I have ... "

"Wipe, there are too many of them!"

Li Fan feels his head is big. He hates to deal with this situation the most. When his parents asked him to say hello to a relative he didn't know, Li Fan felt particularly upset. Is there anything wrong, and he didn't know those people, how could he say hello kindly as soon as he came up?

"Do I need to say hello to them?"

"That's not necessary, just be polite."

"If you ca n’t be polite?"

"Don't go too far ... I have to be polite!"

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a stern glance. "In short ... I will try my best to keep you away from unnecessary entertainment."

Murong Ying was able to say this, and she was very forgiving to Li Fan. Li Fan was also embarrassed to ask too much. Since the fiancée conceded, he also wanted to show a man's temperament.

"That's good, then I will try to be as polite as possible."

I don't know why, Li Fan has started to feel headache.

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