415 Night Crash

Xia Xuan was quite confident in his sword school, and Li Fan hadn't seen the other three sword schools, so he didn't know what was going on. However, it is foreseeable that tomorrow's Jianjian conference will be very lively.

Xia Yan sent Li Fan to Chen Junhua's room.

This Chen Junhua is a celebrity in Huashan, but the room she lived in was quite simple. There was only a small thatched house with a simple bed inside, a small wooden table next to it, and the floor was still covered with cement.

Li Fan sat down at the table, but Xia Ling did not leave, but sat on the bed with her buttocks.

"It's late, why don't you leave?"

Li Fan couldn't help but ask, can't this little girl go to bed with herself? Keke, think too much.

"The three older brothers just told me to teach the younger brother Zihua from Huashan."

Xia Yan said, "After all, just a few tips, I will pass it to you by mouth, you must remember."

Word of mouth ... Li Fan looked at Xia Yun's little ruddy lips, and couldn't help but be a little bit evil.

"You listen well, you must ask me where you can't remember!"

Xia Yan reminded.

"Okay, trouble sister."

I don't know how magical this Ziqi is from east, but since Chen Junhua said that it can effectively deal with the demon, it should have some effect.

Li Fan listened to Xia Xun chanting the formula, and listened to both sides.

He adjusted his breathing according to the know-how on breathing, and sure enough, he felt a lot clearer in his ears, and he seemed to have a smoother heartbeat.

This breathing technique is indeed useful, which makes Li Fan's mentality adjustment smoother. Li Fan felt that, at a critical time, using this breathing technique was like giving himself a shot of a sedative.

"How is it effective?"

When Li Fan opened his eyes, he found that Xia Ling was standing in front of himself, bending over, pressing his hands on his knees, and looking at his face and concern from below.

"Well, it's very useful. Huashan's Kung Fu is really profound."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, and rushed to this breathing technique.

"That's good!"

Xia Xuan was relieved. "I was really worried just now. You suddenly went into trouble!"

"Haha, am I so scary?"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, reached out his hand subconsciously, and touched Xia Yi's head.

"Little sister is so cute, I can't bear to hurt you."

"To you, I'm not a kid, how can you touch my head!"

Xia Xi angrily let go of Li Fan's hand, "It wasn't tall at all! It wouldn't be long to touch it!"

"Sister, girls are 18 years old, and basically they will not grow any longer."

Li Fan really couldn't bear to tell Xia Xie this cruel fact, but she couldn't expect her to be empty, she was so kind after all!

"So ... you better give up those cranks early ..."

"Don't lie to me! The head said, Twenty-three, stunned!"

"That's talking about boys!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not talking about girls, my little sister."

"Well, I don't believe you! I'm sure I can grow up to eight heads!"


Li Fan said nothing about Xia Yuan's expectation, this woman thinks too well! Also eight heads ...

"You're doubting sister!"

Xia pursed his lips, expressing indignation at Li Fan's questioning, "Sister Shi is very angry, the consequences are serious!"

"Yes, yes, Sister must be able to grow to eight heads ... No, where can eight heads meet sisters, sisters can grow to ten heads, hundred heads!"

"Go to you, then it will become a monster!"

Xia Yan gave Li Fan a harsh white look.

"But I think it's so nice to look like this."

Li Fan suddenly said, "I don't know what sister wants to grow to eight heads, for what?"

"What do you know! People want long legs too!"

"As the saying goes, women are good for themselves."

Li Fan asked, "Which elder sister did you grow taller for?"

"Going to you, love for boys and girls, can't arouse my sister's interest."

Xia Xie said generously, "And I have only brother feelings for those brothers! They are all too stuffy, especially the big brother and the three big brothers, one is stuffy cannon, and the other is sword fool, who Will be interested in such boys! "

"What does Prince Shima look like in her mind?"

Li Fan was interested. "Speaking and listening, I know some reliable guys, maybe there are some who meet the requirements of the sister."

"There are men everywhere on Huashan. I will introduce you!"

Xia Xie stood up and patted Li Fan's shoulder. "Little brother, your kindness, the sister took the lead! But I also advise you not to think about these men and women, just because you always remember them. It ’s easy to get into trouble! I think your talent is still very good, practice your sword well, maybe you will surpass me one day! ”

This girl doesn't know her own strength, and when she tried with Chen Junhua before, she only used the sword trick, and neither of them had used her energy.

"Okay, it's late, and I won't bother the younger brother to rest. Hee hee, although I don't know when you leave, but don't forget, on Huashan, you still have my sister ! "

Xia Xie said to Li Fan with a smile, "If you have anything you can't do, please come and ask me! As long as I don't violate the Huashan principle, I will know everything and say everything!"

"Then thank you sister first."

Li Fan was about to say goodbye to Xia Xun, and suddenly, there was a crackling sound on the roof. Although the voice was not loud, it attracted the attention of Li Fan and Xia Yan.

"Yeah, what sound?"

Xia Ye looked up and glanced at the ceiling. "Is it raining outside?"

"My sister didn't want to say anything. Someone came to the room with a little effort."

"Who's running around on the roof this night?"

"Surely it won't be a good person. Sister wants to come over with me and see?"

Li Fan thought, would Yin Wuchao trouble him?

Then he took Xia Ye over, and he could also be a notary, so as not to be too much trouble with the Yin Wu dynasty.

"Okay! I also want to see who is so brave, dare to pretend in my Huashan, hum!"

When Xia Ling heard it, she also lost her temper. She put her hand on the hilt of the sword and seemed to be attacked, but she was suppressed by Li Fan.

"That sister comes with me."

Li Fan said, pedaling lightly, like a plume of smoke, floated out of the door and lightly went to the roof.

"Oh my little brother, wait for me!"

Xia Xun hurried out after chasing out, she will be a lot worse in light work, and spent a lot of effort to barely catch up with Li Fan.

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