My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 422: Big inversion

422 Reverse

Earth sword school, is good at the endless stream of sword moves.

The Huashan School ’s sword moves are simple, because the Tianjian School advocates sword intention. But the Sword Sect is different. Each of them can evolve dozens of tricks, making the sword technique extremely complicated.

This set of Huashan swordsmanship was exhibited in Yangchun Forest, and even Tang Yao couldn't help clapping his hands to praise it.

"Yang Chunlin deserves to be my disciple of Huashan.

"Are you still feeling proud of my disciples?"

Wang Runliang sneered. "Soon, your disciples will lose."

"Don't underestimate Junhua."

Tang Yao was not in a hurry, but said leisurely, "He is a disciple carefully cultivated by this seat, and his strength, this seat is very convinced."

"You are as arrogant as your apprentice!"

Wang Runliang pouted, "Huashan faction is managed by someone like you, and it will sooner or later collapse!"

"The Huashan faction is strong and can last for hundreds of years. Our kendo is not extinct, which is why we are strong."

"It's all nonsense!"

Wang Runliang snorted. "Don't give me a chance. Once you give me a chance, I will definitely defeat you and leave you in a state of nowhere!"

"You have to change your temper."

Tang Yao sat there and smiled and asked Yang Yuansheng, the great disciple behind him.

"Yuan Sheng, look at him, who will win?"

"Although Master Yang's swordsmanship is sharp, he is far from understanding the power of swordsmanship."

Yang Yuansheng said, "Without three moves, Master Yang will lose."

"Nonsense, Chunlin will win!"

As soon as Wang Runliang's words landed, Chen Junhua had already flew Yang Chunlin's sword with a sword.

"Your sword is empty but skillful."

Chen Junhua reminded Yang Chunlin who was half-kneeling there, "Communicate well with your sword, this is not bad for you."

"It's not up to you!"

Yang Chunlin seemed a little crazy, "After one year, I want to take your head!"

With that said, Yang Chunlin didn't even need his sword, and jumped directly from the stargazing platform. Although it is a cliff of ten thousand feet, this person has done a good job and will not die here.

"Chunlin ..."

Wang Runliang's eyes were red, but Tang Yao held his shoulders.

"It's time for him to go through some experience."

Tang Yao said, "You have kept him around for too long, Wang is in charge."


Wang Runliang gritted his teeth and said, "If something happens to my baby apprentice, I'll never end with you!"

"Reassurance, there is a masterful attitude."

Tang Yao took a look and no other challengers came on stage.

"It seems that the young master of this session of the Jianjian is Chen Junhua of the Tianjian School."

"This is the end of the Yuxing show, it's time to get on the topic!"

Wang Runliang urged.

"Okay, since Wang is in such a hurry, this seat officially announced that the Sword Contest has entered the second stage."

With that said, Tang Yao stepped onto the stargazing platform with light footwork, "this seat will be the master, and the remaining challengers, you can come on stage."

With Tang Yao, Elder Sword Guards and Elder Palm Swords both flew down and stood on the edge of the stargazing platform. Wang Runliang could not wait to jump to the stargazing platform.

"The Lord of Xiyue this year will be me!"

He seemed to have a winning hand, while the elder palmsword and elder swordguard came along. Elder Palm Sword holds Tang Yao's sword, while Elder Sword Guard holds a silver water basin.

"Head of the king, let's start now."

Tang Yao stretched out his hand, cleaned his hands in the elder's basin, and then was about to get his sword. But at this moment, the elder guard of the sword suddenly lifted the water basin, and the clear water inside was sprinkled towards Tang Yao.

Almost subconsciously, Tang Yao threw up his sleeves and blocked the water curtain. The Elder Sword Guard pulled Tang Yao's Xiyue sword directly from the palm elder's hand, and stabbed towards Tang Yao!

The Elder Palm Sword was suddenly shocked, and pulled out his sword from behind, ready to assist the head. The leaders of the Xuanjian School and the Huangjian School who had been watching the scene before, flew down, jumped into the field, and mingled with this elder sword.

On the field, Xia Ling stopped. Little Master, what did he ... come true? Elder Sword Guards, are they really joining forces with Earth Swordsmen to prepare for rebellion?

"Jincheng, what do you do?"

Tang Yao recoiled while scolding the elder sword guard in front of him.

"What do you need to ask?"

The elder guardian's voice was cold, and he chased Tang Yao to attack, "I want you to die!"

"Sure enough!"

Chen Junhua is about to make a shot, and Master Yang Yuansheng is faster!

He jumped up suddenly and jumped towards his master.

"Master, I'll help you!"

He displayed the five appearances of Yunlong in the air while yelling in his mouth, "You dog thief, take your life!"

In the blink of an eye, he was behind the Elder Guardian, and a sword stabbed towards the Elder Guardian. But the elder guardian was short and avoided his attack.

Yang Yuansheng landed next to his master and said close to him, "Master, come here to help you!"

"Yuan Sheng, you're not his opponent, dodge ..."

Before Tang Yao had finished speaking, Yang Yuansheng suddenly pierced his rib!

Tang Yao's eyes widened, and the sword elder's sword pierced towards Tang Yao's throat!

"Get away!"

The head of the Earth Sword School, Wang Runliang suddenly started. He flew forward, a three-year-old cold friend, hit the elder sword guard, and kicked Yang Yuansheng with one kick.

"Sin beast, even a master!"

This Wang Runliang's hair shuddered and his eyes turned red, like an angry lion.

"Runliang ..."

"Tang Yao, are you okay?"

Wang Runliang supported Tang Yao and glanced at his wound quite worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, this place was so fragile."

Tang Yao stood firm, while Yang Yuansheng patted his dirty clothes and looked at Wang Runliang with a smile.

"Wang Zhangmen, haven't you always wanted to be the Lord of Xiyue. I killed Tang Yao, you should be very happy."

"Fuck your mother-in-law!"

Wang Runliang scolded, "I want to be the master of Xiyue, relying on my skills, my swordsmanship! How would I ever use this despicable method! Thieves, Tang Yao, without opening your eyes, how to raise a dog like you! "

"Don't be angry, just ask me clearly."

When Tang Yao was talking, Chen Junhua was standing silently beside him, and the disciples of Huashan Tianjian School and Dijian School also confronted the disciples of Xuanjian School and Huangjian School.

Two disciples of the Xuanjian School tried to catch Xia Xuan and were knocked to the ground by Li Fan.

"Little master ... they, are they all crazy ..."

Xia Yun's face was pale, and she was a little unconvinced. Why did she suddenly become like this?

"Relax, it's okay."

Li Fan was protecting Xia Yang, and there, Tang Yao was holding his wounds and still asking his apprentice.

"Yuansheng, why are you here?"

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