My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 403: Chinese New Year

403 讲 New Year

"Sakura, what tone do you have? How could you talk to your dad like this?"

Murongbo was distressed, "I am a man, a father and a mother, it ’s easy for me to pull you both up! Now that I ’m growing up, I ’m actually asking a dad for an outsider ... Dad ’s heart is good pain……"

"Dad, how can you say that!"

Murong Ai also started to argue with reason, "My brother-in-law and we are one family! He came all the way, but you let him sleep in the room, let alone brother-in-law can tolerate it, everyone who is such a strong sister is a little bit affected No more! "

"Xiao Ai, why did you go out and live for a while, and you also talked to that outsider?"

Murongbo's eyes were red again, "I am a man, and also a father and a mother, pulling you two to the big ..."

"Are you Xianglin 嫂!"

Murong Ying couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Li Fan is my husband. If you do this, you are driving me away."

"How come, Dad misses you too late, how could he drive you away!"

Murong Bo said quickly.

"Sakura, you have to be considerate. There are many people in the family and few rooms. Besides, what's wrong with the room, isn't it a hundred times better than where the kid lived before? Don't forget, if it was because of Murong's family, he still lives In a broken house leaking from all sides! "

"Just because you always do this ..."

Murong Ying suddenly felt tired and couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it, I'm tired, go to rest, dad, good night."

Murong Ying said, turning around and leaving, Murong Bo couldn't stop it.

"Then I'm leaving, too, good night dad!"

Murong Ai also ran away with her sister. Murong Bo stopped several times. None of the two daughters stayed!

"What a joke, neither of these children will grow up!"

Murong Bo was a little depressed, and Jiang Feng was standing beside him. He heard Murong Bo getting angry and stepped forward. "Master, don't be angry. Guests should come to see you later."

Originally, Murong Bo was going to see his guests with his two daughters. When he heard Jiang Feng say this, he looked pale.

"Okay, well, I almost forgot the business and let the guests come in."

"Yes, sir."

The butler stood there, nodded immediately, and opened the door to welcome the guests.

According to previous years, there should have been a group of guests rushing in, but this year seems to be a little different. There are very few guests outside the door and it seems that they have no spirit. The squadron that should have flown in to celebrate the New Year did not know where to go.

"Where are they?"

Murong Bo frowned, even the representatives of the four major leagues were gone! These people, looking for themselves in the past, want to win over themselves. Even if you can't attract yourself, you have to be close to yourself and win your support. But this year, none of them appeared!

"Mr. Murong, I'm really sorry, everyone thought you had fallen asleep earlier this year."

A master of the small lakes and martial arts arched his hand and explained, "So everyone ... went to visit Li Shaoxia ..."


Murong Bo almost vomited blood! This **** bastard!

Li Fan, he is definitely his own nemesis!

"That being the case, I have to worship my prospective son-in-law."

Murongbo said, regardless of the guests who stayed waiting for him, he went straight out of the hall.

But at this moment, Li Fan was harassed. The good-looking cabins should have been a cleanup place where nobody disturbed them. Unexpectedly, soon after settling here, a group of visitors came uninvited.

A group of people claimed to be the representatives of the four major federations. They did not allow themselves to rest and surrounded themselves. Alas, they kept clamoring to make friends with Li Fan, worshipped, and even pulled their sisters directly to be a concubine!

Sitting in these people, Li Fan felt like he was upset in a cage surrounded by a group of ducks.

"Friends, I'm really sorry. I'm used to being alone and don't want to join any alliance!"

Li Fan's words were very faint and did not have any effect. These people were even more embarrassed.

"You ... don't you understand me ..."

Li Fan is very upset, he feels that these people seem to be in trouble with him!

"Brother Li, you are still young."

A man with a westerly wind and a gentle wind patted Li Fan's shoulder with a smile. "With your skill and joining the Alliance, you will definitely become the right arm of our leader! These times he often mentioned you and said that he always wanted to follow See you, young man. "

"I'm just a high school student, and you are exalted me."

Li Fan immediately resigned, "What I want to do at the moment is to study hard. I don't really have the idea of ​​joining the alliance or the like."

"The rivers and lakes are as big as a whirlpool."

And a white tiger man wearing armor said, "Even if you don't want to come in, you will be involved in this torrent sooner or later. Therefore, it is better to make a choice early than to be forced to make a choice."

"This friend, it's funny."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Although my martial arts time is not long, no one has dared to force me to make a decision."

"Li Shaoxia is brave and motivated, and there have been rumors in the arena."

The representative of Ce Ma Xiao's Westerly said with a smile, seemingly not angry with Li Fan's words.

"The youth was frivolous. I thought that when I was Li Shaoxia, I was so spirited. Until I saw how old the rivers and lakes were.

"Why, would you like to give me a lesson?"

Li Fan smiled.

"Do you all feel like my teacher? I think the weather is good tonight and the moon is just right. Maybe you have made a move, how about it? Maybe that way, you will feel better.

"It's almost New Year's Day, and it's not our style to do it by hand."

The representative of Zema Xiaozefeng still said with a smile, "Although Li Shaoxia is a martial artist, he knows little about the rules of the rivers and lakes."

"Routine rules?"

"Li Shaoxia, I'm sorry, the rules of the rivers and lakes are close, and it is not appropriate to use force."

Li Fan is very speechless, and there are too many messy rules in the arena!

"The use of military force in the year will bring murderous power. Even martial arts fighters hope to have a stable year."

A familiar voice appeared in Li Fan's ear, and then the most disgusting figure came over.

"You're very busy here, my son-in-law."

Murongbo stood with his hands on his backs. I don't know why, the snow came to him, as if to stop.

The spirit of Murongbo has been so strong. Even the weather couldn't approach him.

Li Fan just looked at Murong Bo so quietly. How strong is a generation master?

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